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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chilo1

  1. chilo1

    New Years Resolutions!

    Mine would be more exercise as well!
  2. I went on normal mushy ffods after a bit more than a week, each doctor nutritionist have their own different way to do things, I would advise to stick w what your surgeon says, I did and even though I was a "lightweight" not so much to lose as some people, I lost steadily and continue losing. I did have stalls, and some I prob didin't even realise cause I only weigh myself about once a month. And you're right when you say it turned out to be more a mental journey than a physical one, i had an idea it would be like this for me anyway, cause I had a very unhealthy relationship with food and this is the best thing I've done!
  3. My only advice is don't weigh yourself so often, our weight fluctuates from day to day for various reasons, You're doing the right thing and you're great! Getting stressed will only slow down your weightloss. Somebody posted a thread on that somewhere, stress releases the hormone cortisol that will slow your weight loss.
  4. I am 4 1/2 months out and my hair is falling out a lot! I have very fine and short hair, and I can tell it falls out in bunches when I wash it. I'm trying to wash it less frecuently, but I have to wash it at least 2-3 times a weeks after the gym! My 12 yr old daughter was combing my hair yesterday and was saying that I have a few nearly bald bits, behind my ears and at the front my forehead, (That one I had realised) I'm starting to panic, I take all my supplements, vitamins, iron, etc, the only thing is that my proteins aren't as high as the should be (sometimes only around 40 gr a day) So I am going to work on my proteins from today, and I know a lot of you have said that it grows back, but it'sstill so scary. Any words of advice/encouragement will be very much appreciated!
  5. chilo1

    I'm in the 60's whoo hoo!!!

    great feeling i meant
  6. chilo1

    I'm in the 60's whoo hoo!!!

    Congratulations, what a greta feeling!!
  7. chilo1

    Hair Changes

    I am nearly 5 months and having the same problem, I can see my hair coming out in bunches especially when i wash it , here is the link of the thread that I started recently Hair is seriously shedding!!! Hope it helps, I've started to take zinc (as per surgeon suggestion) and added at least 1/2 Protein drink again a day, and it seems to be getting better!
  8. I had gas pain but at nearly 5 months out I don't really remember it at all! Gas from the remaining CO2 that they use for laparoscopic suregy irritates the nerves, as someone said earlier, especially the ones that go to the shoulder blades (i did have pain between my shoulder blades for a few weeks after surgery) The other "gas" pains are the ones that you get in other surgeries in the abdomen as well because of the manipulation of guts etc which causes the bowels to slow down and creates an "ileus" (I know all this because my husband is a surgeon!) Good luck, hope you don't get that much pain!
  9. chilo1

    VSG & stomach virus

    My baby was 8 months old when I had surgery and have also 2 older ones at school. The funny thing is that after having my sleeve the 3 of them had nasty stomach flu twice (even my husband) I never caught anything! For the first time after my sleeve I've had a cold last week but nothing major, so I wouldn't let that stop me! Good luck, you will love your sleeve
  10. I completely understand your situation and I was in a similar place as you are now. I had the operation with money that we didn't have, are paying off the credit card now. I don't regret it at all, I was like you depressedabout my weight. Having spent so much money on diet pills, personal trainers, dietitians,I even had a gastric balloon inserted a few years ago. I just regret not having had this operation before! We are tight on money now, but I love my sleeve and have no regrets whatsoever. I feel much happier, have more energy, and even though we are tight on money I feel at last at peace with myself because I know it was the right choice for me (and I haven't even reached goal yet!) Hope this helps and good luck in the desicion you make
  11. chilo1

    Happy Birthday to TIFFYKINS!

    Happy birthday Tiff, hope you had a great day!
  12. No according to my surgeon, some foods might be a bit more difficult to eat, but in time you'll be able to eat whatever you want!
  13. Congratulations, how exciting!
  14. chilo1

    Food Cravings

    I had Nachos stuck in my head (just plain without any dips or anything), when I was allowed to eat real food again I would have 2 or 3 once in a while, now I don't even crave them anymore, I guess it's because I had some when I could and I realised it wasn't as big a deal as it was in my mind!
  15. chilo1

    I have a question about alcohol

    Most doctors allow alcohol after a few months. I started having a drink occasionally after 2 1/2 months, the main thing is the empty calories, but I do enjoy a cocktail or 2 on the weekends now that I'm nearly 5 months out. I lost my taste for wine though which is sad in a way, but my surgereon says it usually returns at some point. Each surgeon has different guidelines so you're better off asking. I'm off to have a drink now that it's friday night
  16. chilo1

    Shoulder Blade Pain

    I did have pain inbetween my shoulder blades until about a month after surgery, I was told that it was because of the gas that they use to inflate our tummies to do the laparoscopic surgery can irritate the nerves that go to the shoulders. Are you drinking maybe a bit too quickly and thats why your tummy hurts?
  17. chilo1

    July Surgeries

    I can't believe it's been nearly 5 months, with it's ups and downs and many more to come I suposse. My husband is happy that I'm losing weight, but he doesn't want me to lose much more, he doesn't want me to be "skinny" cause he says me face is nice as it is, as for my body, well I guess plastic surgery will be the only way out (tummy tuck and boobs-not that he notices, only because I point it oout so much) But as I said on some other thread, whatever shape or form I am now or end up having I still don't regret my sleeve for a minute, never ever had buyers remorse, not once, and I'm quite sure I never will
  18. chilo1

    Weird big bruise

    I stil have vey faded bruises around my abdomen nearly 5 months out, that on your lower abdomen is probably just from one of the laparoscopic instruments or even the surgeons elbow leaning on you during surgery
  19. Well actually I started to lose again! I had to see my surgeon yesterday so I did try harder for a week and it payed off! How's it going for you still on a stall?
  20. chilo1

    When I hit my goal I'm going to...

    Oh and I forgot to say I'm going to cry too, that will be the first thing
  21. chilo1

    When I hit my goal I'm going to...

    OMG Coops you're so funny! I can already imagine you in those jeans and fitted t-shirt! saying Coops loves Robbie!
  22. Hey Coops! I use either build up from nestle or complan (boots) they are cheapish and cost around 4 or 5 pounds i think, and come in a box of 5 sachets. I like the chocolate and vanilla, what I do is I make like a milkshake, blend with coffee, skimmed milk, and I bought a sugar free hazelnut syrup from starbucks and 1/2 or a whole sachet of the protein powder. I bought a strawberry one sculptress which came in a huge container, was expensice (about £17 1/2 price at the time) but i hate it!!
  23. I won't mind being grey if it comes back cause I'll just dye it anyway! Do you guys take zinc apart from the zinc in your multivitamins? If yes how much? I started doing a protein shake daily again, hair is hardly falling out since I started, coincidence, mad or placebo effect???
  24. I went to see my surgeon today, and I'm down another 6 1/2 pounds in 2 weeks which is quite good for me, as I consider myself a slow loser. My surgeon is happy as well, to the point where he'll be happy if I lose only around 9 more pounds (which will put me at a BMI of 26) because of my big bone structure ( so my challenge is to get to goal by the next time i see him in 3 months-which is to loose about 18 more pounds). The funny thing is that even though I the last time I weighed this much (or little) was about 8 years ago, now I see myself fattish again, especialy my tummy seems bigger in comparison to the rest of my body. I s it that I haven't properly looked at myself in such a long time that now I'm noticing my fat tummy more than ever, or because of the distribution of my fat at 41 yrs of age? Has this happened to anyone else? Weird but still amazed with this miracle sleeve
  25. chilo1

    So Discouraged

    Mini!!!!!!!!!! Put the scales away and enjoy yor slim self, last Christmas you probably didn't even dream of being the size you are now, so I agree with all of the above comments

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