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Everything posted by babygrl1234

  1. babygrl1234

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    My son crapped his pants yesterday. But then again he is only 5.
  2. babygrl1234

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Happy Birthday y'all. POsting just to say that my Cafe Mocha minus whip is very delicious at 4:45 in the morning. I hate early work days.
  3. babygrl1234

    'registering' for birthday gifts??

    How spoiled does that make a child, being able to pick out their own birthday gifts? I rememeber when I was young and I made a comment about not liking something that was given to me, I was put in my room and had all my gifts taken away. It certainly taught me to be appreciative for what I got. Same goes for my kids. They should be happy that anyone gives them anything, not going around choosing outrageously expensive gifts themselves. Wow. I have heard about this before, but I guess I just thought that people really did not actually do it.
  4. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Man I am feeling left out. Maybe I should go back to school too =) Oh and can I get a big HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! for my boys the Detroit Lions for beating the Giants last night. Yeah I know it is pre season but damn it feel good to beat the whiney baby Eli's precious team. Between that and Farve's geriatric ass going to the Jets it has already been a great season lol. Ohhhhh I feel the blood pumping, my favorite time of year is just about here.
  5. babygrl1234

    'registering' for birthday gifts??

    So so tacky.
  6. babygrl1234

    Whosyadadds Bandivarsary!! 180LBS 12 months

    Congrats to you buddy. You are an effing Rock Star!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Whosya that would be sweet to have you there. It really was an awesome time.
  8. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    D I will be back on the bike to work tomorrow. I needed some recovery time after the MB. Tha would be sweet if you came out next year. DH and I are planning a weekend in Chicago for it next year.
  9. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    It was like low 50's but we had no blanket...left it at the traailer lol.
  10. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    J did you log ino myspace? You have to log in and then click on the view pictures link
  11. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    The camping sucked. I slept in the car because it was so cold outside I thought I was gonna die. I did not sleep well. I am defnitely doing a hotel next year. And it was so much fun. Just tiring. I ran 3 of the legs and I know that it was more than a mile at a time. Or it just felt like it lol.
  12. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    And here is my myspace with the pics. MySpace.com - Stacy~Australian for Beer - 28 - Female - Taylor, Michigan - www.myspace.com/mythbusterstacy
  13. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    J when you get your homework done send those pics to me please =)
  14. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Yes the mud pit was the finish. Well right ebfore it.
  15. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    You got awesome pictures.
  16. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    1 hour and 25 minutes was our time. Oh and J we were NOT in last place =)
  17. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Holy effing exhaustion. J and I did amazing. We completed our goals of not coming in last, not getting hurt, finishing before someone in a heat before us, and just plain finishing. But wow seriously the hardest thing I have ever done. The course was wild. Some of the steepest uphill and downhills I have evr seen. Add a bunch of mud and wow was it messy. I will try to add the photos I have to my myspace tonight, but I am pretty pooped.
  18. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    I am constantly cold. I have a space heater next to my desk that is on high right now. But yeah I know what you mean. I hated being ouside before and now it is nice.
  19. babygrl1234

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

  20. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Here is my light D. 25 reviews - Cat Eye Power Opticube HL-EL500 Headlight reviews in Bike Lights - Buzzillions.com I got it for $29.99 on sale from performance bikes. It is about 10 miles to work.
  21. babygrl1234

    Hooray! Happiest time of my life :)

  22. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Good job Big B!
  23. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    My blinky was only like $5. I am not looking forward to my ride home at noon. I really liked the no traffic thing. Here is some interesting winter commute stuff. Icebike Home Page
  24. babygrl1234

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Yikes SDP. Glad she was wearing a helmet and the injuries were minimal. FYI all, night riding is fricken amazing. I rode into work this morning. Headlight was great, as was the flashing ass light (yeah J, I know). I could definitely do this daily. Hardly any cars on the road. Love it, love it.
  25. babygrl1234

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    It is 7:14 am.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
