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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jennifer1

  1. jennifer1

    7 months out..most recent pic. 1st pic of 2012!!!

    awww thanks sooo much.. its a hard road, but sooo worth it!
  2. jennifer1

    Iband.. Questions About It..

    i am a slow loser, but i also have hypothyrodism. i was banded may 20, 2011 and i have lost 35 pounds and gone from a size 20 to a 16. wishing it was more, but at least i'm not where i used to be. it took me 5 fills and 2 emergency unfills to get to my current restriction. the first 4-6 weeks are about healing so dont expect much weight loss. i was on an altered diet for the first month out and really had no appetite for the first 3 weeks. be patient with yourself and the band. feel free to PM me with any questions you may have. best wishes to you. jennifer
  3. I got the same comments..even had a friend say she couldn't go out to dinner with me anymore cuz I was gonna be the skinny girl..then she said later on that once I lost all my weight I could take my band out and we could go eat some real food.wth..that's like tell a crack head..oh u have been clean for a year lats go celebrate and smoke some crack..girl shake yo haters off and keep it moving.
  4. jennifer1

    Before The First Fill

    it took me 5 fills and 2 unfills to get to good restriction. so be patient everyone is different. hopefully you get restriction quickly.
  5. i'm learning to live with my fickle band, especially if i'm down11 pounds since my fill 5 weeks ago!!!!

  6. jennifer1

    Why Do Things Keep Changing? (Long)

    I too have a crazy band. It's frustrating part is I never know if I will be able to eat. I can have a few bites of something 1 day and the next day won't even think about going there. It just got cold here in chicago and my band seems tighter now. I really don't get it.Ugh...
  7. jennifer1

    Are Me And My Band Crazy Or Just Me? Ijs!

    Thanks everyone for letting me know I am not crazy I neither is my band. It's good to know I am not alone in this is normal. I am happy about my 8 pound lost.. yes I just hit on december 12th. I will take the advice of drinking a little before I eat.. thanks again everyone. I love my lap band family.:-)
  8. I was banded by Dr. Elli at Day One Health in may of 2011. i was private pay so after one year i will have to pay out of pocket for my fills. i was told they are $250 a pop. OMG! i'm praying that i will need very few if any fills after the first year. i was wondering how much others are paying for their fills in the chicagoland area. he uses fluroscopy. jennifer
  9. jennifer1

    6 months out

    From the album: randomness

  10. jennifer1

    5 months out

    From the album: randomness

  11. jennifer1

    5 months

    From the album: randomness

  12. jennifer1

    4 months out

    From the album: randomness

  13. jennifer1

    3 months out

    From the album: randomness

  14. jennifer1

    3 months out

    From the album: randomness

  15. jennifer1

    summer of 2011...3 months out

    From the album: randomness

  16. jennifer1

    one month later

    From the album: randomness

  17. jennifer1

    What Do U Say.....

    i told a few people about my surgery and i would say 75% were supportive. i heard the whole you dont need surgery and just exercise and eat good bit too. well guess what i did exercise before my band and i ate right about 70% of the time and i still couldnt loose weight. bottom line is you have to do what's best for you. i didnt have high blood pressure, diabetes, joint pain or none of the things that are sometimes associated with being over weight, but those things run in my family. so i figured if i can invest in a luxury car, desinger purses and expensive hair styles, then i could invest in my health. now i have had some challenges with my band, but the good has definelty out weighted the bad. i have choosen to ignore the negative ninnes and keep it move. after all this about me and no one else. best wishes to you and feel free to PM me if you need support or have questions. i was banded in may of 2011. jennifer
  18. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! Thank God for a good fill, no over eating for me for the first Christmas ever in my life!!

  19. jennifer1

    The Count Down..............

    my surgery was done out patient. so i was home by that time. i stopped to get pain meds and i'm sure i looked ridiculouse walking around the store hanging on to the cart! LOL i slept mostly, and i had company, but they were babying me so i didnt mind the company! LOL
  20. i'm loving my 5th fill!!!!!

  21. i'm loving my 5th fill!!!!!

  22. HATERS THEY ARE ALL HATERS. if give the opportunity i'm sure some of them would jump at the chance. i love my band and refuse to let anyone make me feel bad about getting it! hmph!
  23. jennifer1

    5th Fill Finally!

    i hear different things about her and the band. if she had or has one she looks great! people tell me i look like her and i just say i'm the j hud before weight watchers, working on the after pic!LOL
  24. jennifer1

    5th Fill Finally!

    Ok today dec 12th i finally got my 5th fill. on oct 28th i got my second unfill and have had nooooo restriction since then. I gain 7 pounds in those 6 weeks, but i'm not complaining cuz it could have been much worse. My clothes are actually feeling looser. I dont get it and I dont care. as long as i'm not gaining! LOL! this band has been such an experience. I'm nowhere near where i thought i would be almost 7 months post, but i'm not where i was 7 months ago and for that i'm grateful. Now that my band is back where it needs to be, let's get this ball rolling. Currenlty I go to the gym 4 days a week and my goal for next year is 5 days. I told my trainer that jogging on the treadmill isnt all that bad, and i'm no longer too embarrassed to do it. But now of course he's like it's not good for the knee joints. now me being a therapist i kinda already knew that, but i figured that moslty applied to running on concrete. oh well, he said not more than 2 times a week and i'm ok with that. well that's all for now. Jennifer
  25. finally got my 5th fill today!!!! praying for good restriction for a few months!

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