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About ShaliseSleeved@18

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/06/1991

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm 18, Freshman college student. I'm ready for my changes
  • Interests
    Chatting with friends, Texting(of course) surfing the web, Exercising(now LOL)
  • Occupation
    College Student!
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  1. Hello fellow sleevers it's been a while. I'm back at school (sophomore in college) in Houston. I just need to ask a question any feedback is helpful. I was sleeved July 29, 2010 a few weeks after graduation and a few weeks before the start of college. I started out before pre-op weighing 260+ meeting with the dietian for 3 mths I lost 15lbs. Going in to the surgery I was 240 and now I am 165. My body has undergone so many changes and I am proud of myself BUT I also feel as though I could be doing more and I could push myself to lose 15 or 20 more pounds I feel like I'm losing few marbles.... Am I being too hard on myself or is it normal to want to lose more once you start losing??
  2. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary ShaliseSleeved@18!

  3. 1 years have passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary ShaliseSleeved@18!

  4. ShaliseSleeved@18

    Family Photos

    You motivate me so much.!!!!!! Congrats! You have a beautiful family.
  5. ShaliseSleeved@18

    Stopped the daily weigh ins!

    I thought I was the only person obsessed with the scale. I used to find myself jumpin on the nearest one. Guess we're a lil anxious!!! And congrats on your lost. I think the closer you get to your goal the slower the weight comes off....as long as it's coming off though:)
  6. ShaliseSleeved@18

    18 year old sleeve surgery

    Wow! This is amazing! I was sleeved at 18!!! Which was just 5 and a half months ago. I know what it's like feelin like u are the youngest person and not havin peers that's undergoing the surgery. I wish u all the luck and keep us updated fellow teenage sleever
  7. ShaliseSleeved@18

    6 Month Update

    Wow congratulations!! You are doing wonderful, keep up the good work and the pounds are sure to fall off also those size 14s will be falling off;) Thank you for giving so much detail. I am nearing my 6 month post op and this is just added motivation!!
  8. ShaliseSleeved@18

    Should I tell my dad??

    Okay you guys to give you all a lil background info about me....I have always lived with my grandparents and my aunt. My dad is in my life but not as often as I wanted him to be growing up. He and my mom broke up when I was very young(too young to remember). My mom's insurance covered my surgery Last July...an agreement between some of my family members was that we not tell my dad because he is so negative and would not agree to it and would speak inappropriately to me and my mom about it.(Because she also had wls) I had my wls 2 weeks before it was time to move and start my college life(STARTING AT 240) therefore, he seen no major results then. My first time coming home via greyhound was for my birthday(Nov 6th) he saw me and was shocked(WEIGHING 190 then!!)...thinking I was starving myself at school or doing drugs!!! I just told him I exercised at my school's rec, which I am. He told all of his in-laws and they then looked on my facebook comparing my prom pics to my birthday pics. The next time he saw me was for thanksgiving(WHICH I WEIGHED 184 then) and Christmas break...He is sayin things like "I'm gonna find out what's going on, and the reason you are losing weight it's just crazy" I really don't have a reply to the things he say about me. Now that my winter break is almost over and its time to go back to school(I WEIGH 170) OMG:D this is with minimum exercise. I can only imagine if I had access to the gym like I do at school.!! -To get to the point...I won't see my family again until spring break. I am so afraid of what he may say then about the weight loss. I'm wondering fellow sleevers should I go ahead and tell him? Or should I just let him think what ever he wants?
  9. Hello fellow sleevers!! It has been forever since I have updated! I've been so busy with my move to Houston, midterms and finals are coming soon!!! I am now 15 weeks post op and it has been a struggle! Especially with avoiding the so-called "freshman 15"!!! I have made progress but I'm still learning my limitations as far as eating. --I also have some personal problems with my weight loss...for every 2 people that compliment me there's 3 people saying things like "omg your neck is long" "wow eat a burger and stop losing" "are you on drugs" and to be honest it hurts because I have always suffered from low self-esteem and now I'm getting those kind of remarks:( I just feel so bad some days and great other days. Did someone else have these problems with their peer's comments?? As far as my weight I'm going to the on campus gym 4 times a week and i am 36 POUNDS AWAY FROM MY GOAL OMG!!!!! Here are some pictures!! Before: weighing 241 During the liquid diet before: 237 15 Weeks Post Op 190lbs!!! Sideview at 190 15 weeks post op I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!! :-)
  10. Hi all! I'm so pleased to join this forum of very lovely people! I finally decided to join after lurking for so long, it would have been sooner but I am getting things together for college this Fall.! I am 18 years of age(young huh? lol) I have recently graduated High School on June 5, 2010 and will be a college freshman as of August 23, 2010! I became a Sleeved Lady of July 29, 2010, just 9 days ago!! I am very blessed to have this surgery that will change my life at such a young age! Here's my story.... I have been overweight all of my life! I come from a heavy family so I had it coming. Things didn't get worse until I start junior high. This is when I noticed that most of the girls my age were a bit smaller and the guys like them more. High School was torture! Everyone around me had the hottest trends from Hollister, Aeropostle to Abercrombie just to name a few, BUT those places did not have XL or size 16/18 so I had to settle for buying things where they had my size. At that point in my life, I compared myself to my thinner friends and had little to no confidence at all. My mother who had undergone WLS herself suggested the same for me. Of course I jumped at the opportunity! :thumbup: We went through all the pre-op consulations and appts with a dietitian and finally I WAS SLEEVED ON JULY 29, 2010!:001_unsure: I am still learning my limitations with my new stomach but things are getting better day by day! I'm so ready for this journey in my life. I know it will take hard work and determination after all the sleeve is just a tool but what great tool it is! I go in for my 2 week post op visit this Thursday. I hope everything goes well! Pre-Op Weight: 241.3 Surgery Day Weight: 235 MORE TO COME...... Thanks for reading although I rambled lol -Shalise

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