Hello Flirty Thirties Crew!!!!
Just turned 33 a few days ago!!! Woo-Hoo!!!! Boy how time flies! I am so super excited to be taking back my life and beginning this new journey! It makes me look forward to my 40s (no rush however) THAT much more!!!
Bye the way....I agree with the fashion trends of the 80's coming back wit a VENGEANCE! Not only are skinny jeans, plaid shirts, converse, leggings and the like back in fashion but what about these haircuts?? LOL...mohawks, flat tops, "gumby." I literally was at a stop light and there was a some high schoolers who were waiting at the bus stop...a girl looking like Jody Watley with leggings, a ruffle skirt and big hoop earrings and a guy looking like Will Smith as the Prince of Bel Air!!!! Too funny! It was like I was in a time warp!