I had my band fully deflated at 2 months (as soon as I found out that I was pregnant).
For a while things seemed okay, but I've had morning sickness my entire pregnancy (7 weeks 'til she's here) and it sometimes feels like it's lap band sickness.
My girl loves to kick my port, and I assume that that could be what's causing the issues, but I'd like to explain a little what's happening.
When I first got my band (and during the entirety of its inflation) I struggled to eat pork chops. The meat is so dry that it often got stuck in my band, causing the inevitable sickness. But like most of you probably know, being "lap band sick" is not quite the same as the whole bile-spewing "normal" sick.
Well, pork chops are one of the things I've been craving during my pregnancy. Though I've only had them a few times, every time it's been like I'm lap band sick. There isn't any bile, it's just chewed up food and a pain in my stomach where my band still rests.
This has happened several times over the course of my pregnancy with different foods. For me, morning sickness isn't quite the same. I guess you guys know that already, though.
I just don't understand what's happening. Could her kicking and my almost constant sickness be agitating my band? I was under the impression that once it was deflated, it wouldn't be activated.
And just to clarify, I haven't been binge eating. I'm actually losing inches faster, eating healthier, and getting more exercise than when I had the band inflated. I'd kind of understand a little more if I had been eating so much that it had to kick in, but I've been good about that since getting preggers.
As I want more kids in the future, I'm seriously considering getting the thing removed. Between already being sick and having it make me more so, and having it pinched at every ultrasound and doctor's visit, I just am starting to think it's not worth it.
Please help!