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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by peppercma

  1. Does Dr. Kelly put in a catheter or drain tube? I think I'm most freaked out about possibly having a catheter. I've never had any kind of surgery before so I'm completely new to this whole experience.
  2. HI All, it's been a long while since I posted, but I'm back with a quick question for you. I had my surgery in July 2011 and just had my first "tummy baby" on Friday. Are there any VSG moms out there who found they couldn't breastfeed? I'm having trouble with getting milk and was wondering if the lack of nutrition from the surgery could be part of my problem. Thanks
  3. I am 38 yrs old, 8mo post op and just found out that I'm pregnant. How in world am I going to eat all the food I'm supposed to? The food guide says 6-11 servings of grains per day!! I think my sleeve in kinda on the small side so I still can't eat much at one sitting so I eat about every 2-3 hours. To get all the grains I'm supposed to I'd have to eat it at every "meal", which means I wouldn't have room for any thing else. Is it OK to sacrifice the grains so that I can get everything else in? I'll be able to do all the others, but only if I sacrifice the grains. Thanks
  4. peppercma

    Beef Snack

    Hey All, I've gotten tired of snacking on cottage cheese, cheese sticks, greek yogurt, and canned roast beef. So I decided to try and actually cook something a bit more hearty. It made 6 portions that have been put into small storage containers for easy grab, heat and eat Snacks. 1# ground beef (93% lean) 1/2 C ricotta cheese (simply kraft reduced fat) 3oz mozzarella, shredded (part skim) 1 C pizza sauce (ragu homestyle) salt, pepper, garlic salt, italian seasoning to taste Fry the beef and drain off any fat, and return to pan. Add the cheeses and pizza sauce, stir until melted. Add the seasonings to your taste preference. A 1/2 C serving has about 29gms of Protein. I didn't calculate any of the other stuff, so if you want that part you'll have to do the legwork. Using spaghetti sauce would work well, too, I just didn't have any of it on hand.
  5. peppercma

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Thanks. I'm gonna try and start tomorrow. Hopefully it will work as well for me as it did for the others. Of course alot of it has to do with will power and self control, of which I have trouble with both
  6. peppercma

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Why only green veggies and not other colors?
  7. peppercma

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    Not so good this week, just down 0.4lbs since last week. But, my goal is losing 1.5lbs per week & I've lost 3.4lbs over the past 2 weeks, so I'm right on track. Yipee!! Starting ~ 225.2.....Current ~ 221.8.....Goal ~ 215.....Lost ~ 3.4.....To Go ~ 6.8
  8. peppercma

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    Yeah!! Down 3# this week. I'm not officially at one week until tomorrow morning, but I was super happy this morning and just had to share! Starting ~ 225.....Current ~ 222.....Goal ~ 215.....Lost ~ 3.....Still to go ~ 7
  9. I don't know about the FSA card would work for surgery in Mexico, but just using ours in our local area has been a total @#$%^&*()_!!!!! We won't be using that plan ever again. The insurance company sends us our EOB, then about 2 months later we get a letter from them saying they need a copy of the EOB to show that it was right to be paid out of the account. If we didn't get it to them in time they froze the account. This happened about 4 times this past year. I hope it works well for you. Good luck!!
  10. peppercma

    Pain... For How Long?

    I stopped taking the pain meds when I got home, 4 days after the surgery. I had no pain until about a week or two later and it was near the big incision. It was just a soreness that went away after about a week.
  11. I, too, have 3 kids...ages 8, 4 and (at the time of surgery) 1month. My surgery was on a Friday and we came home from TJ on Tuesday. I think that you probably won't have too many problems considering their ages, unless of course the 3 year old are the "more loving" type who like to be in mommy's lap a lot. Even in that case they are are big enough to climb up to you and just keep a pillow between you and them for some cushion against the incisions. I think they are also big enough to understand that mommy has a boo-boo and they need to be gentle.
  12. peppercma

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    I missed my Christmas goal, so I was a bit more conservative this time. Hopefully I'll do better this time around... Current weight - 225 Valentine goal - 215 Pounds to go - 10
  13. peppercma

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    I missed my goal also. My goal was 220, I made it to 224 then went back up to 226 during the last 2 days (too many goodies around). Already looking forward to the V-Day Challenge. As this was my first challenge I didn't know how I'd handle it, so now I know to be a bit more "realistic" with my next goal.
  14. peppercma

    My Trip to TJ

    Some photos of my trip to San Diego & Tijuana for the sleeve on July 29, 2011
  15. peppercma

    Lucerna Street View

    From the album: My Trip to TJ

    About 3 blocks down this road is another great restaurant...Las Remedios. Their tortilla soup is awesome!
  16. peppercma

    Room View

    From the album: My Trip to TJ

    A front room with a nice view of the round-about and the city. Really good restaurant across the round-about...Case del Mole.
  17. peppercma

    Lucerna Courtyard

    From the album: My Trip to TJ

    A wonderful place to relax and read. Great breezes coming thru.
  18. peppercma

    Leaving Hospital

    From the album: My Trip to TJ

    Drain tube was taken out about 30 minutes before this. Having that tube out makes a huge difference in how you feel.
  19. peppercma

    28hrs after surgery

    From the album: My Trip to TJ

    The first time I was able to get all 3 balls up!
  20. peppercma

    Morning After Surgery

    From the album: My Trip to TJ

    Eating my lovely breakfast of ice chips. MMM...MMM...Good!
  21. peppercma

    First walk after surgery.

    From the album: My Trip to TJ

    This was about 7 hours after the surgery. I only made it from the bed to the door twice before I was too tired to do more. In my left hand is the drain tube.
  22. peppercma


    From the album: My Trip to TJ

    All hooked up for testing. This was about 2 hours before surgery.
  23. peppercma

    Our Room

    From the album: My Trip to TJ

    The picture says it all. Kinda old, kinda dirty. Would not use this hospital again for those reasons. But the staff were great.
  24. peppercma

    Oasis/Florence Hospital

    From the album: My Trip to TJ

    The courtyard. Very nice and peaceful. A nice place to walk when your up to it.
  25. peppercma

    Oasis/Florence Hospital

    From the album: My Trip to TJ

    A side view of the hospital. This is how you first see the hospital when driving there.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
