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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Jess_Zamora1310

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/12/1986

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  • City
    San Antonio
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  1. Happy 27th Birthday Jess_Zamora1310!

  2. Happy 26th Birthday Jess_Zamora1310!

  3. I have been MIA for months, but i'm doing good. I've lost some weight but I want to lose more....is that bad?

  4. Jess_Zamora1310

    Banded on May 19th

    I had gas (burping) for two weeks! I sounded like a man lol what helped me was the gas x. The dissolving strips. Walking helped too. I was banded 4/27
  5. Jess_Zamora1310

    body piercings

    Shoot I understand! I wouldn't want to have to do that again either! Lol Gl on ur surgery
  6. Jess_Zamora1310

    Surgery 4/27/11 OMG I'm nervous lol

    Well so far so good. I burp, omg do I burp lol and it (my chest) hurts like a booger until I burp lol. I went to the movies yesterday and I think all the sitting on that chair hurt my port site it's been a bit tender but I'm ok. I try to drink a lot of water and walking helps. When I get hungry I drank my shake and sugar-free popsicles. NOW when I get hungry I'll drink juice. I'm ready to eat tho lol I want my mushies!
  7. Supa sleepy, but I want to spend time with my momma lol day one post-op, so far so good (=

  8. Jess_Zamora1310

    8 Days Post Op ... Advice

    I haven't gotten that far, im one day post op lol but have u tried a little bit of a thick soup? like tomato soup? they also said to try like baby food......i would only do the fruit baby food tho lol
  9. Jess_Zamora1310

    Surgery 4/27/11 OMG I'm nervous lol

    I DID IT! I DID IT! Omg I'm banded......i feel......wow lol I'll write more ltr I feel like I'm going bk to sleep. Sry for short hand but I'm on my cell n I feel sleepy again lol
  10. Jess_Zamora1310

    body piercings

    So i had surgery today and my tongue ring did not close! I guess i got lucky lol. I took it out st 6 and put it back in at 930ish. everyone is different though so idk if other will close fast.
  11. Jess_Zamora1310

    Surgery 4/27/11 OMG I'm nervous lol

    ty ty!!! will do!
  12. Jess_Zamora1310

    Surgery 4/27/11 OMG I'm nervous lol

    Ty for the advice. How long before surgery did u start walking?
  13. Jess_Zamora1310

    Surgery 4/27/11 OMG I'm nervous lol

    Awe ty ty, Yes I did two weeks of liquid. I had to drink 4-5 Atkins shakes. My all time favs were the carmel coffee and the dark chocolate yum yum lol
  14. Surgery tomorrow! EEKK!

  15. My Surgery is tomorrow and.....I'M NERVOUS/ SCARED/ EXCITED EVERYTHING LOL Any advice anyone can give me? How was everyone elses' surgery?

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