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Posts posted by RalphDailey

  1. Hello, I have had the exact same problem. I have been trying to follow the tips given to me in my program. What has helped most is Taking a bite and waiting 60-90 seconds

    after I am done chewing to take another bite and after 6-7 bites I am finished. I also eat the Protein first, this helps reduce the appetite a lot. I started doing this because I was really afraid I had stretched out my stomach. About 2.5 weeks now and still doing ok. If your pouch has stretched you can go to all liquid for a couple days and start again, this should help too. That way the surgery doesn't seem like a total waste. It seemed this way to me a month ago. Hang in there! I am 7 months out and have lost 53 lbs.(I started with about 200 to lose before surgery).

    Well.. I am 10 months out... 5 fills in a 14CC band... I am up to about 9CCs full..... I can eat most things if I eat slowly... I do get stuck.. or have pain if I don't chew enough... but I can get most things down if they are not too dry...

    I am only down 25 pounds......I have stood still.... I know I eat too large a portion... But I get really hungry!!!!

    Wonder.. If they make the band smaller I will get stuck more... ?

    I don't know if I just don't have enough restriction... if my pouch is too big now... if I am hopeless.. ... whatever... Discouraged... I thought this would be just a bit more help.. ... I eat when I have physical hunger... .. I drink Water... I walk and do that jazz...

    Anyone have this happen? Anyone break the cycle and lose...? Should I just opt for a RNY? I feel like a failure...

    PS I am going to be on a 6 hour flight to and wonder if this will have an effect on my band? Anyone have any advise... let me know... thanks..

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