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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Lydia_D

  1. Wow-wow-wow! I am cruisin' on down to the least side!! I have lost 70, that is 7-0, 70 lbs. Woo-hoo! I am so jazzed!. Surgery was 11/09/10. 334 was my highest pre-op weight, and 321 was my day of surgery weight. Today I weighed in at 264. I am so pleased with all of this. My next target weight is only 14 pounds away.I'm lovin' life. I don't do anything special. I keep my food intake at around 850 calories. I drink my Premium Protein from Costco to keep up m...

  2. ARGH! My Broncos are losing again!! But then - so am I. I'm down 33 lbs since 9/26. I'm two weeks out from surgery and well, despite another crummy loss by my Broncos, I'm feeling really good. Had a sticking point this week in weight loss but that is to be expected as the body recognizes former weights which were set points in my metabolism. Once I broke it, I started to lose again. I think my next set point is somewhere around 280, so I'm hoping to keep cruising o...

  3. Good luck to you as well. I know I was having second thoughts. I did a rather long blog on Obesity Help under the same member name of Lydia_D. If you have a chance, give it a read. I hope it encourages you. :)

  4. I'm home after a successful surgery and doing well. Staying hydrated, following my liquids schedule but dealing with the CO2 which is taking its sweet time being absorbed. Otherwise, I'm a happy camper, especially since the Broncos are winning for a change! GO BRONCOS!!

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