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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jennifer1

  1. jennifer1

    Got my first fill today !!!

    i think i fear the fills more than the surgery. wish i could be put to sleep for that part! LOL!
  2. jennifer1

    One week down, one to go!!

    your pre-op sounds just like mine! be strong hun...it is soooo worth it in the end! just keep focused on the end goal.
  3. jennifer1

    I Survived Surgery!!

    YEAH WELCOME TO BANDLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. wow your recovery has been great! i have been cursed with the gas stuck in my left shoulder! ugh!!! pain in my abs has gotten better over the past few days. it no longer takes me 5 minutes to get out of bed!!LOL! I didnt have a BM the first 4 days. i finally drank a little prune juice and i have been fine since then. I get to start eating mushes tomorrow! i have been eyeballing that tuna and refried beans for 2 days! LOL! Glad your recovery is going well!
  5. jennifer1

    5 more days......

    i was banded last friday and a few pointers i would give would be. 1. make sure someone stays with you at least the first 2 nights(it was hard to get in/out of bed.) 2. make sure you have all your post op diet foods at least for the first week. 3. be prepared to sleep upright for at least 2 days 4. think before you sit in something if you will have to use your abs to get up cuz trust me it will be painful. Hope this helps. Best wishes on your new journey!
  6. when i was in a relationship and had this problem my boyfriend would do the exact same thing. unfortunalty i'm single so no one here to baby me! awwwwwwww
  7. first day back to work after being banded last friday.. not too bad..just wish i didnt have to work at all! LOL

  8. surgery on friday. stayed in/out of bed fri and sat. sunday moved more around the house. walked around outside on monday. and was driving and going to the movies by tues/wed. back to work on thurs.
  9. jennifer1

    day four and back 80%

    Well today is day four post-op and I'm doing quite well. My friends cant believe how go i'm doing being up and mobile. I was going stir crazy in the house so i ran a few errands and i felt ok. Sometimes when i first get up after having sat for a long period of time my port site hurt and it feels like gravity is pulling it down. It only feels better if i support it with my hand and rub it. Spoke with the nurse yesterday and i'm right on track. I may return to work on Thurs, but i'm not rushing it. I am still amazed that i dont have an appeitite! where the hell did it go! believe me i'm not complaining, but i have no restriction cuz my band is empty, but i have no desire to eat whatsoever. I am still making myself drink my liquids as i can start mushies on sat. i want to go to the gym tomorrow and just walk on the treadmill. we'll see how that goes. How is everyone else doing that was banded recently?
  10. jennifer1

    day four and back 80%

    i didnt really eat today and boy did i pay for it. the gas in my left shoulder was ridiculous and as soon as i ate some soup it went away! go figure! i wont be doing that again.
  11. jennifer1


    i cant answer the PB'ing question yet since i'm only 5 days post-op, sorry. But I choose the lap band because it was lest drastic. I dont like all the side effects and things that come with the bypass. Plus i wanted to loose weight at a more natural pace and not drop weight so quickly which to me is unhealthy and shockes your body. Just my two cents!
  12. 5 days post-op and doing great. i still cant believe i'm not hungry. i have to force myself to eat, well drink something.

  13. Well here goes!!!!! Surgery date was May 20th. I had to be there at 11:30 am to check in. My friend rode with me and she drove me home. I had mixed emotions that day. I started a video blog, not sure what I'm going to do with that at this point. The day before there had been some issues with them accepting a credit card for my payment, which I was unaware of until the day before. Long story short I ended up having to pay 3% interest for using a credit card. What was i gonna do not pay it and not have my surgery! NOT! So i quickly got over that. I had been emotional cuz my sister had never even called me to say anything, not a text or anything. I had to pray to clear my mind. Well after the paperwork was completed I was called to the back. I walked to the back looking at my friend, like there is no turning back now. Went to the back and was made to give a urine sample. UMMM I havent had anything to drink since 10:30pm the nite before,all your gonna get is dusk! LOL! Well I gave enough to satisfy them and then I was lead to what would be my recovery room. I changed into my lovely gown and booties. A nurse came by to start my IV fluids and made me drink something VERY bitter to calm the stomach acid in my stomach. They allowed my friend to come back and we chatted a while. The doctor was running late and I was like I wanna get this over with. The anasthesiologist came and explained what would happen and what her role was. soon My surgeon came in and we chatted he was very proud of th 13 pounds I had lost so far. Next thing they started my med in my IV and started rolling me out to the OR. NEXT THING I KNOW I WAS WAKING UP IN RECOVERY!!! WHAT THE WHAT!!! I remember thinking OMG!!! DID I REALLY JUST DO THIS! I was very groggy and my throat was sore. I immedialty placed my hand on my stomach searching for some sign the band was placed. I found a tender spot and was relieved. Apparently and hour later(which felt like 5 minutes) the nurse comes back and says it's time for you to sit in the recliner! UMMM IS SHE CRAZY I THOUGHT TO MYSELF, MY INSIDES ARE GONNA FALL OUT! Nevertheless, she helped me get off the bed and walk to the chair. I immeditatly began to dislike her! LOL! A few minutes later she made me get up and start my laps around the nurses station holding on to my IV pole. My dislike for her was growing by the minute. then she had the audaticity to tell me to go to the bathroom! seriously lady! ugh! i know it was for my good, but i just wanted to go back to sleep. I was in/out of it after my 2 laps around, my surgeon came in and said he had to repair a small hernia and everything went well. I had to have my friend help me get dressed and walk to the xray machine so i could swallow the nasty white stuff again. I was given instructions and my friend took notes, cuz i was soooo not listening. I got wheeled to my car and sent on my way. the first 2 days of recovery where the hardest. Do I regret my decsion? NOT ONE BIT!!! I have had great support from my friends who have nursed me back to health!! returning to work tomorrow! Best wishes everyone, hope this helps someone! it is sooo worth it!
  14. Ok i was banded on may 20th and have had the usually problems of gas and port site pain. nothing out of the ordinary. i spoke to a friend of mine whom i think is jealouse cuz she's struggled with her weight as well, although she is much smaller than me. Anyhow we were talking on the phone and she says, "yeah i cant go out to eat with you any more cuz you'll be skinny." WTH! DID SHE REALLY LET THAT COME OUT OF HER MOUTH! I am still in shock. What does my weight have to do with us going out. I immediatly starting thinking that wow as long as i'm the "FAT GIRL" in the group she was totally comfortable, but now i have the potential to be smaller than her she cant handle it! DUDE SERIOUSLY! This is so ridiculous. Hmph! Just wait till this summer hits, it's on and poppin! Ugh! just wanted to vent right quick, thanks guys!
  15. jennifer1

    Got a date!!!

    YEAH!!! I'm soooo excited for you. I remember that i got to pick my date since i was self pay and it was crazy! I'm so jealous, my surgeon is one of the stricter ones and mmy pre-op diet was liquids including protein shakes, broth, cream soups, SF jello, popsciles and fudgciles(sp?) I lost 11 pounds on that and gained 4 on the day of surgery! i was about to have a heart attack till they told me it was from all the fluids they pumped in me and the gas during surgery. The worst part of recovery has been that damn gas!!!!OMG it gets trapped in my left shoulder and it's very painful, and of course the port soreness, but other than that my recovery has been great. I'm going back to work tomorrow, only cuz i cant afford to be off another day. I'm hoping i'll be fine, but my supervisor is pretty understanding and i know if i need to leave she'll let me. Best wishes as you start your journey. Oh yeah the shakes. i use six star(from walmart) i usually throw half a banana in mine or a spoon of peanut butter.
  16. jennifer1

    Hypo-Thyroid Bandsters

    i too have hypothyroidism. i am very concerned that this will effect my weight loss. I've only been banded 5 days and i'm still trying to shake the last of the 4 pounds i gained from surgery (fluids and gas). i'm praying that i dont have an extra hard time losing cuz of my thyroid!
  17. i too am so afraid of messing up that i follow my surgeons instructions to a tee! I have wanted this for soooo long and fought my weight my entire adult life that i am pertrified of messing up. I am soooo scared of getting stuck once i eat solid foods cuz i dont want to throw up. I'm hopeing to work thru these fear by the time sold food comes. But yeah im a gooody two shoes and proud of it!!!LOL
  18. Thanks guys. i figured out today through other comments today that she has issues. I'm not going to let her negativity effect me and my journey. I have you guys and plenty of others that support me. I just never thought my weight loss would effect my friendships! or family for that matter!
  19. jennifer1

    Hi! Surgery on 5/25 and excited!!!

    hi and welcome. pain meds after surgery are in liquid form. and the other pill i take is for my thyroid but it's really tiny. i have no fluid in my band right now so it goes down as normal. the most pain you will have will be at your port site and gas. everyone talked about it referring to your left shoulder and i had no idea what they were talking about the first two days , then BAM! OMG! i'm like am i having a heart attack! LOL! but that's the most severe i have experienced, but then i'm a big baby when it comes to pain. walk, walk walk walk...did i say walk. this is what gets rid of the gas pain. i'm 4 days post op and i feel great, even drove around for a few errands yesterday. this isnt the easy way out by any means, but as long as your committed to the process you will be fine! best wishes on your journey!
  20. jennifer1

    2 weeks

    well first let my congratulate you on making a decision that is going to change your life. having fears that it wont work and you'll still be fat is sooooo normal. i'm sure plenty of ppl have had them including me. i was banded last friday and when i woke up in recovery i thought what in the hell did i just do to myself!!! now 4 days post-op i am sooooo glad i went through with it. this forum is a great way to get support. of course there are gonna be negative experiences, but isnt that with everything. we've had negative experiences at restaurants, with various companies and we didnt crawl into a corner and die. as long as you have a peace about your decision i say go for it. there will be times when you second guess yourself, but isnt that with any major decision you make in your life. the lap band is not an easy way out, when i caluclate it i will have been without "real" food for 6 weeks, now what is easy about that! but it's gonna be soooo worth it. feel free to PM me if you have questions or just wanna vent. best wishes in your journey to the new you!!!
  21. jennifer1

    BanDiva Hits the Gym

    wow girl you are doing the damn thang!!!! i might venture out and try the gym tomorrow. isnt it amazing how you dont want food you would usually want. i still dont really have an appetite. i had a friend eat some popeye's chicken right in front of me and it didnt bother me in the least. LOL! i'm soooo glad and pray that continues. Keep up the good work. I gained 4 pounds when i got out of surgery and was told it was due to the liquiids they put in me and the gas, no matter how they got there i want them gone. so far i've lost 3 of them, but i'mma need that last one to get up and get moving! i know that sounds crazy but i never want to see the scale going in the wrong direction! LOL! Keep up the good work hun! You have a beautiful smile by the way.
  22. jennifer1

    Post opps and Mushy Foods

    i think this is the bandster hell that i've heard about. Stay focused you've made it this far and it's a journey. Wish i was on mushies,,,,still on full liquids till friday.
  23. jennifer1

    Day Five with "BanDiva"

    wow kim you are doig great i'm 3 days post of and i havent left the house yet. my biggest problem is getting in/out of bed. also the gas in the shoulder can be pretty bad!! I cant wait to start eating some type of food. my friend spent the night and had popeye's chicken. it actually didnt really bother me, but it awaken my desire to eat. not even hungry just wanting to chew on something. I need strenght to make it till friday so i can start my pureed foods!
  24. jennifer1

    Deciding to Speak Openly

    welcome Karon to LBT. I like had researched this option for 5 years. No matter what job I had no covered the band. so I decided if i can spend money on weave and luxury car then I could spend it on my health! I was banded on Friday May20th and am still recovering. It helps if you have a support team and this forum offers wonderful support. Best wishes on your journey

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