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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bornagainbabe

  1. Bornagainbabe

    weighing in at 201lbs

    Thanks Deb!
  2. Bornagainbabe

    UK Sleevers

    Hi, I agree with Jane and can't really add much to that as I was done by the NHS in Sheffield and was only given a diet sheet to follow after my op. I'm surprised that you don't have to follow a pre-op diet as well but your surgeon may have his reasons for not asking you to follow one with regards to your other health issues. I would keep to a fat-free diet if you can between now and Tuesday though as it will help make your surgery safer. As for the lungs issue post-op I didn't have to do what Jane did but was instructed by a physiotherapist to sit on the edge of the bed and do 'huffing' exercises. Now, I have had several ops before this and was never visited by the physio before and she was quite shocked about that and said I should have been so make sure you ask about that if no-one comes round. It's not hard to do and, as Jane says, is important for clearing out your lungs. Sip your Water throughout the day, get out of bed and moving around once they tell you to and ask for more medication if you find it painful. It's important to get mobile and the painkillers will allow you to do that. I was never instructed to take any Protein supplements either but I think it was Jane's advice I followed on here on getting some powder from Asda. After 3 days of just water I was allowed blended up meat, potatoes, vegs, egg and low fat cheese etc. but as this was only in very small limited quantities (you really don't feel like eating much at first) I did supplement with the powder. There are a few websites on the internet giving dietary advice and a lot of people on this site who have a lot of good advice to give. Good luck for Tuesday and let us know how you get on, Helenxxx
  3. Mine was done in one op and having two separate ones was never discussed or considered. Only thing my surgeon said was that if he found he couldn't perform the revision he would just remove my band. I had mine done as open surgery though as I had a lot of scarring from a previous big abdominal hernia op a year earlier. My band had been empty for quite a while beforehand as it had slipped a lot so that wasn't an issue and I did have to follow another pre-op diet. My surgeon informed me of the risks and possible complications concerning revision and assured me he would do he best he could for me. I was happy with that and left myself in his hands as I trusted him implicitly.
  4. I'm guessing that's not Dr Nick from The Simpsons then! How many times have you heard that? Sorry :001_tt2: Congrats - you're on the losing side now. Take it easy now and all the best for your recovery.
  5. Bornagainbabe

    Starting Pre-op diet

    Hi, I had to do a milk and yogurt diet for 10 days prior to my band op and again for my revision. I found that the best way for me to cope with it was to have a complete blow-out the night before of my favourite takeaway and then I was sorted and my head was in the right place to get on with the pre-op! I had milk for Breakfast, milk for lunch and milk for tea. I didn't have much yogurt as I can't stand the taste or consistency but I did have the odd oxo cube to satisfy my cravings for savoury. I heated the milk up, whisked it like mad and had it with coffee as a Cappuccino, I drank whenever I felt hungry or had a craving, I let my family prepare their own meals and went upstairs whilst they ate and did everything I could to keep occupied and not thinking about food. I was also mindful of the fact that my liver needed to shrink for the op and that my surgeon would know if I hadn't stuck to the diet and would possibly cancel as a result. I kept this in mind all the time that by doing this it would make the op easier and safer to perform. It's not easy but just keep thinking about why you want this op and that you are going to succeed. You can have a moan on here anytime you want and we will all support you! Good luck!
  6. 12 months out since I had my revision and although I still have a little way to go before reaching my goal I am happy, happy, happy and above all healthy! No regrets whatsoever x
  7. Bornagainbabe

    1 year out for me today

    Yes I do! I decided that at one year out a change was in order! I am the new 'me' now!
  8. A lot of people don't really understand WLS and why anyone would resort to going under the knife. They only absorb the negative implications by way of the media focussing on disasters (and there aren't that many of those anymore) and immediately form an opinion based on those. I was lucky. Most of my family and friends were wholly supportive as they knew how much I had struggled for years but there were odd people, and still are, who thought it was too drastic and just couldn't comprehend why I would want to do it. I have another 28lbs or so to lose to get down to my ideal weight and BMI but when I tell people that they cannot believe it and tell me I don't want to lose anymore, I would look ill, it is too thin etc. etc. but it isn't as that's what I weighed when I got married 23 years ago and I certainly wasn't skinny then, plus they are comparing me with what I used to be at 314lbs as well as being conditioned to accept obesity as being 'normal' nowadays. I say just ignore them and don't let it get you down. You know you have done the right thing and will ultimately become healthier and happier for it.
  9. Bornagainbabe

    Lap band or Gastric Sleeve???

    I had horrendous reflux with my band and don't get that anymore although I can still get really bad heartburn/indigestion occasionally which makes me retch and want to vomit. Like Tiff I still take my PPI in the morning as the consequences of too frequent vomiting after several hernia repairs are worse for me than staying on the Lansoprazole.
  10. Bornagainbabe

    Afraid of changes after surgery

    I can eat anything I want now. Rice, Pasta and bread were troublesome for the first 6 months or so and I tended to avoid them. If I crave a burger, which is only very occasionally, I will eat about half and throw the rest away. I can quite easily graze on leftovers later if they are there and that's not because I am hungry but more to do with head-hunger which I still addressing. I can maintain my weight like this but at the moment am choosing not to do that or buy in high calorie foods in order to lose more and get closer to my goal. Tiff is right about the slider foods and ice-cream, chocolate, chips, biscuits can go right through with little problem. I like salads and will eat a lot in the summer but need the Protein as well or I will be feeling hungry again later. meat, chicken, fish etc. fill me up and so does brown rice of which I only need a tablespoon of. If I do eat too much it will come back up within half an hour. I can eat quite a lot more than I could 6 months ago but it is still a lot less than I could pre-wls.
  11. Bornagainbabe

    Deb's pics 3

    Wow! You look stunning!
  12. Bornagainbabe

    July 21st!!!

    You can do it. Keep in mind that by sticking to it you will be helping your surgeon as well as yourself by shrinking your liver and ensuring that your op goes smoothly. I have done it twice and mine was just milk and yogurt (which I hate) but I stuck to it as I didn't want to pose any risk of my op being tricky or not going ahead in the first place. Good luck. We are all here for you to have a good old moan to when you want to vent!
  13. Bornagainbabe

    No good, very bad day

    I'm sorry you were feeling so miserable. As the others said it will take a while. It's early days at the moment and you have just had a big op. Now whilst I don't want to adopt a bossy or bullying tone, you really must do as your doctor says and follow the diet guidelines. I saw another post on here last week where someone was 'testing' their restriction to see how far it would go, but you really do need to be very strong and do exactly as you are told or you may get yourself into real trouble. When I had my band fitted 3 years ago I went for my second fill and despite knowing what I should do, which was stick to liquids for the first few days, I didn't and ate some prawns just to see if I could. Big big mistake. In fact it was a massively stupid thing to do as I ended up with a blockage and in horrendous pain, vomiting saliva all night and most of the next day until the hospital could get hold of the doctor to defill my band. Plus it slipped and that was at only 2 months out. Now I know that the sleeve is very different to the band but the consequences of not doing as you are told are very similar whatever type of surgery you opt for. There will be people here who can tell you exactly what may happen in more detail. As I said, I'm not being bullying, I wasn't an angel myself and curiosity and cravings got the better of me, but please please do as you are told. It won't be too long before you can have something nice to eat again plus you are going to lose lots and lots of weight and be healthy and beautiful. Good luck, Hels xxx
  14. Bornagainbabe

    hey Im new and super excited

    Hi, I'm a year out and have absolutely no regrets. You will find the advice and support you get from members here invaluable. Welcome and I look forward to sharing your journey x
  15. Wow Jane! You look amazing xxx
  16. Bornagainbabe

    Seeing is Believing

    It's easy for people to keep responding that you will be fine when you're sat worrying about it all but you really will be. I didn't have those kind of worries at all as I was more excited by the prospect of finally getting something done that would empower me to lose weight once and for all. I was worried about surgery and diet afterwards etc. but it really isn't that much of an issue as long as you do as they tell you and follow the pre and post-op diet guidelines. Everyone on this site is always here to help answer questions too and many know far more about it than I do. I say chill out, do your pre-op diet and then take each day as it comes after surgery. You will be losing loads of weight and looking great day by day so concentrate on that. I can't comment on the work issue as I didn't work at the time and told all my friends and family all about it. Everyone was very supportive and they still are but if you don't want anyone knowing don't tell them. I am sure that there are other people here who can advise you on that. Good luck x
  17. Bornagainbabe

    I am getting super anxious.....(Long)

    I think you will do just fine as well with all the exercising you do. It's quite normal to have last minute fears and doubts but just think how great you are going to look and feel. You will still be able to enjoy eating with your husband, only thing is you will need much less and can share with him. It all seems such an issue at first but it really isn't after a while. I still have good old English fish and chips at the seaside - only thing is I have a bit off everyone elses and that's enough. They don't mind as they would only stuff themselves for the sake of it otherwise! All will be fine. The sleeve is great. Good luck and let us know how you get on x
  18. Bornagainbabe

    Oh me oh my - why no restriction??

    Thanks Tiff, I found all that really interesting as well! I think I was about 7/8 months out before I could tolerate bread, pasta etc. and even now there are still some random foods that one day I can manage quite well and other days not much at all. I can eat anything now but haven't identified what fills me more than something else yet as my tolerance is still erratic.
  19. Bornagainbabe

    Lap band or Gastric Sleeve???

    I didn't want the permanence 3 years ago when I had my band as I believed that once I lost weight there was no way I would ever put all that back on and then the band could be removed. I also deluded myself that I was that big and really didn't need that extreme a surgery. Wrong! Neither of my surgeries has fixed the issues I have with food. Physical restriction is the only thing that prevents me from stuffing myself and then I do still do that occasionally with my sleeve until I am sick. I have a few friends who have bands and they have all suffered severe slippage, erosion, pouch dilation etc. My sleeve has been great and I have no regrets - I should have gone for that in the first place. You need to have a good think about why you are considering surgery and be truly honest with yourself and if you are like most of us and can admit that you have always had and will always have issues with food then go for the permanent option. Don't have a band.
  20. Bornagainbabe


    I have experienced hunger from the start and if I haven't eaten for a while and am really hungry I will eat too much and too fast and end up being sick. I don't know when to stop either so have to plate up small portions and not go back for seconds. I never had that problem with my band and have to admit that that was only advantage it had over my sleeve as I rarely felt hungry and was quickly satiated on very small portions. Have no regrets though as the sleeve has stopped me regaining weight.
  21. Bornagainbabe

    Weight regain with VSG?

    Just reading through these posts and found it very interesting that I'm not the only one who is struggling a bit just now. I am nearly a year out and am finding it really hard to lose anymore weight without having to actually go on a proper diet which is something I never thought I would have to do. And the problem with that is the more I am thinking about what I should and shouldn't eat, the more of an issue it is all becoming and all I do all day is think about food. From the very start I have never experienced any 'fullness' signals and would vomit (and still do) on a fairly regular basis. I easily maintained a weight of 184lbs for over 6 months by eating smaller portions of whatever I wanted and regularly snacking on biscuits and crisps etc. Now I know that's no good and I decided that I must address that a few weeks ago as I felt that over time I could be one of those unfortunate people to regain weight. Now I'm not stupid and I'm not saying that anyone is, but I have a real issue withe food. We all do or we wouldn't be here. I cannot do moderation. I cannot resist cravings at all and low-fat alternatives are no use to me. I HAVE to eat and regardless of all the surgery I have undergone and how great I feel after losing weight and looking good in nice clothes, nothing at all will stop me reaching for chocolate, biscuits etc. Now the one good thing is that I cannot eat as much of it as I used to, BUT I will go back for more later on. Anyway, (phew), on a not too pessimistic note, I believe that the best thing for me and people similar to me is to get rid of all the high fat Snacks and just indulge occasionally when out for a treat. I never eat much when I'm out as I daren't risk being sick. I do envy those you who have reached goal and are maintaining now. I still have another 30lbs to go. And I do envy those of you who don't feel hungry. I do get very hungry sometimes and my stomach literally growls so I guess that I need to choose more slow releasing types of foods that are going to satisfy me for longer. Any help and advice will be appreciated. I have been keeping a food diary on My Fitness Pal but am struggling to lose anymore weight despite sticking to around 1000 calories most days. And as I said, it's all becoming a bit of an issue again and getting me down. Saying all that, anyone pre-op reading this, I wouldn't let it put you off surgery at all. We are all different and as Tiffy said it's a tool we have been given to use wisely and empower us to make the necessary changes for ourselves. I have had a fairly easy ride until now and now I really need to get a grip. Good luck everyone. You can do it!
  22. I'm just curious as to whether any statistics are available in the US regarding band successes versus failures. It just seems that there are so many people having the same kinds of problems over and over and yet the operation is still being performed. I know it's not that many but I know of 4 people including myself who have had serious slippage problems through no fault of their own. The other 3 are stuck at the moment as they cannot get the funding on the NHS for revision surgery. I think it would be very interesting to know the ratio of success to failure.

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