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hopeful2 be slim

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by hopeful2 be slim

  1. hopeful2 be slim

    Im so upset!

    I too met my doctor yesterday and came back very upset...all she could say was no...no cheese no eggs...only Soups, body is still healing.. its been a month now and I am back to soups....I too was too upset.
  2. hopeful2 be slim

    diet control

    thanks. actually I havent lost any weight since 10 days. Maybe this will help.
  3. hopeful2 be slim

    Neuropathy and Sciatica history

    my scitica pain is also much less due to loss of weight.
  4. hopeful2 be slim

    Not losing weight

    I have read all about stalls and why they happen.so now i am not getting upset...i am looking thinner...I am sure the scale will move soon. all the best to all of you.
  5. hopeful2 be slim


    Maybe its gas.try walking..when ever i had nausea it went away with walking.since all your reports were clear.
  6. hopeful2 be slim

    Not losing weight

    you must walk.I too felt tired but forced my self to walk though I walk with a stick due to arthritis. you will see the difference.
  7. hopeful2 be slim

    Recovery set back

    hi Nicky, travelling does cause pain. I too travelled for my 1st post op..10 hrs to and fro.and was in pain for quite some days. So now i am postponing my visit as I am scared of getting pain again.All the best,
  8. hopeful2 be slim


    thanks Michele, i live in India. Here our postoperative is not so good. I phoned but they say we cant tell you anything over the phone. not even diet change.thanks a lot. I will be careful.I am sure no harm in taking fish oil in the milkshakes.I have just started fish also.I was on a veggie diet so far.
  9. hopeful2 be slim


    I am 1 month post op. have arthritis and I need Omega 3 my knees have dried up.I was taking many supplements and also pain killers.Now I know i cant take pain killers. can I take cod liver oil or omega 3...no capsules...I will open the capsule and take it. or liquid glucosomine. please do guide me.
  10. hopeful2 be slim


    thanks so much....yes I will take fish oil in my milk shake...I have not been to the Doc..he is 5 hrs journey..planning to go next week.last time the journey caused me pain...so I have been postponing it.
  11. hopeful2 be slim

    How long does it take to heal?

    I am 1 month post op.I still have pain if I exert. We have to go slow..only walking for 3 months. otherwise your stomach will hurt. this was a major surgery so better to let the sleeve heal completely. all the best.
  12. hopeful2 be slim

    Complications ?

    How can band removal cause a leak? the band was much higher ,if there was scar tissue healing might be slow.
  13. hopeful2 be slim

    Hurtful family member (off topic)

    Honestly its time to make her realise that she is hurting every one...be strict with her. and dont loose your peace of mind...I know its easier said than done... but you must be strict with her.
  14. hopeful2 be slim

    Hurtful family member (off topic)

    my sister's husband was the same..always shouting and throwing tantrums if he didnt get what he wanted.or when ever he made a mistake. But one day she got the courage to shout back and now she does not give him a chance to shout... he does not have many qualities,has had numerous affairs,has wasted a lot of money and so on.
  15. hopeful2 be slim

    Recovery set back

    i was getting pain if I sat in 1 place for too long...walk every hour are Doc's instructions.avoid bending too much. all the best.take care.
  16. hopeful2 be slim

    My first day as a veteran

    its wonderful to read your story...I too am motivated. My problem is I cant walk much due to arthritis. But I will succeed. thanks and best wishes
  17. hopeful2 be slim

    I am so confused about food

    the best thing would be to eat a few bites less. Then there is no fear of the pouch stretching.
  18. hopeful2 be slim

    Complications ?

    I have done it at 1 time. here in India we have to pay for it. and for two surgeries the cost would have been huge. My doctor said I will try to do it if every thing is ok. so far no complications. Only healing time is more.
  19. hopeful2 be slim

    My Journey

    this post is really encouraging.I am 59 and had my surgery 4 weeks back. My knees are hurting too much as no medicines allowed...cant walk much...I am loosing weight . I hope I can be as successful as you!!
  20. hopeful2 be slim


    i have got a headche since 3 days. I cant understand the reason. is it dehydration?I am taking more fluids since yesterday.
  21. hopeful2 be slim

    Is there anything more depressing...

    thanks. even I am planning to buy a wig and start using it before hair fall starts.I have very short hair and I can buy a wig with a similar style
  22. thanks Alex.when can I start Omega 3 ?I have been taking those regularly. But now Doc said no medicines. My knees have gone dry!!! its been almost a month now. Maybe I can cut them ope and mix with milk or something?
  23. hopeful2 be slim

    a little concerned

    Yes dehydration also causes cramps...increase your liquids and do the foot exercises. I know cramps can be very uncomfortable.add electrolytes to your liquids. Get well soon.
  24. hopeful2 be slim

    Is this normal?

    i dont think toast is a good choice. we have to avoid bread. and we need only soft foods. Sorry you are going thru all this...it is depressing I know. I have got a headache due to dehydration. How depressing...I was trying to get in soft foods every few hrs and neglected my liquids...
  25. hopeful2 be slim

    Is this normal?

    Did you follow the diet? strained liquids for 1 or 2 weeks,then purees,then mushies... our stomach is still very much swollen and healing.so we have to give it time to heal. The first time i tried scrambled eggs I felt nausea. So I have not had it again. the sleeve dislikes many foods now. It is normal to eat only few bites. I am sure your doctor will guide you.You can go back to Clear Liquids for 1 day.

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