Hello everyone. My name is Diana and I am a 29 year old female, married, no children.
I had my initial consulation on March 15th and at that time I weighed 216. My BMI is 45 and height is 4'10; no other medical conditions. My surgeon told me that I am definately a candidate due to the aforementioned and would not need to go thru the 2 week liquid diet prior to surgery that many others do. I had my bloodwork done March 28th and nutritional/psych eval done March 29th. Insurance paperwork has been submitted and I'm awaiting approval.
BUT ~~> I'm getting cold feet.
I tell myself, why can't I do it on my own? Why must I have a foreign object placed in my body in order for me to be able to achieve weight loss?! Will I experience the horrible pain after surgery that many bandsters have?? ( my pain thresold is not great) What if it doesn't work?!!! Will I have complications with the lap band when I try to have children?? (preferrably sooner than later)
And to top off all of my concerns , I've noticed that I've actually been eating more since I began this process !! Its like the world is gonna end and I gotta eat all my fav things before Dday! Is this normal?!?
Please help
Soo scared :0(