Hi guys. This is my first post, but I've been reading for two months. I go to my first info session at my surgeon's tonight and my husband is......being an asshole. I am 55, have htn, sleep apnea, gerd, and now have knee pain so bad I have to take stairs one at a time and my lower back keeps me from gardening this spring like I love, which is breaking my heart. He is normal weight, and thinks I'm being totally extreme b/c my bmi is "only 36." I'm very hurt that he doesn't seem to care that this will make me healthier and probably keep me from an early cardiac death, which is the only reason I'm doing it. For me, vanity isn't even in the picture. I can't figure out why this is so threatening to him. Plus, even if it is, what does it mean for our relationship that he can't even talk to me about the issue? How do I try to gently support him with his fears if he won't even talk about it? What a wonderful thing it is to live in 2011 though when we have the internet and the ability to reach out to supportive people like you all on this board. Any words of wisdom for me?