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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Yvette

  1. All good advice here. You're doing great with 66 lbs. down! I'm 2 years post op and at my goal, but I wasn't there at 1 yr. post op. I find myself going "back to basics" when I get off track with my diet. I actually pull out the diet and exercise plan my doctor gave me and check it against what I'm currently doing. You'd be surprised how one small deviation from the plan can impact your weight loss! Keep at it! You'll get there!
  2. Yvette


    From the album: Before and After Pics

    This is me 13 months post op.
  3. From the album: Before and After Pics

    This was me at 280 lbs. on 11/9/2010. Sleeve scheduled for 1/31/11.
  4. So grateful for my weight loss. New day, new me and I'm feeling good!!!

  5. Yvette

    Easter Challenge!

    Update! Challenge SW: 167 Feb. 21: 167 Feb. 28: 165 Mar. 06: 164 Mar. 13: 165 Mar. 20: Mar. 27: Apr. 03 Easter: Easter GW: 157 Lbs. to lose by Easter: 10 Lbs. lost to date in challenge: 2 Up a lb. this week... boy these last few lbs. are hanging on for dear life lol... gotta try harder!
  6. Yvette

    Yvette 012912

    From the album: Before and After Pics

    Me in January, 2012. Down 115 lbs!
  7. From the album: Before and After Pics

    Me in September, 2011, down about 70 lbs. post op.
  8. Yvette

    Easter Challenge!

    Update! Challenge SW: 167 Feb. 21: 167 Feb. 28: 165 Mar. 06: 164 Mar. 13: Mar. 20: Mar. 27: Apr. 03 Easter: Easter GW: 157 Lbs. to lose by Easter: 10 Lbs. lost to date in challenge: 3 Down 1 lb. this week... Yaaaayyyy!
  9. If anyone is looking for a doctor in NJ I highly recommend Dr. Ajay Goyal, Dr. Angela Jack and Dr. Stephen Forrester at the NJ Bariatric Center. I was sleeved on 1/31/11 and I received top-notch care from day one. Everything including the educational seminars, websites, insurance authorization process, and most of all, the care pre and post op was excellent! Their team made this process easy for me! P.S. I'm doing well! I've lost 55 lbs. and feeling great!!!
  10. Yvette

    NJ Bariatric Center

    Yes, you're right! Haven't gone to a support group meeting yet but I plan to. Wishing you all the best on 5/11! Don't be nervous... you're gonna love your sleeve!
  11. Yvette

    NJ Bariatric Center

    You are in good hands! Praying all goes well on 5/11!
  12. Yvette

    Asking for prayers

    I'm praying for you, too! I know God will restore you!!!
  13. I think the scale is going to freak me out... I'm just going to follow the doctor's orders and weigh in at check-ups. What do you think?

  14. I had my first post-op visit and I'm down 7 pounds from 1/31 yaaaaaaaayyyy!

  15. Yvette

    4 Year Anniversary!

    Glad to hear you're doing well and now back on track. I was just sleeved on 1/31 and I'm looking foward to posting good news on my 4 yr. anniversary!
  16. Yvette

    Bad Weekend!

    I went through the same thing. I was supposed to be changing my eating habits gradually, but I had relapses. I think it was my "last hoorah" before surgery. But you know what? We came to this decision because we wanted to make a change and it' going to be sooo worth it. Don't beat yourself up, just get back on the bandwagon. During my pre-op psych visit the doctor gave me a little technique that helped... when you're tempted to eat something, take a moment and look at it and tell yourself, "I know what this tastes like" and really mentally taste it. Then ask yourself, "do I really need this, or can you move past it". I most cases I was able to move on. Hope this helps!
  17. How is it going? How are you?
  18. I'm 5 days post-op and feeling better... I can do this!!!!!!!!

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