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Ms Lady in NC

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ms Lady in NC

  1. It is my fault for being superwoman and not resting once I got back home I know. But in my defense, I did not do it intentionally. There is a lot on my plate right now and I had to handle business. But for the last 2 days I have been taking it easy. Not only because I do not want to get sicker but mainly because of the lack of compassioate care around here. I really refuse to go to the ER again unless I have to and the only surgery group that handles wls is even more anal than the hospital. I woke up Thur nite with a slight fever and some redness to the middle scar on my stomach which was also the one they pulled my stomach thru. Told hubby and then headed to ER. The check-in nurse immediately asked my problem and I told her. She then proceeded to ask me "Well why did you come here after having surgery in Mx?" I stated because the stitches were irritated. She then stated how that's why the economy is messed up now fromm us giving everyone else business. I didn't give her a rebuttal and followed her to my room. The doctor came in and with a very similar attitude, began to tell me how instead of me having a problem with a stitch, I likely had a problem with my surgery and would likely have major complications for going to Mx and getting it done. She then ordered an Xray and eventhough they came back normal, she insisted it was my sleeve and not my stitches, so she ordered another set of very in depth Xrays again. After they came back normal, I asked her if she would at least look at my stictches and she began pressing around my stomach saying how I must have some type of leak and asked if it hurt at all when she pushed down? Finally, I took the gauze off the area myself and said this is the only problem and she looked at me as if I were crazy. Left out the room but sending in a tech to ask for a urine sample. By this time which was 3 hours later, I was irritated and refused and she said she needed to at least get my vitals standing, sitting, and lying down. WTF? I did that and was ready to walk out when the doctor returned with a purple marker and said the surgeon on the floor told her to mark the inflammed area and to refer me to the surgery clinic tomorrow, told me I could keep the pen she used to draw on my belly, and walked out. I was in tears by then. A few mins later, a male nurse came in with 3 pills telling me they were antibiotics and pain meds. I told him I could not take such large capsules and he claimed I was exagerrating. I tool the antibiotic but told him I was driving and refused the pain meds. Immediately I was in pain and tears and was just ready to get away from there. I had no bandage to cover the incision and when I asked them to cover it, they said it was not procedure to work on Mexican mistakes. They dicharged me with having Cellulitis and let me sign myself out. I went to bed after finally getting the pill up and out a hour later. Woke up Fri and was glad I covered it myself because it was soaked and seeping so hubby rushed me back and darn near cursed everyone he came in contact with at the hospital. He told them how he had called the so called "surgery clinic" and was told they couldn't see me because I had my surgery in Mexico instead of there. He stood face to face with the doctor and said they were gonna treat me right hten or else he was gonna bring in reporters and file complaints with several people. In less than an hour I had an ultrasound to see how deep my infection was and luckily it was only beginning and did not need to be opened in their opinion. They gave me liquid pain and antibiotics and ordered me to take it easy with bedrest for the weekend. They even volunteered to admit me if I wished but that came after my personal doctor got hubby's msg of how I was treated. I told them I would be fine to leave and thanked them and left. I know that was a lot to read but I feel the need to vent a bit. I am used to racism, sexism, and even size discrimination. But it really pisses me off that some that can heal refuse to help anyone in need unless they fit their description of who should be helped. My personal doc is supportive and even praised me for doing what I did to try to save my life. When he saw me after I got back he was amazed at how my blood pressure had been normal since the day of surgery. I am so thankful I have him in my corner but am real worried about the future and if I have another issue or an emergency that will not be treated because doctors around here are unwilling to treat me. I am a strong willed, minded person but honestly don't think I would be able to deal with it well. I am healing and taking my meds but want to really let it be known that even if a doctor or surgeon says they will help you after going out of the US to have surgery, be cautious and maybe even if possible get it in writing. I called the same clinic before looking into having wls in Mx and was told, they would see me but that was obviously a lie. They even know me because I had several surgeries over the years done by them but that didn't matter. In the end I feel it boiled down to a discrimination of sorts. Needless to say, they are the only wls professionals in my area but I am now looking for a specialist wiling to take me on outside the area. I just pray no one else has the problem I had and also hope I don't have anymore.
  2. Ms Lady in NC

    Just got sleeved!

    Congrats and hope you reap all the benefits you desire from it !!! I felt just as you the day after surgery and have been on a high every since
  3. Ms Lady in NC

    Stitches Infected (Caution: Long)

    Thanks so much everyone for your support and yes hubby really was my knight in shining armour again! I am feeling better after being ordered by hubby to bedrest and the antibiotics seem to be working against the infection. He will be taking the advice of Beadingnurse and others and filing several formal complaints against both the hospital and surgery center. We shall see what becomes of it. Yes it pisses me eoff as well and now that I am feeling better, I would love a face to face meeting with all parties involved to give them a few choice words. But I am just thankful I did get treated and will do as advised and let the correct authorities handle them.
  4. Ms Lady in NC

    Stitches Infected (Caution: Long)

    I have had 4 prior abdominal surgeries and the incision looked and felt similar to the other 2 times it was infected. It was hot to touch, red, and more sensitive to touch than the others. I had to have one opened and packed to heal from inside out and did not want to go through that pain again so I went to the ER after calling my general doctor on-call and him telling me to go to the ER to check it out.
  5. Ms Lady in NC

    Quick question about drinking

    I am aware of the minimum required but from researching, I estimated it would take some time to work up to that. Thanks for the assurance it's not too soon to be doing so. That's why I love this forum, always someone willing to help Guess I will drink a little more as I am now up to 44. Maybe I will even get close before I go to bed lol. Thx again!
  6. Ms Lady in NC

    Stitches Infected (Caution: Long)

    And so are you to not have given up your fight for a revision! I think we all are stronger than most to be willing to make a change like we have and try to better ourselves and health
  7. Ms Lady in NC

    Food not tasting the same

    I'm still on liquids so don't know about food but liquids def taste diff. I loved diet peach Snapple pre-op but now it makes me sick. Same for my shakes. I can't tolerate them without gagging now. Hopefully it gets better soon for us both. But I was just thinking, maybe the spices or sauce from the pizza made it taste funny to you?
  8. Ms Lady in NC

    Stitches Infected (Caution: Long)

    Thanks, anxiety, depression, and all! But thankfully God was with me thru it all.
  9. Ms Lady in NC

    When will I feel Normal

    I agree with Itilian Mama, it will get better day by day. I am 10 days out and other than a infection in my stitches, have minimal pain. I can even swallow more than a drop without the constant pain. Coughing is good and remember to do your breathing exercises. Pain can be lessened by walking as much as tolerated. I am just learning as I go thru it also so I hope it truly is days and not months to get back to the old me. I doubt I can take too many more of these slow days lol. But I guess we all heal diff like we lose diff. Good luck and hope you feel relief soon
  10. 2nd day home and bout to lay it down but wanted to again say how happy I am that I had the sleeve and not the DS. I believe in time I will adjust to everything and maybe 6 months from now not miss a thing from my old ways of eating. But I'm not gonna lie, that baked chicken hubby cooked looked delish tonite dangit!

  11. Hey sleeve sistah! Haven't heard from you but hope all is well and moving towards your goal. Check ya later. Hugs!

  12. Ms Lady in NC

    This is getting expensive

    I was just thinking the same thing. I already have a purse and shoe addiction so add that to shopping for other things and I'm gonna blow thru my savings in a year! But you getting the bike could be seen as exercise equipment so don't even worry bout it.
  13. Ms Lady in NC

    Seriously need some advice

    My mom in law did the vinegar thing and it actually was the wrong thing for her because instead of it being heartburn, she was having signs of a heart attack. Not trying to scare you but like others have said, please ask your doctor before trying anything for symptoms like those. You are in my prayers and please let us know how everything comes out.
  14. I was worried about it too since I had extremely high blood pressure and cold symptoms but I did take loss of vitamin c and cold meds before and was still permitted after the last checks with cardiologist, anesthesiologist, and doctor. I would say tell them the truth and depending on your tests that day you still have a chance to have it. They will say no if they feel you will be at risk during or after more than you already are now. I had everything you had but the sore throat and I did great. The worst part is the coughing after. Hopefully you will jge near the end of a simple cold by then and nothing more serious. But remember whatever the doc decides is best and he may reschedule in a week so that won't be too bad. Good luck
  15. Ms Lady in NC

    Crying Every Day

    I hope it passes sweetie. If it gets to the pointbthat you begin to feel worst, maybe call your doctor and see what he says that may help. But I agree with the others and think it is part of having surgery. Take care and wish you all the best!
  16. Because I am a planner and researcher I already know that it will take weeks or even months before my sleeve is normal. The little aches and pains in my stomach are normal but it is so strange that they started after I got home yesterday from having surgery Friday. Sunday, was probably the best day and with the exception of the day hof surgery, today is becoming the worst. My doc told me to do 10 days liquids, 10 days full liquids, then start the usual soft food diet working up to full foods. But when I got home and started to drink my juice, Water, and Protein, I get a bad ache in my back between my shoulders. I even woke up twice in pain and tried to sip on water that made it worst afternone sip. If that isn't bad enough, I am dead tired and can't seem to pull myself out of bed eventhough I have a lot I need to do. I know we should take it easy for a few weeks but between the pain and tiredness I am beginning to wonder if I should have waited a while. Did or is anyone else have piain in between shoulder blades? What about thentiredness to the point of not wanting tobget out the bed? I just feel like going back to sleep but know being up andnabout is better. What was your regular routine the first few weeks after surgery? Also, I get two sips in every 30 mins and last nite had to "release" it all before I could fall sleep. I laid down and felt flush, near faint, and said omg, I am having a dumping episode already. So I think today I will just try water and add other things tomorrow.
  17. Ms Lady in NC

    4 day update and questions

    Thx for the advice guys! I didn't think about the anesthesia still affecting me nor having gas pains. I thought I was in the clear with all that yesterday but I just woke up from another nap and believe that may be it. Well I'm off to the biz to walk a bit and make sure hubby hasn't messed things up too bad. Lol
  18. I'm not a whole 24 hours post-op yet but I feel like I could go home. The doctor came in and said I did great and was surprised to hear me walking around like i did. They said I could have some ice chips later but I really just want this iv out. I've walked up and down stairs, walked in circles till I'm dizzy, and did my breathing exercises all with no pain other than the drain rubbing against me. So am I normal or is the pain gonna hit me soon?
  19. Ms Lady in NC

    Feeling too good too soon?

    I am heading home and though I am a bit sore , it is nothing unmanageable. I have to say, it is my own fault because I was shopping for five hours yesterday in Tj and would have continued if my back had not given out. But today thru fri I will be taking it light. Just really glad to be finally going home!
  20. Ms Lady in NC

    Today is the BIG day

    God bless and hope it turns out to be all you desired
  21. Ms Lady in NC

    Feeling too good too soon?

    Glad to see so many say the pain never came back and snuck up on you. Thats what I keep waiting for lol. I checked my weight and the iv does add water weight so hopefully that will go down after I get back home. But other than the gas aches, it is so easy.
  22. Waiting on swallow test then will finally get sum jello or soup. Not hungry but wanna see how it feels. After that, off to hotel, but gonna shop 1st. I really am stunned at how easy this was. I luv luv luv my surgeon, hospital, and coordinator!

  23. Ms Lady in NC

    I am sleeved!

    I am less than 24 hours out and so happy I got it done finally. I will tell you, the gas pain is really bad but no worst than any other abdominal surgery. I still have not had anything to drink so I am really thirsty but feel fine. The staff here at INT is great and so sweet. I will write more on how my trip is when I get to my hotel room but just wanted people to know that my doctor Jaime Ponce De Leon is a very good and caring doctor. I was worried that there wasn't any info on him but I see why now. He doesn't do it for just the money. He does community service ppl don't know about. He even helped ppl unable to pay. A real classy type of dude that I thank so much.
  24. Ms Lady in NC

    I am sleeved!

    Yes I am feeling great. Even walked up and down 2 flights of stairs with no problem. But I am soooo ready to get out of this hospital! I really do believe this could be a outpatient procedure for some ppl like myself. Other than a few hours of gas pain, I did well. But no matter what anyone says, I am leaving tomorrow for hotel room. I hate hospitals and feel they should only be used when necessary.
  25. Can't believe how normal I feel. Waiting on some ice to try my new 4oz stomach out

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