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Posts posted by betheboo

  1. Exercise is such a great stress reliever! Also watch your diet, I am a firm believer that when you eat like crap you feel like crap! Hang in there, you can do it! I tottally understand where you are coming from.

    I work full time as a rn, going to school full time for my bsn, & I am primary caregiver for my mom who has kidney cancer with mets to the brain. All we can do is focus on getfing threw the day in as healthy way as possible!

  2. I have had the periods of time where I lived on 300 cal/day for up to a month, not b/c I was trying to starve buy b/c I just wasn't hungry. I didn't loose squat! Granted I'm not much better now, I eat around 600~700, but I loose consistantly. My trick to getting my calorie intake up... Avacado's! I eat one every day. They are high in cal, 350 for a medium one, & they are full of great fats & Vitamins :). Not to mention they are delicious!

  3. Be careful with these thoughts they can become compulsive! I am in therapy working out these exact thoughts right now. I became obsessed & repulsed by the way & how much others ate. It got to the point that when we left a resturant I could tell you how much food everyone @ other tables within sight of me had ate & how fast.

    I have actually been advised by my therapist to not go out to eat @ resturants if @ all possible b/c of my anxiety it would cause.

  4. I had a couple of bites of turkey, 1 bite of cranberries, 3 bites of mashed potatoes, & 4 bites of peacan pie for lunch. About 4 bites of pumpkin pie in the afternoon. For supper I had 3 oz of chicken breat with roasted red pepper & avacado. I pretty much eat an avacado every day b/c it helps me get more calories in, plusi love them! .Lol. I've been sticking to Soup mostly lately so I kinda just nibbled :)

  5. So I am sitting here in an airport diner, eating a yummy chef salad, waiting to board a flight in a little over an hour.

    Anyways! I am just writing to say that I am super excited to go on the plane 68 lbs lighter and hopefully fit in the seat much more comfortably! Before I could barely latch the seatbelt, and it was very uncomfortable, without an extender (b/c I was to embaressed to ask for one). Now I feel confident that this will no longer be an issue! Fingers crossed!!!

  6. I thankfully only had to suffer threw 2 gallbladder attacks, the were 2 days in a row, & had an ultradound the second one. I had an ultrasound on a monday & was in surgery @ 10 on wednesday! I knew the surgeon personally so thay helps greatly ;) U will so much better with it out! Plus your diet will improve b/c you'll b able to tolerate high Fiber foods again... Hang in there!

  7. I was very open to everyone from the beginning. I don't personally feel like I have to hide the fact that I had wls from anyone. I've only.ran into one negative nelly & when I explained how hard I had tried in the past without sucess & my food addiction she totally changed her tune & became very supportive. All people look @ this problem differently.... If you don't feel comfortable then by all means don't post anything :)

    Good luck! & congrats on your sucess!

  8. Change up your routine & your diet! Not much info here but if you are exercising try to change things up & make sure your doinf some resistance training to build muscle :). Also give your diet a good look & see if there are some changes you can make there. R u still logging ur calories? do u feel up to a returning to a liquid diet for 5 to 7 days for a little cleanse?

    Also how long have u been platued? A lil more info would make it easier for people to give u hints.

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