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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by USMCWifeDixon

  1. Hey everyone! My name is Courtney and I was banded 12/09, worst decision of my life. The never worked for me, I was always in pain, and my doctor filled me to much to fast. I spent 16 months living in hell. I am 22 going to be 23 in August, I am a Heath Science student, Married to a Marine, and I completely hate myself. So after a long journey I am finely getting this horrible band out, but now I am getting the VSG. I am so nervous. I feel like the band didn't work for me why would this? It doesn't help that my main supporter, my husband, is in Afghanistan, and my mom well, I never know what shes thinking. What should I expect from the sleeve? My husband will be home 12 weeks after surgery, who much weight do you think I could lose? I am just all around nervous. Thank you for your future support Courtney
  2. Nervous about Getting my band out and switching to Gastric Sleeve.

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