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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by GoCubbies79

  1. I was banded on 3/1/11 and have lost 79 lbs already. I eat between 600 and 700 calories per day. I cannot fit anymore in me. I get alteast 60 grams of Protein per day, 64oz of Water, and keep my fat intake below 25grams per day. I make sure to exercise everyday.
  2. I was banded on 3/1/11 and am so happy I did it. I am glad you are excited about doing this. It truely is a life changing experience. The best advice I can give you is to follow the guidelines the surgeon and staff give you for everything (Diet, Walking, Pain Medication, Etc). The gas pain is a bit uncomfortable but the more you walk around the better it feels. The hardest thing I went through with the gas pain was that I could not push it out. I would walk for 20 minutes and feel the gas move down but because of my abs being sore from the surgery it was tough to push out. The good part is that within a day I was able to start pushing it out. My gas pain was gone in 3 days. Follow the pain medication exactly as the doctor says. I was perscribed hydrocodone and told to take it every 4 hours. This made the pain so much better. Even if you dont feel too much pain continue to take it for atleast the first 4 days because once you stop taking it the pain will come back. My last piece of advice is to go to as many support groups and educational classes as you can. The band is a tool that is set to help us all lose weight but our minds are strong. There are times when I find myself not physically hungry yet my brain is telling me to eat something. Even with the band in place we all still have the psychological triggers, thoughts, and temptations what we all have to deal with. Its very eye opening and educational to find out what causes the triggers and temptations.
  3. GoCubbies79

    Please Help me.....

    Is your surgery the day of the game or is it the day before you are leaving? I was banded on 3/1/2011 and my surgery was at 9am. After my surgery I was in recovery for a few hours then transfered to a room where I spent the day, slept, and was released the next day at 2pm. My surgery had no problems and everything went as planned. The total surgery time was about 45 minutes. When released from the hospital I was put on hydrocodone, a pain medicine. While on the pain medicine you are unable to drive a vehicle. I dont want to be debbie downer but you will be in some pain for about 4-5 days even with the pain medicine. It will take about a week before you feel the pain subside and you will have some pain in your left abdomin where they put the port. After a month you wont even feel the pain from the port.
  4. GoCubbies79

    Memorial Day Challenge

    Thank you LakeGirl88. I believe everyone is doing a fantastic job. Whoever created this should be thanked, this is great motivation for us. I know it has definitely helped me stay on track. We should keep this going until July 4th.
  5. GoCubbies79

    Food Question "Pickles"

    I can not say yes or no because everyone tolerates food differently. I am able to tolerate pickles. I take just a few small slices when I make myself a veggie burger. Just remember to eat in small pieces and chew very well.
  6. As long as you are following the regulated diet by your doctor and nutritionist I would not worry about the weight loss after just 17 days. The first 4 weeks are generally all about healing. The more Protein and Water you intake the faster you will heal and flush out the bad stuff. Everyone is different and will lose at different levels so there is no way to say how much you should lose or expect to lose. The doctor says an average of 2lbs a week is ideal. If you lost 6lbs already you are doing better than 2lbs a week. Congratulations.
  7. I have only had something get stuck twice. Well atleast I think something got stuck and vomitted it up. The first symptom I get is a feeling like something is in the back of your throat. There is no gag reflex but just a feeling of something in your throat. The next thing that happens to me is I get the urge to burpe regularly. After a few burpes I start to burpe up this white/clear foamy saliva stuff. The lump in the throat continues along with what we all productive burping (foamy stuff) until eventually I barf. The entire process has some pain and discomfort along with anxiety to it. I had it happen once because i ate to big a piece of pork and the other time was because the piece of beef I ate was too dry. The feeling can happen not only from too big a piece of food but also from the food itself being overcooked, seasoned in a way your body doesnt like it, or not cooked enough (vegetables). Everyone tolerates different foods in different ways but this is what happens to me.
  8. GoCubbies79

    The Spring Fever Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Mario Age~ 31 Weight on April1st~ Goal Weight for April 29th~ 400 Exercise Goal for April~ 2 Miles per day Dietary Goal for April~ No Snacking Personal Goal for April~ None Date Banded~ 3/1/2011 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 71.4lbs
  9. GoCubbies79

    Body Image

    I was just banded March 1, 2011 so I have not lost enough weight to see a huge difference but I can understand how you feel. I am not sure if this helps you any but each time you think of yourself as fat remind yourself of all the hard work and success you have had. You lost 80 lbs and you should be proud of it. Think of the money you are saving buying regular sized clothes vs the expensive oversized clothes we all have to shop for. At my last support group the psychologist said something that really stuck in my mind and I hope it helps you feel even a little better. "Why is it that when someone gives us a compliment about our looks we tend to shrug it off and look at ourselves negatively. Everyone here has worked hard and been successful losing weight. Next time someone gives you a compliment, instead of shrugging it off or thinking of yourselves negatively accept the compliment, you deserve it." I know its not a direct relation but the main point is still relevant. Accept the hardwork and changes you made, you deserve it.
  10. GoCubbies79

    Surgery Question....

    Before you go into the surgery room you will be in a pre-op prep room where you will remove all your clothing and personal items. You will put on a hospital gown. They will instruct you not to tie the gown. You will lay in the hospital bed so that the gown covers you like a blanket.
  11. GoCubbies79

    The Gurgles

    I have the same gurgling noise and senastion. Mine generally happens about an hour after I drink anything. There is no pain or discomfort, its just a gurgling noise.
  12. I was banded on March 1, 2011 and have lost 71 lbs. My last weight in was easter sunday morning. I only weigh in 1 time a week because I found myself obsessing on a daily basis about how much weight I was losing. My diet is around 600 calories a day. 1. For breakfast I either have a Pure Protein Bar, or a boild egg. (Egg = 71 Calories, Pure Protein Bar = 180 Calories) 2. lunch I have a high protein meat like chicken, Fish, Shrimp, or Boca Burger. (Calories are around 150) 3. dinner I have a 4oz portion of high protein meat and about 2/3 cup of frozen vegetables that I heat up in the microwave. (Calories are around 250) 4. I drink 0 calorie drinks (Water, sugar free kool aid, Sugar free Hawaiian punch) 5. If I am short of 60 grams protein a day I will either have a Boost drink or Skim Milk (Boost = 180 Calories, Skim Milk = 80 Calories) I exercise everyday unless the weather is crappy. I go for a 2 miles walk around the neighborhood at a comfortable pace.
  13. I was banded on March 1, 2011 which was 8 weeks ago. I have lost a total of 71 pounds during the 8 weeks. I went to the doctor yestarday to do my first fill and was told that I was not ready for a fill yet. I am curious if anyone else has not had a fill yet and has had their lap band atleast 8 weeks. I am consuming around 600 calories each day. I am only able to eat about 4oz of food per meal, 3 times a day. I am happy with the results but am worried about any malnutrition from only 600 calories per day. How many calories is everyone else consuming?
  14. GoCubbies79

    Water, Water, Water

    I know exactly what you mean. I love Water but sometimes I just need a little flavor. I found the following list of beverages that help: 1. Skim Milk, Only 80 calories per 8oz plus it has 8grams of Protein 2. sugar free Hawaiian Punch, Both Grape and Fruit Punch are tasty. I get them at Dollar tree, 8 packets for $1 3. Sugar Free Koolaid has many flavors, I enjoy tropical punch. I found it at the grocery store for $3.59 but it has 8 packets and each packet makes a quart.
  15. GoCubbies79

    8 Days Post Op ... Advice

    If you are having pain I would back up to the liquids again for a few more days. I had similar pain during the mushy stage and found that baby food helped alot. I went with the meat or veggie baby food because they have more Protein than the rest. It went down very easily as long as I ate it very slowly. It tooke me 20-30 minutes to eat a 3oz jar. The only downside to baby food is the blah flavor but it is only for a short period of time.
  16. I did mention to the doctor how many calories per day I am eating and what my daily diet consists of. The doctor did say that normally people eat around 900 calories a day but he said he didn't want to tell me to eat more. He was shocked and very happy with my weight loss. I am happy with my weight loss and do not want to increase my calories if I can not naturally fit them in during meal time. My whole reason for doing the lap band was to stop myself from eating just to eat. I am scared that increasing my calories just to hit a number, 900, will put my mind back into the bad habits of eating just to eat.
  17. Thank yous so much for the kind words and well wishes. Good to hear that your easter was successful and enjoyable. I dont weigh in until Sunday and hope I continue to lose.

  18. I was banded on 3/1/2011 and know exactly what you are going through. I hope my answers to your questions will help put you at ease because everything you are experiencing is perfectly normal. 1. You feel pain here because that is where the attached the access port below your skin so they can make adjustments to the band by filling or removing Fluid throught his port. The majority of the pain here will be gone 1 week after surgery if you take the hydrocodone as perscribed (every 4-6hrs). You will have soreness if you do heavy lifting for about a month however it is not bad. 2. Growling is perfectly normal. The pain you are feeling is mainly gas. When they do the surgery they have to inflate your abdominal cavity with air so they have room to manuever. The stomach will absorb the gas and pass it through your system. It takes a couple days and the pain can be uncomfortable. One thing I found very helpful is walking. Walk around for about 15-20 minutes and you will actually feel the girgling make its way out. Pushing it out is hard and painful but walking will help drastically. 3. The reason you feel good on the reclining couch is because the port is attached to your abdominal muscle on the left side. When you recline your body is not completely stretched so you do not feel pain. When you lay down on your back in bed and are flat it stretches your abdominal muscles resulting in pain. One thing I found that helps is sleeping in bed with a big pillow behind me so I am almost sitting up, your reclining couch is perfect. I would however stand up as straight as you can and walk so that you do not heal hunched over. 4. Recup time is about 1 week and you will be 90% healed. The other 10% takes about a month. I was back to work in 2 weeks and was fine, however everyone is different and your doctor will probably see you 2 weeks after surgery and let you know your progress. The main thing is taking the pain meds and resting. 5. Everyone is different and will advance at different rates. I felt ok but went throught the outlined intake process the doctor assigned to me. I found the first week I could barely eat anything. I never felt hungry and I got lots of gas no matter what I ate. The body will heal and the gas will go away. The only advice I have for you is stay strong, you can do this. It should be much better within a week. Remember gas gets better with walking. You should be back to eating all food within 4-5weeks. 6. The doctor/nutrionsit should have outlined a diet plan for you and progression timeline. I would check with them to make sure you are on schedule. 7. I did not have heatburn meds. 8. I am not sure what you are feeling. I would try drinking very slowing and never through a straw. Never drink more than a sip at a time. Its hard to get used to but you can do it. Within a month itll be second nature to you. Even if the weather is horrible, its crap here as well. Walk around the house, even if its slow. You will feel so much better. Do not over do it. Slow walking for 15 minutes and you will feel tha gas subside. Hope I helped even a little. Good luck to you.
  19. GoCubbies79

    Feeling sick

    I was banded on 3/1/2011. I remember the exact pain you are feeling. My doctor perscribed me hydrocodone when I was released from the hospital. Make sure you take it every 4 hours as perscribed. Also the majority of the pain should be gone within a week. You may have a little pain by the incision where the port was attached for a month however the pain is very minimal after the first week. Dont be too concerned about the lack of shake intake. The first week after surgery is about heeling. I was barely able to eat anything. Make sure you get lots of rest, do some walking around to keep the blood flowing, drink plenty of liquids, and get as much Protein as you can. Good luck to you.
  20. I get all my supplements from Bariatric Advantage. They have a website www.bariatricadvantage.com where they sell chewable multivitamins and calcium lozengers that you suck on. I would check with your doctor to make sure they are suitable for your needs. My doctor recommended them to me and they work great. Good luck to you.
  21. After you had your fill did you follow the following diet: 2-3 days liquid diet 2-3 days blended diet 2-3 days soft diet slowly try 1 new food at a time, dont drink 30 minutes before and 60 minutes after you eat. Take very small bites about the size of chicken in chicken noodle Soup and chew it very good. 1 oz of food should take 10 minutes to eat. Also did you talk to your doctor about the pain?
  22. GoCubbies79

    regret city....what have i done?

    Dont be depressed! I had my band put in on March 1, 2011. It has been a month and a half and I have only had trouble eating 1 item, steak. Everyone is different in what they can handle and what they cant handle. Bread is not entirely out of the picture however from what I have heard you have to toast it and eat it in very small pieces. I have not tried it because carbs are bad for weight loss but I definitely understand your addiction to bread. The best advice I can give you is to try whatever you want but eat it very slowly and in very small pieces. The only way items will get stuck is if you eat big chunks, dont chew it enough, and eat too fast. I am eating, fish, chicken, hot dogs, burgers, ham, turkey, deli meats, tuna, shrimp, cottage cheese, various cheeses, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, italian sausage.
  23. GoCubbies79

    unfill before vacation

    I would not ask for an unfill. One of the first things the doctor told me while going through the process is that this is a long term solution and that its not something you can pick and choose when to follow. My doctor told me that its not something that you can stop by the office before a holiday and ask to get drained so you can cheat. The band is there to help you make the right decisions and aid you in weight loss. I would strongly advise not asking. It doesn't mean you can't enjoy your vacation. Vacation should be about where your going and what your doing not how much you can eat.
  24. GoCubbies79

    avg. weight loss after the band

    I had my band put in March 1, 2011. I have not had any fills yet and I have lost just under 10 lbs per week. After my followup appt with my doctor I have been exercising for 1 hour everyday no matter what. I have a long journey ahead of me but it has been well worth it so far.
  25. GoCubbies79

    Memorial Day Challenge

    This is a great idea. I am definitely in on this. I have been banded since March 1, 2011, so far its been going well. This is excellent motivation for us all.

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