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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jennifer1

  1. jennifer1

    No Restriction

    I am 11 months out and it took me 4 fills to get good restriction..two emergency unfills..another fill and another slight unfill...it may take a few times..and the closer u get to ur green spot the smaller amounts of fill will make hugh differences Jennifer
  2. jennifer1

    Pressure And Pain

    I am glad you will see your doc soon as since you had two surgeries no one here can tell where the pain is coming from...as far as eating..I'm surprised your eating softfood so soon...your band may not be ready to handle that just yet...does your doc have a food progression for you to follow?
  3. jennifer1

    With This Band...

    I love this anology. I sooo have a love hate relationship with my band. B 52....you are hilarious
  4. jennifer1

    Sore Throat Post Op

    Congrats on your surgery hun..I called you but I didn't leave a message..figured you were resting..glad everything went well.
  5. jennifer1

    Bra Line And Port

    ok this is so weird for me to be typing this, but now that i am close to goal my port is more visable(well i should say more easily felt.....lol) i am noticing that my bra hits right where my port is. and it's starting to be a little annoying and i'm wondering is it just gonna get worse. have others had this problem and is the only solution to have my port moved? i hope not...not feeling anymore surgery. jennifer
  6. jennifer1

    Youtube Anyone?

    I have been video journaling my journey since surgery day may 20, 2011..i've finally decided to put it on youtube but I have to figure out how to do it...lol
  7. jennifer1

    Stopped Losing After Week 7

    What ur experiencing is normal..the first 6 weeks are about healing not weight loss..so the fact you lost during that time is great...I actually gained weight when I started real foods and flipped out..but then I talked to my dietician and found it it was normal..hang in there..it may take a while for your body to adjust. Jennifer
  8. jennifer1

    Pre-Op Frustration

    That is so stupid..how can she say she agrees with the surgery for you but then wont sign the necessary paper work..ugh one of the reason i'm gald I was self pay...I hope ur doc comes to her senses soon and signs ur papers...best wishes
  9. jennifer1

    Starting Life Over, In May!

    Hi..welcome to LBT..this is a great place for support..I have been banded 10 months..feel free to check out my blog on here and PM me with a ny questions...congrats on making this decision, Jennifer
  10. Ohhh I love those brownies..but i've never microwaved it with coolwhip..sounds yummy
  11. jennifer1

    Food Portions Questions.

    Jeff...great advice...I am 10 months out and I don't count calories or anything else...I try to make healthy choices and since i'm at good restriction it works for me...thanks for keeping it real!
  12. jennifer1

    Confused At How I Feel After My Fill

    This is the first time I heard about first bite syndrome...very interesting
  13. jennifer1

    Question Number 2

    I wasn't cleared for abdominal workout till 6 weeks post...even then I was so paranoid..I would refuse to do them or can ur doc write u a note explaining why it's not ok for you to do them..I wouldn't want to take any chances with bothering my port this early in the game!
  14. jennifer1

    Size 14 Feels Great!

    Dk4....I totally understand the emotions you spoke of..now that I can get items from the "regular" part of the store it's soooooo weird...I literally almost had a panic attack the first few times..I still feel like people are looking at me like why are you not in the plus sized section....this is a part of losing weight I never imagined would be such a struggle...feels good but weird at the same time.
  15. jennifer1

    Finally Under 200Lbs

    I finally hit onederland about a week ago..struggling to stay there and stay off the scale....
  16. jennifer1


    I was banded may 2011 at day one health in downtown chicago..I live in the south suburbs.
  17. jennifer1

    So Confused!!!

    I agree with toddy...full before the band and after are 2 different things...full after the band for me is more a feeling in the middle of my chest..and a hiccup..and also a general loss of interest in what i'm eating...never thought I would loose interest in food..lol.soooo weird
  18. on my way to mississippi for my dads bday..last time i was here i had no restriction and it was thanksgiving and i did good..this time i'm at good restriction:-)

  19. jennifer1

    Throw Out Your Scales!

    Good job girl..told you sometimes that stupid scale is the devil..Congrats on the cute new clothes
  20. jennifer1

    Am I Too Tight?

    when you are close to your sweet spot the smallest amount will make a huge difference. my surgeon really listens to me when i tell how much i think i need to be at good restriction. she may need only to take out .5cc so that you will have gotten .5cc's. best wishes and i hope you get relief soon i know how being too tight feels..not a picnic at all!
  21. jennifer1

    Bra Line And Port

    oh honey i hope i didnt scare you. it's not painful at all i just can notice it now as before i didnt. please dont let something i said discourage you from going ahead with this. despite some minor issues i have no regrets about getting my band only not getting it sooner.
  22. jennifer1

    Self Pay In Central New York

    wow i cant believe no one will do it and you're self pay. figured it was just the insurance companies that wanted you to jump through those hoops. wow i'm sorry i have no answers cuz i was self pay as well but my BMI was 41. i've heard of some people wearing ankle weights so they would be heavier when they went in, but i've never tried it. hey it may be worth a shot! LOL Best wishes hun
  23. jennifer1

    Port Location

    is should be next to your largest scar. i have 3 incision. 2 very small and one about an inch long and my port is to the left of it at the base of my rib cage on the left.
  24. jennifer1

    Question ?? Had Lapban Done On 4/5

    yeah oatmeal may be a little big right now
  25. jennifer1

    Well That Was Short Lived!!

    ok so i finally hit onederland and then BAM..stupid TOM and i'm back in the 200's. I know it should go away when tom leaves, but i was so pissed. anyway. i went to the mall today to get a pair of size 12 jeans to prayerfully get in on may 20th my one year anniversary. i just wanted to try them on and see how close i was to puttn those suckers on. well once i got home i realized they were skinny jeans, which means they are even tighter. so i tried and tried and i layed across the bed, AND GOT THEM SUCKAS ZIPPED, now when i stood up i had this huge roll of fat sitting on top, but i got them zipped. now would i wear them like that. ummmm no, but i was just happy i got them zipped. it's gonna be a lot of hard work for about a month and a half to get in them comfortably, but we shall see. if i can find another pair of 12 jeans on sale that are not skinny jeans i'll be totally content with that.

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