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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    mi75 got a reaction from Kindle in Gallbladder attack - OUCH !   
    i agree. i had gall bladder attacks for almost a YEAR before i had it out. two days after that surgery, i had a stone which lodged in my greater bile duct. MORE pain!
    sounds exactly like it to me...sadly even after your gb is gone, you can still have problems with stones, a story i am all too familiar with. it's all on me though, i never followed the diet that they encouraged after my gb surgery...
  2. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from Pelicanlady in Am I alone on this?   
    me! i find it amazing how much food people BELIEVE they really need compared to how little sustains the body.
    i am only 10 days out. i too, of course, was one of them, and one of the BIGGEST eaters ever. i could easily down 4000 cals a day before surgery. i understand food addictions for sure...
  3. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from Pelicanlady in Am I alone on this?   
    me! i find it amazing how much food people BELIEVE they really need compared to how little sustains the body.
    i am only 10 days out. i too, of course, was one of them, and one of the BIGGEST eaters ever. i could easily down 4000 cals a day before surgery. i understand food addictions for sure...
  4. Like
    mi75 reacted to Jewells70 in I am afraid I have messed up on full liquid phase   
    Congrats MI! Thanks for sharing your menu.
    I had my follow up appointment today - 15lbs lost and all is well. Dr. said to continue to follow the plan to a tee and I will see the results I desire. Its going to be a long road ahead.
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    mi75 got a reaction from Jewells70 in I am afraid I have messed up on full liquid phase   
    i think that it is probably fine! i am on full liquids too and i have an actual menu page that my nut gave me. it calls for 3/4-1 cup of cream Soup at both lunch AND dinner time, plus 1/2-1 pudding cup for a snack, 1/2-1 yogurt cup for a snack, two Protein shakes, 2 cups of milk, and unlimited water/SF popcicles, broth, etc. for the day. i am doing what they told my and i'm already down 22 lbs 9 days out.
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    mi75 got a reaction from Texasmeg in HELP! Snacks!   
    P3 packs, available at the grocery store right by the lunchables. these little packs of smoked turkey cubes, cojack cheese cubes and almonds. 13g Protein, around $1.30 each. really easy and a perfect little portion. there are also the REV packs which sport some good protein and they are more like a little turkey/cheese/flatbread wrap.
  7. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from Texasmeg in HELP! Snacks!   
    P3 packs, available at the grocery store right by the lunchables. these little packs of smoked turkey cubes, cojack cheese cubes and almonds. 13g Protein, around $1.30 each. really easy and a perfect little portion. there are also the REV packs which sport some good protein and they are more like a little turkey/cheese/flatbread wrap.
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    mi75 got a reaction from BeagleLover in Which calcium do you use post op-need examples please   
    i was using a drinkable liquid Calcium for the past few months and just CANNOT now that i'm post op. it just doesn't sit well at ALL.
    i asked my nut and she said i could maybe try a petite version of regular Calcium and use a pill cutter, or look for a chewable.< /p>
    does anybody know of a good chewable calcium OR other option? maybe Viactiv? Gummy? i'm not sure which to try and don't want to do anything wrong. i'm only 8 days post op but doing awesome and don't want to mess up anything!
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    mi75 got a reaction from BarbCB in What Is (or Was) Holding You Back from Weight Loss Surgery?   
    GREAT poll Alex! I chose 'other'. My big hold up was actually food. yes, the thing i wanted to get away from was the thing that held down the pause button for me for over a year.
    It's hard enough to admit you have a food addiction, but like most other addictions, 'just quitting' is almost never possible. I simply was not ready to bid farewell to my friend, food.
    Now I am 3 days post op. Only 3. But...well, besides the soreness and the drain I have to deal with, I already feel better!
    Today I went outside to just stroll around the yard while my hubby mowed the lawn. My husband came up to me and wiped a few tears and said to me "it's just so good to see you outside again after so long"...you see, it had been at least 2 years, maybe 3 since I had gone outside to bask in the sun, sit in a lawn chair, just enjoy the fresh air. before surgery, my only priority was sitting inside and eating as much as I could. Now i KNOW that this surgery will change my life.
  10. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from Dreamin Again in General Anesthesia - Thoughts of the Day   
    i am a nurse and worked in surgery, so the thought of anesthesia was very real for me.
    however, i have great faith in the anesthesia team at the institution where i had surgery and i knew they would look after me.
    one of the main things is to make sure your cardiology clearance includes the topic of anesthesia clearance and it should be fine.
    on the other hand, i KNEW if i didn't do this i would die in the next few years anyway.
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    mi75 got a reaction from Dr-Patient in Drain is out- i feel awesome!   
    my drain came out this afternoon and i feel great! so GOOD not being tethered to something...the actual removal was WEIRD and kinda painful because it felt like it was wrapped around my guts and she had to pull a bit, but it was over in seconds.
    EVERYTHING so far has been great. no complications, no unforseens, no nausea/vomiting, etc. onward!
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    mi75 got a reaction from crazzeescrapper in Meeting daily fluid requirements   
    i can. really no problem. i am having two 25 oz Protein shake/milk drinks every day plus these little 10oz bottles of Water, and i'm using a half of a crystal lite in them for variety. having 3 of them a day if i can but yesterday i only got in 2.
    i am really going beyond what my requirements are, but i am always concerned about dehydrating and such...i am 7 days out.
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    mi75 got a reaction from Dr-Patient in Drain is out- i feel awesome!   
    my drain came out this afternoon and i feel great! so GOOD not being tethered to something...the actual removal was WEIRD and kinda painful because it felt like it was wrapped around my guts and she had to pull a bit, but it was over in seconds.
    EVERYTHING so far has been great. no complications, no unforseens, no nausea/vomiting, etc. onward!
  14. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from Dr-Patient in Drain is out- i feel awesome!   
    my drain came out this afternoon and i feel great! so GOOD not being tethered to something...the actual removal was WEIRD and kinda painful because it felt like it was wrapped around my guts and she had to pull a bit, but it was over in seconds.
    EVERYTHING so far has been great. no complications, no unforseens, no nausea/vomiting, etc. onward!
  15. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from cnilson in Who eats McDonalds post op?   
    i continue to thank everyone for your honesty. i know the work we have all done to lose our weight. however, we are all human and we have to be realistic too!
    my two kids are happy and supportive and were really joyed to hear that eventually, many months into my recovery, we will be able to have an outing to their favorite place.
  16. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from BarbCB in What Is (or Was) Holding You Back from Weight Loss Surgery?   
    GREAT poll Alex! I chose 'other'. My big hold up was actually food. yes, the thing i wanted to get away from was the thing that held down the pause button for me for over a year.
    It's hard enough to admit you have a food addiction, but like most other addictions, 'just quitting' is almost never possible. I simply was not ready to bid farewell to my friend, food.
    Now I am 3 days post op. Only 3. But...well, besides the soreness and the drain I have to deal with, I already feel better!
    Today I went outside to just stroll around the yard while my hubby mowed the lawn. My husband came up to me and wiped a few tears and said to me "it's just so good to see you outside again after so long"...you see, it had been at least 2 years, maybe 3 since I had gone outside to bask in the sun, sit in a lawn chair, just enjoy the fresh air. before surgery, my only priority was sitting inside and eating as much as I could. Now i KNOW that this surgery will change my life.
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    mi75 got a reaction from Jen35 in I knew I shouldn't have said anything!   
    it irks me when people think we are 'jumping into' WLS. it's not exactly a decision you make on a Monday and surgery that Friday. this is a LONG process, many months for most.
    it also revolves around a food ADDICTION. i once retorted back to a colleague who questioned me the same way "would you discourage an alcoholic from going to AA"? and dropped it.
    another poster said it best, people are terribly misinformed.
    rest assured in the decision you made for yourself is best and keep your eye on the prize. good luck!
  18. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from Jen35 in I knew I shouldn't have said anything!   
    it irks me when people think we are 'jumping into' WLS. it's not exactly a decision you make on a Monday and surgery that Friday. this is a LONG process, many months for most.
    it also revolves around a food ADDICTION. i once retorted back to a colleague who questioned me the same way "would you discourage an alcoholic from going to AA"? and dropped it.
    another poster said it best, people are terribly misinformed.
    rest assured in the decision you made for yourself is best and keep your eye on the prize. good luck!
  19. Like
    mi75 reacted to Who Dat 70461 in Does life return to normal?   
    I was sleeved May 8, 2013 and my wife July 8, 2013. While my surgery and recovery were textbook, hers was a bit more challenging. She had two hernias repaired and it took about 3-4 weeks for her to quit complaining...uh-hm, I mean start to feel better!

    Now, that period of time is a distant memory! I am down 119 lbs. and hit my original goal around 5 months ago.

    My wife is down 80 lbs. and hit her goal about 3 months ago (She looks fantastic, but she's on a mission to lose more...I told her not to get carried away, I don't want to feel like I'm hugging a sack of hammer handles!).

    It is perfectly normal to question whether or not this was a good decision, especially during the first few months. Don't worry, give your new tummy time to adjust...it will get better.

    You're in for one heck of a journey...hang in there, it is definitely an incredible ride!

  20. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from Krystal84 in Soups!   
    right now i'm only 6 days post op and in no mood to cook. i've used a canned cream of potato with bacon and canned bean with bacon. both lowfat versions and skim milk.
    a spoonful of each in a saucepan, some milk, heat thoroughly, strain. done. easy!
    i'm getting a little bored with this option though, so i'm going to the store later today to see what else i can come up with.
  21. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from jajmj in Non scale victories   
    my NSV is fairly small, being that i'm only 4 days out from surgery. BUT...
    prior to surgery I was taking 10 prescription pills a day, and today I am down to one-half of one pill. WHOO HOO!!!!!!!
  22. Like
    mi75 reacted to Miss Mac in What do you miss most after Weight Loss Surgery?   
    Used to be I was a soda guzzler, too, but looking back, I am sure that was the major cause of my gastric reflux and swollen belly. So, do I miss it? Not so much. I missed bread, bun, cake, Pasta, etc...until I read Wheat Belly. Everything else has just been a matter of adjustments. Really, food doesn't taste the same anymore, and everthing doesn't have to be sweet or salty.
  23. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from GingerSlim in Question for all the "post op's"   
    honestly i am 5 days postop and it pretty much has ALL been what i expected it to be.
    i expected the pre-op diet to be fairly difficult and it was, and i had a couple of cheats. nothing significant enough to derail my surgery.
    i expected some pain post op and i had none until the day after when anesthesia wore off, then they gave me IV narcotics
    i expected there to be doubting thomases among my friends, there were. i think they are still all surprised that i actually went through with it and could stop eating.
    i guess i feel like even though this was a huge step, it was totally worth it. between my 2 wk preop and 5 days post op i am already down 20 lbs.
    i resolved early on to do EXACTLY as the bariatric team told me and other than the couple pre-op cheats, i have. i figure that this is a proven program and as long as i do as i'm told, it will work!
  24. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from GingerSlim in Question for all the "post op's"   
    honestly i am 5 days postop and it pretty much has ALL been what i expected it to be.
    i expected the pre-op diet to be fairly difficult and it was, and i had a couple of cheats. nothing significant enough to derail my surgery.
    i expected some pain post op and i had none until the day after when anesthesia wore off, then they gave me IV narcotics
    i expected there to be doubting thomases among my friends, there were. i think they are still all surprised that i actually went through with it and could stop eating.
    i guess i feel like even though this was a huge step, it was totally worth it. between my 2 wk preop and 5 days post op i am already down 20 lbs.
    i resolved early on to do EXACTLY as the bariatric team told me and other than the couple pre-op cheats, i have. i figure that this is a proven program and as long as i do as i'm told, it will work!
  25. Like
    mi75 got a reaction from kpay10 in I Survived the County Fair!   
    awesome!!!!! in my neck of the woods the big fair food is this local hot dog and handcut french fry stand that goes from festival to festival and fair to fair. it's absolutely everyone's favorite. people stand in line for up to an hour to place their orders! i'm drooling, literally, just thinking of it.
    because i seriously doubt my ability to walk away from it, i am skipping the fair this year but i know that the stand will be at a big fall festival nearby in october and i'm sure i will have a bite or two just to fulfill my annual fix!
    the best part though, is knowing that i won't have to act like i'm ordering two footlongs and two cheese fries for TWO people (when really it was all for me) and just ordering a 'junior' size will be plenty, with most of it being tossed out.

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