I was banded on April 18th and I'm actually feeling good. Very little pain and discomfort. Really no gas or shoulder pains like the others. I decided to be banded after several years of dieting, excercising, and numerous pills. My last weigh in before being banded was 235 (5'5) and two week post op weigh in was at 221. I have no regrets and I think that is largely due to me making this decision based on me and not what others thought or are thinking. Mind you... I only told my mother and boyfriend, because I didnt want to hear others opionions. I'm happy with the choice I've made and I'm looking forward to my future. I understand that I will have emotional melt downs and I've had a few already. But when I look back....I can honestly say that no one could have made this decision for you... you just know. So whatever decision you make...it sounds like your headed in the right direction. You're losing weight exercising and you will lose weight being banded.