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Everything posted by newnatalie

  1. It's funny you ask this. This week, I posted a blog on this site of the Top 10 things I am looking forward to as the Fat Fades. Here it is: TOP 10 LIST 10. Flying on a plane without a seatbelt extension or being horribly uncomfortable! 9. Buying matching bras and panties. It is really hard to find good supportive bras in my size that are pretty and have panties to match. 8. People to stop saying ”You are sooo pretty” with an unspoken “but” at the end. They really want to say: “You are so pretty, BUT if you would lose some weight you would be much prettier!” 7. Going to the doctor and not having to hear how if I don’t lose weight I will basically contract every disease known to man! 6. Buying a LBD (Little Black Dress). I have plenty of black dresses, but none of them are little. 5. Rock a short hair cut! I know people say hair adds pounds, but for me it is security. Once I am smaller, I would love to sport a jazzy short-do! 4. RUNNING! I don’t want to jog, walk briskly, or trot. I want to run! Feel the wind in my hair, sweat pouring down … RUN. 3. Shopping in the regular store! I honestly don’t mind plus-size fashion, but I just want to HAVE to shop in the Big Girl store. 2. LONG LIFE – I am only 36. I want to live to see my kids get married, my grandkids, and even my great-grandkids. If I die, I don’t want fat to be the foe. 1. Taking a family photo. This is a very emotional #1. My sons are 5 and 6. THEY take a lot of pictures, but WE have never taken a family photo because I refused to take one fat!. Every year, I vow to lose weight and of course it never happened, so my family has never taken pictures. I cannot wait for this day!
  2. Congrats Mu Dog! You are making excellent progress. I can so relate to how food can rule your life. I am almost 3 weeks post-op and I cannot count the number of times I have said "I just want something good!" Now good for me means illegal. Good is fried chicken, tacos, nachos, shrimp fried rice (Ok, I better stop. I am getting hungry now. Someone pass me a protein shake!) As you said the Sleeve is just a tool. We must be committed to changing the way we eat and think about food. Thanks for reminding me of this. I wish you the best. NewNatalie
  3. newnatalie

    Houston Texas Vertical Sleeves.

    I am in East Houston. Dr. Dexter Turnquest performed my surgery at The Woodlands Memorial Hermann. I would love to be a part of a support group. Maybe we could meet quarterly and each of us could plan a meeting?
  4. newnatalie

    4 weeks out from surgery!

    Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to be able to eat chicken. I am 2 weeks post-op and the mushies are getting old. Eating slow is the key. I know I am getting no where near 1200 calories a day! I must do better. It's good to see you doing so well! Take care!
  5. newnatalie

    What the F*** did I do to myself?

    The first few days were very painful for me, but it gets better. Remember, you had surgery! Take your pain meds. Don't let em wear off. In a few days, you won't even need them. I am 2 weeks post-op and have not had any pain meds since day 7 after surgery. If you feel anything extreme, don't ignore it. Call your doctor. I wish you the best!
  6. Today is my 2 week surgerversary! I am happy to report all is well. I am 22 pounds down! I don't think I'm eating enough. Doc said I can have mushies and even wants me to try fish and chicken. Scrambeled eggs were not my friend on Sunday. They came back to visit. I may never eat scrambeled eggs again!

  7. newnatalie

    Tomorrows the Physc eval

    It's funny you ask about this. My psych evaluation was a joke! I was all prepared to bare my soul and discuss my life as an obese person and why I decided it was time to have surgery. It was nothing like this. I walked into the office.They staff handed me about a 50 page questionnaire that took 45 minutes just to complete. Once I am done, the doctor walks in and introduces himself. He glances (not reads) at my answers and says, you seem pretty stable. Does your husband support this decision. I say yes. He says, well you look fine, I will put a report together and submit it to your doctor. I was like, that's it? No more questions? No discussing my eating history, family history??? I felt robbed! On the other hand, I was glad the results didn't hinder my approval process, so I just said Thank you and walked out! You will be just fine!
  8. Today is my 1 week surgerversary! I have lost 17 pounds and feeling great. I hate the liquids, but love the weight loss. Bring on the mushy foods plz!

  9. newnatalie

    7 days out and not losing

    Hello DMSRCHICK, It is nice to "meet" you! We are sleeve buddies because we were sleeved on the same day! Today is also my one week surger-versary. I have weighed in at 281 pounds last Tuesday. This morning I am 264 pounds, for a total weight loss of 17 pounds. I am not sure why you are gaining weight. Maybe someone with a little more experience than us can address this. I have my one week follow-up tomorrow. Are you able to call or go see your doctor? I do know it is not good to begin to compare yourself to others, but I would be a little concerned that you are gaining weight on liquids. I must sip my liquids. I made the mistake and took a gulp of Water last night. I think I was so thirsty that I forgot the sleeve was there. I has the worst pain in my stomach that lasted about 20 seconds and the went away with a burp! I wish you the absolute best. Let's keep in touch. Let us know what your doctor says. I will ask my doctor about your scenario when I see him tomorrow, if you don't mind. Be Encouraged!
  10. newnatalie

    Why is WLS a secret?

    I have never been skinny! I can remember being SMALLER, but never skinny. Over the years, I have contemplated weight loss surgery (WLS), but it wasn't until this year that I decided it was time. Once I decided to have WLS, I made a vow that I would not keep it a secret! I know so many people who have had WLS who simply refuse to share or to make it even worse, they flat out lie. The exchange goes something like this: Me: Oh my God Sherry! You look great! You've lost so much weight. What are you doing? Sherry: I just stopped eating so much and started walking. Me: Really. I have tried that, but I didn't lose as much as you. Sherry: Just keep trying. You can do it! I walked away from that conversation feeling like a fat failure!!! Why can't I lose weight when I stop eating so much? I have walked many a days and my weight did not drop that fast! What's wrong with me? I wanted the success Sherry had, but little did I know only t Sherry actually had Gastric Bypass! Why wouldn't she just tell the truth? Why would she not encourage me with her journey? Plus, if you lose 100 pounds in 6 months, I am going to know something is up! Instead I was left feeling inadequate. From that day on, I vowed I would always be honest having WLS. Why does it have to be a secret? I am scheduled for VSG on November 30, 2010. I will hold true to my vow of disclosure. I have one friend who threatened to stop talking to me if I had WLS. I basically gave her a piece of mind and that was that. I realized that many people don't tell for fear of being judged or having to explain themselves. This, I understand. But if you meet another struggling, obese brother or sister who knows how difficult weight loss is, don't let them walk away defeated. Don't allow them to believe you are a "super weight losing machine." Share your WLS story. Encourage them to do what is best for them and their health. So, the countdown is on. I pray I can be an inspiration to many as I end the reign of WLS secrecy! Bottom line is: I am telling! NewNatalie Houston, Texas Current Weight: 280 pounds Scheduled for VSG: November 30, 2010 ~ Dr. Dexter Turnquest
  11. newnatalie

    Why is WLS a secret?

    @emilygrace - Please accept my apology. It seems you were offended by my response. This definitely was not my intent! There is no right or wrong answer to this issue. It is simply what you are comfortable with. I was simply sharing my experience and how I felt. Take care.
  12. newnatalie

    Ready!....really really....

    Congrats Cat28! This is going to be an amazing journey. I am 4 days post-op and feeling good. I use to say that I was not an "emotional eater." It wasn't until I really examined my behavior that I realized that was false. I didn't eat gallons of ice cream, or 5 candy bars at a time, but at the slightest stressful moment, I would find myself eating. I come from a huge family and everything we do centers around food. Food is our recreation. I am sure this new way of life will not be easy, but I am grateful for the change and looking forward to the new me! I wish you the best!
  13. OMG! I have underestimated the art of passing gas! I never thought I would pray to fart! I am day 4 post-op and the gas is finally moving!

  14. I was sleeved this Tuesday and I definitely had a leak test! It was horrible, but no leak showed up. The barium was the first thing I drank after surgery. This was not good.
  15. I am officially sleeved! Surgery was Tuesday 11/30. Had to stay in hospital an extra day because my blood pressure was high. It is back to normal and other than gas pains, I feel fine. Thanks for all your prayers and support!

  16. Good Evening All, It is the "Eve of my Sleeve" surgery and I had no idea I would be this emotional! My surgery is tomorrow and I am one big ball of tears! :Cry: They are not tears of fear or even tears of joy. Today, I have a deep sense of what it has been like being overweight my entire life. Many were surprised when I announced I was considering Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) because I have always been the pretty fat girl who is the life of the party. I had no problem getting boyfriends, making new friends, and have had an extremely successful public career. No one really knew that I had started not to like the physical part of who I have become. I can even remember frowning upon WLS and not understanding how people could do it! It wasn't until I looked at pictures of myself that I begin to say "now you are just too fat!" After quick weight loss, weight, watcher's, sugar buster's, and a million other diets, I realized I needed real help. Then, my uncle died in February of this year, basically from complications as a result of being obese. It was then that I declared war on the weight! Now, here I am at 36, just a few hours away from a life changing moment. To say I am overwhelmed is an understatement. I am nervous and excited. I can't wait to meet the new me! Thanks for listening ... Pray for me. Surgery is at 9:30am tomorrow!
  17. newnatalie

    Any November 2010 Sleevers

    I'm scheduled for tomorrow! How are you doing?
  18. Good Evening All, It is the "Eve of my Sleeve" surgery and I had no idea I would be this emotional! My surgery is tomorrow and I am one big ball of tears! :Cry: They are not tears of fear or even tears of joy. Today, I have a deep sense of what it has been like being overweight my entire life. Many were surprised when I announced I was considering Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) because I have always been the pretty fat girl who is the life of the party. I had no problem getting boyfriends, making new friends, and have had an extremely successful public career. No one really knew that I had started not to like the physical part of who I have become. I can even remember frowning upon WLS and not understanding how people could do it! It wasn't until I looked at pictures of myself that I begin to say "now you are just too fat!" After quick weight loss, weight, watcher's, sugar buster's, and a million other diets, I realized I needed real help. Then, my uncle died in February of this year, basically from complications as a result of being obese. It was then that I declared war on the weight! Now, here I am at 36, just a few hours away from a life changing moment. To say I am overwhelmed is an understatement. I am nervous and excited. I can't wait to meet the new me! Thanks for listening ... Pray for me. Surgery is at 9:30am tomorrow!
  19. Good Evening All, It is the "Eve of my Sleeve" surgery and I had no idea I would be this emotional! My surgery is tomorrow and I am one big ball of tears! :Cry: They are not tears of fear or even tears of joy. Today, I have a deep sense of what it has been like being overweight my entire life. Many were surprised when I announced I was considering Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) because I have always been the pretty fat girl who is the life of the party. I had no problem getting boyfriends, making new friends, and have had an extremely successful public career. No one really knew that I had started not to like the physical part of who I have become. I can even remember frowning upon WLS and not understanding how people could do it! It wasn't until I looked at pictures of myself that I begin to say "now you are just too fat!" After quick weight loss, weight, watcher's, sugar buster's, and a million other diets, I realized I needed real help. Then, my uncle died in February of this year, basically from complications as a result of being obese. It was then that I declared war on the weight! Now, here I am at 36, just a few hours away from a life changing moment. To say I am overwhelmed is an understatement. I am nervous and excited. I can't wait to meet the new me! Thanks for listening ... Pray for me. Surgery is at 9:30am tomorrow!
  20. Good Evening All, It is the "Eve of my Sleeve" surgery and I had no idea I would be this emotional! My surgery is tomorrow and I am one big ball of tears! :Cry: They are not tears of fear or even tears of joy. Today, I have a deep sense of what it has been like being overweight my entire life. Many were surprised when I announced I was considering Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) because I have always been the pretty fat girl who is the life of the party. I had no problem getting boyfriends, making new friends, and have had an extremely successful public career. No one really knew that I had started not to like the physical part of who I have become. I can even remember frowning upon WLS and not understanding how people could do it! It wasn't until I looked at pictures of myself that I begin to say "now you are just too fat!" After quick weight loss, weight, watcher's, sugar buster's, and a million other diets, I realized I needed real help. Then, my uncle died in February of this year, basically from complications as a result of being obese. It was then that I declared war on the weight! Now, here I am at 36, just a few hours away from a life changing moment. To say I am overwhelmed is an understatement. I am nervous and excited. I can't wait to meet the new me! Thanks for listening ... Pray for me. Surgery is at 9:30am tomorrow!
  21. newnatalie

    Why is WLS a secret?

    @emilygrace - I respect your right to privacy and realize everyone is not as open as I am. I also know how difficult this obesity battle is so if I can help anyone along the way, I will. Trust me, I won't walk around shouting "I had VSG" to the roof top. But if someone approaches me and is sincerely seeking help, I would feel awful if I did not let them know my secret. To say that "other obese brothers and sisters are not my responsibility" is a little cold! This forum has been a life saver. If it had not been for those who have shared their experience and encouraged me, I would be very afraid right now. I am grateful that they did not simply get healthy and forget about everyone else who is struggling. It is VERY important to support one another! You owe no one an explanation for your decision to have WLS. There's no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed. As long as these are not your reasons fro keeping it a secret, I say do what makes you comfortable. I wish you the best!
  22. newnatalie


    Hello Fellow Believers, God's Word declares that "the prayers of the righteous availeth much." I am asking that you pray for me this Tuesday, November 30 at 9:30am. I will be having VSG. Pray for me, my family, the doctor, and the entire medical staff. I give God praise in advance for bringing me through the surgery with no complications! Thank you for support through prayer!
  23. newnatalie


    Thanks everyone! Krissy, we must keep in touch. Tiffy, you will definitely get a text from me on Tuesday! Sleeve 4 me - Thanks for your support! I'll keep you updated.
  24. newnatalie


    Hello Tiffykins, YOU ARE HIRED! I will send you a message with my phone number and personal email. I report to the hospital this Tuesday at 6am. My surgery should begin around 9:30am. I am nervous. I feel like a woman who is nesting. I am running around trying to be as prepared as possible. I have two small children, so it if vital to have things in order. My doctor did not put me on a pre-op liquid diet! I even called to check and they said just don't eat or drink anything after midnight on Monday. Needless to say, I have been enjoying all my favorite foods since the party is about to come to an end. To my surprise, I have not been able to eat the way I would like to. I think my body knows what's coming! Thanks for signing up to be my mentor! I truly appreciate your courage! Your support is priceless.

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