Hello, everyone I'm really glad I found this site I get alot of great information here, I am currently in the research planning stage of my VSG surgery. I am weighing which doctor, and what price & location will work for my budget. I am self pay with fair credit so as you can imagine it may take some time to secure the total amount which I am estimating at $5-6,000 with airfare etc.
I really like what Dr Almanza is offering, and will in the next few weeks pay the down payment so that I can get a surgery date, I was hoping for April/May 2011.
I'm 38, and I'm sick of being overweight I've tried everything, nothing works. I know the VSG is the answer and being in a better financial situation would make this a smoother process, but I can't wait. My life is depending on it, I've gone far too long in this body, it has to change.
I look forward to sharing my journey