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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jennifer1

  1. unfortunatley i have no tricks for insurance i was self pay so once i had my initial meeting with my surgeon i was banded the next month. sorry! i can feel the port..can i see it! lol! girl nope..too much fat gut for that! LOL!

  2. jennifer1


    Well my dietician emailed me back and it seems that I am on the right track and everything i'm experiencing(small weight gain, increased appetite) is perfectly normal. WHEW!!! I was about to lose it this weekend. so the dastardly scale now lives in the basement in a box is only allowed out on friday morning. I went to the gym for the first time today and i did one mile on the treadmill and one mile on the cross trainer. i'm tryn to work my way back up to a full hour of cardio. It actually felt good to be back in the gym. It seems that walking on the treadmill helps get rid of this gas i'm still struggling with as well. i know TMI! TMI! so i'm hoping it gets out of my shoulder for good! my incisions are healing very nicely, starting to itch a little, but i've started scar massage with mederma. well let me stop rambling. smooches!!!
  3. i have 2 really. one about an inch long for the port and another about 1/4 on the right bottom side of the belly. there was one small dot between my breast, but i'm not sure they even did anything with that..LOL!
  4. jennifer1

    Hidden Costs?

    i was a self pay and the day before surgery my surgeons office called and told me that my balance of $$11,500 was due day of surgery..ok i knew that, so i say i'm going to put it on the credit card i used for my pre-op testing. she tells me it has to be cash or a cashiers check. no credit cards!!!!!!!!!!! WTH!!! nobody ever mentioned that before. so spent the day before my surgery tryn to figure out how to get the cash off the credit card in less than 24 hours! i was told only the surgeons portion had to be cash or check and the rest could be credit card. ok i got the cashiers check and put the rest on the credit card the day of surgery when i hand her my cc. she said there's a 3% charge for using a cc!!! WTH!!! again noone said that crap yesteday!!!!!! so another $250! i was soooo pissed, but what could i do i was going into surgery in like 30 minutes!!!!! oh they havent heard the last from me about this!!!!! so frustrating!!
  5. jennifer1


    the same thing happened to me....i sat there drinking soup while all my co-workers were eating jimmy johns sandwiches and cookies and chips...that really didnt bother me,,,,butttttttttt...the next day someone made pigs in a blanket and sat them right by my desk...i thought i was gonna cave....only 3 people at work knew about my surgery so that wasnt on purpose. i just took my paper work and went to another room cuz the smell was sooooo damn tempting. sometimes you might have to take a walk or sit somewhere else during those times. it's gonna be sooo worth it trust me. i made it 2 weeks with no cheats..i still dont know how i did it to this day. BE STRONG GIRL YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  6. jennifer1

    Advice and Opinions Welcome... and needed

    $12,500 for me in illinois...including all pre-op testing and follow-up/fills for first year! I'd do it again in a heart beat!
  7. jennifer1

    Lots happening

    oh that is tooo funny. i used to work in a special needs school and we used to asked the kids if they needed a come to jesus meeting!!!LOL! I"m glad your hubbie is finally on board cuz you will definelty need his support. When is your surgery?
  8. mine is the 17th and i cant wait!!!!!! i want restriction so bad.

  9. jennifer1

    Counting Down to Surgery Day

    everyone talks about walking to get rid of the pain. it didnt really help me until i got on the treadmill!!! wish i knew that a week ago! welcome to bandland hunnie!!!
  10. jennifer1

    the beginning

    welcome..you are among good support here...no one is judgemental....we're all here for the same reason no matter how we got here! best wishes on your journey hun!
  11. jennifer1


    kym.....you always say something to inspire me. i too have been fightn the scale...well you know that from my blog! lol! but i have started back working out today and i'm so glad i did. i actually missed being in the gym! cant believe that came out of my mouth kitten..i'm right there with you girl! my friend ate popeye's chicken(one of my favorites) right in front of me and it didnt faze me!!!! i get my fill on the 17th and i cant wait. kym...you know i'lll be stalking you since you get your fill first! LOL!
  12. ok so today was my first day back in the gym. one mile on the treadmill and one mile on the crosstrainer! gotta keep pushing for more!

  13. Hey Fee! you are too funny girl! when are you getting banded? where do you live? any questions you have right now? shoot away! LOL

  14. yound and banded.. my doc says i wont feel anything either...he better be right or be prepared to be hurt! LOL

  15. thans blossoming. i am so ready for this!

  16. OMG!!! you look amazing!!!!!
  17. jennifer1


    ugh i hate this thing some times..i so just wrote a response to this and it just disappeared!! ugh! anyway i am such a lame....not sure why i'm just now seeing these posts! i wasnt ignoring you ladies, please know that, i just never saw this till today. Thanks for your words of encouragement. I truely appreciated all of you. @ kym...i see you over there gettin it in in the gym..i'mma be like you when i grow up! @ NU...thanks girl i'm on my way! @ fee...girl i will happily pass on these 18's and 20's!!!! 16's here i come! I truely thank God for all of you cuz you are truely an awesome support team for me! SENDING CYBER HUGS YOUR WAY!!!!! MUAH!!
  18. jennifer1

    How long were you on mushies?

    i am to be on mushies for one week then on to soft foods for one week then regular foods. i get my first fill on june 17th and i cant wait. i want to know what restricion feels like, but i dont want the whole throwing up thing. that scares me to death as well. i have nothing in my band right now so everything goes down pretty smooth. my appetite varies from day to day. i wish i could go back to the three weeks when i didnt have an appetite, but i know those days are over my doctor taylors every fill to the patient as i imagine your doc will. so i guess it'll be a waiting game till then. lol keep up the good work i've been following your journey!
  19. I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND! I was sooooo glad to not be hungry for 3 weeks and thenn BAM!!!! When i started mushies my appetite came back with a vengence. but the weird thing is that it fluctuates from day to day. some days it's worse...some better...i think this may be bandster hell that others speak of and the scale is not my friend right now. i did notice that i was not drinking anywhere near the amout of Water i was drinking before and i believe that attributes to some of it. my dietician told me this would happen as well as the scale wavering. so what we're experiencing is normal and we just have to hang in there, you can continue with things like SF Jello and popscicles, this is helping me. hang in there. i dont get my first fill until june17th, which seems sooooo far away, i'm ready to start working this band and know what restriction feels like!!!
  20. Oh gosh! My not having an appetite is sooooo over! This thing came back with a vengence!!!! I'm soooo upset. I know this may sound ridiculous but i am obsessed with the scale. I went for my 1 week check up on friday and i weight 227, i started mushies on friday and this morning (sunday) i weight 229! WTH!!!!!!!!!!!! i am totally freaking out. I'm trying to figure out what the hell happened. I have feared that once i started eating food i would gain weight! is this normal!!! somebody please tell me this is normal and will not continue. i emailed my dietician, cuz i need some help planning these mushy meals. i have been living on mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, refried beans and tuna. I know my portions have been more like 4 ounces but i havent added veggies yet cuz i dont know what pureed veggies would be tasty. I do not want to blow this....i've been doing good so far and now i feel like i'm failing. I just wish i could have a fill so i could have restriction now! plus i know i have slacked on my liquids. i was so glad to have real food that the liquids kind of took a back burner. did anyone else gain weight once they started eating foods before they got their first fill?
  21. jennifer1


    thanks guys. i posted in another forum and was assured what i wass feeling was normal. i have decided to put my scale in the basement in a rubbermaid contianer so i cant have easy access to it every morning. i'm not gonna lie..i snuck and jumped on it when my overnight guest(who told me to stay off the scale) was in the bathroom and it's starting to go back down..some ounces, but it didnt go up!!!! i am pushing my liquids more and i am starting back in the gym tomorrow, so i wont be on the scale again until friday. thanks for the feedback...hope you're having a great holiday! miss mary..when do you start mushies. i have a week of mushies...a week of soft and then solids...oh of course the first week was liquids
  22. I have tears in my eyes reading this post. thank you soooo much for posting this. i was soooo worried that i had gained 2 pounds since i started eating mushies. i feel sooo much better knowing that i'm on the right track and my weight is gonna fluctuate a few pounds the first few weeks. i can get off the ledge now!!!! LOL! thanks sooooo much!
  23. I was banded on May 20th and my recovery was ok. The one thing that is still quite painful is the pain that gets trapped in the left shoulder. How long have others had to deal with this! It is very uncomfortable and can be quite painful. I have been walking and chewing gas x like no body's business. I did notice yesterday when i hardly ate it ws much worse! How long have you guys had to deal with this? I tried a heating pad and it wasnt much help either!
  24. wow that's the first i heard to put the heating pad on the abdomen.....so far it seems to be getting better unless i sit for long periods of time like when i'm a church..thanks for the info!
  25. is this what bandster hell is!!!! i just started pureed foods and i wasnt hungry the first week after being banded, nor during my pre-op liquid diet. now i'm hungry all the time and i gained 2 pounds since i started pureed foods. i wont get a fill until 3 weeks from now!!!! how am i going to make it????

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