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Everything posted by DogGroomer

  1. DogGroomer

    Anyone from AZ

    Does anyone live close enough to drive to TJ for surgery? I'm in Phoenix and wondered if that was a do able option rather than flying to San Diego and not have to pay for my hubby to fly too.
  2. DogGroomer


    Go to www.unjury.com
  3. DogGroomer


    I drank Gatorade Recover right after surgery. It doesn't have as much protein as the shakes, but at least it's something. Really helped me to get some protein in. Now I like Unjury unflavored mixed with crystal light or sugar free koolaid and hawaiian punch. Also like drinking AMP chocolate from GNC. Good Luck..it's just going to be trial and error for you now.
  4. DogGroomer

    My Journey and Rebirth

    Congratulations! That is great. I was sleeved 4 weeks ago and have to work my hiny off on the treadmill to lose. I get plenty of protein and water, but the weight isn't melting off me like I'd hoped it would. I do have a thyroid condition that I take meds for and wondering since losing 31 lbs if it needs to be adjusted.
  5. DogGroomer

    Giving Up

    When I did the preop diet, I was told if I was really really hungry to add a another protein shake. I never did. I just worked through it. The first 4 days were the worst for me.
  6. DogGroomer

    Vitamins...liquid vs pills

    Hi Mistyk, I was just sleeved on May 23 and I bought Reviva from costco. It works really good. I don't think I could swallow my regular GNC horse pill Vitamins.
  7. Well, I'm ready to go get sleeved tomorrow. Leaving for the airport in the early morning before daylight and I will be on the 6am plane to San Diego. Luckily, I only have an hour and half flight there. I'm so ready to do this. Everything was going great until I got my period today....a week early. uggg. Get to have cramps now. Oh well, I guess the pain meds will more than take care of it. hehe.
  8. DogGroomer

    My Suitcase is packed

    Thanks everyone..I am taking my laptop so I will keep you all updated. The worst part for me is I am going to miss my kids...they are too young to understand what I'm doing and I have hugged the crap out of them all day. lol I wish my husband could go with me too, but he's on diaper duty while I'm gone..(well one in pullups..but only at night and nap..we are potty training) Sarsar, good luck with your surgery too. Hope everything goes smoothly for you. If I had the money, I would have went to Dr Aceves..then we could have driven from Phoenix to Mexicali in only 4 hrs. But he was more than we could afford. I'm quite happy with my choice..(I'll tell you I am or not after tomorrow) lol
  9. DogGroomer

    I'm Done!!

    Congrats ladies!! I will know how you both feel on Monday!!
  10. I am on day 13 of the preop diet. Tomorrow is my last day then surgery Monday. I have lost 15 lbs in 13 days. I am sick of Jello, popsicles and broth..I still like my Protein shakes. I was mixing them with milk until I started clears yesterday..now mixing with Water and sometimes Motts toddler apple juice. I am using Chick nutrition shakes. Love 'em. I have a tub of strawberry and a tub of banana and mix 1 scoop of each for a banana-strawberry shake..it's really good and i hope I still like them after surgery. Good luck with your diets. It really was harder the first week. Then I thought it got easier. I was pretty grumpy yesterday. Lack of caleries has made me too tired to care about food. lol I don't dare cheat on my last 3 days of clears. I don't want any complications on Monday..hopefully the surgery will be "textbook" .
  11. Good luck today. I know you will be great! I hope everything goes well for you. Keep us udated when you are feeling up to it.
  12. DogGroomer

    Suddenly Single... now what?

    Hi Rachel, I'm really sorry this is happening to you right now. If you had planned to get the surgery, you shouldn't let this stop you from following through with your journey. Loose skin is the last thing I would be worrying about right now. I would concentrate on getting healthy first. You already made the first step if you are thinking of having surgery. Would you rather have an obese body that hurts and will possibly contribute to medical problems later, or be thinner, healthier with maybe some loose skin? Or maybe not so much loose skin. I don't know how much weight you have to lose, but if you exercise that will help your skin too. Good luck. And do what's right for you.
  13. DogGroomer

    SO much fluid retention after surgery!

    OMG you poor thing! :unsure:That must have been a shocker for the dr to see your spleen and stomach attached. I've never heard of that happening. Hope you're swelling goes down soon for ya.
  14. DogGroomer

    Going Alone to Mexico

    I'm going by myself on Monday It will be a nice get away for me. lol
  15. Hi you decided to go with the sleeve! Good for you. I'm going a week from today and I can't wait to get it over with. lol

  16. Good luck and let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it
  17. DogGroomer

    Painful GAS pain!!

    I'm taking GasX strips and a heating pad with me..Some say the strips work, some don't. Most say a heating pad does help. But more importantly to walk walk walk.
  18. DogGroomer

    Arizona Weightloss Solutions

    My mom just started seeing him. She just had her initial consultation and is going in Friday the 20th for an endoscopy. She had bypass surgery back in the early 80's and they want to see what her stomach looks like before deciding what they can do. She really liked him too.
  19. I am getting sleeved in 9 days and wondered if anyone else is getting sleeved with Dr Almanza that day?
  20. Hi, I was hoping to find someone going on the 23rd to be my sleeve buddy. lol The diet is going...wouldn't say great. lol I find that Chike really fills me up. Today is the last day I get to eat a real food for dinner. Tomorrow starts 4 days of full liquids, then Friday starts 3 days of clears..then I fly to San Diego Monday morning. I haven't weighed myself since Friday, but I lost 6 lbs from Monday til Friday. I will weigh again Maybe Tues or Wed. I'm ready to get this surgery done and start recovery. Praying I don't get nausea like some do after surgery. I can take pain, but I don't like to feel or be sick. lol
  21. DogGroomer

    I Had a Blow Pop

    Cupcakes, chocolate, bread and alcohol..and you had blow pops. lol I wouldn't worry about that. I hope I have the will power to pass that stuff up after my sleeve..Great job!
  22. DogGroomer

    Tmi- on liquid pre-op

    I am on day 6 of mine and the first 3 days I had it every evening of the first 3 days. From then on, I haven't even went at all. I think it might be a cleansing of sorts. Getting rid of all the toxins.
  23. DogGroomer

    On My Way

    That's really up to your doctor and your progress when you are there. Where I'm going, it's 1 night in the hospital and 2 nights in a recovery house with 24 hr nursing. I am going to Mexico for my surgery.
  24. I can't wait to be freezing. I live in Phoenix where summer temps average about 110. July can be miserable when it hits about 117.
  25. Meggie, I hope you start feeling better real soon. I have surgery in 10 days and thought I was coming down with a cold, but it's just allergies and sinus. The pharmacist told me I could take Sudafed as it is not a blood thinner. I feel so much better today. Love your videos. You are very inspiring. Although watching you make that cake (my favorite by the way..red velvet) made me super hungry. lol In n Out doesn't bother me..I live down the street from one and pass it all the time. But, everything is looking good to me right now.

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