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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SimiLater

  1. Hi - at first I wanted to keep everything private and told only my family but then they began telling people. I think I personally only told a handful of people but word spreads fast in this world. Everyone so far has been so accepting (at least to my face) and I decided not to care anymore. People just keep sending me good wishes for a speedy recovery. I didnt do this for anyone else but myself and I'm not ashamed of it. I had my surgery on 12/20 and I feel great. To me its not worth holding in anger or resentment. I needed it for a better quality of life and I got it - just like if I needed gall bladder surgery. But I understand how you feel. Maybe people will surprise you.

  2. Hi Becca,

    After my surgery I remember being out of it. I stayed at a surgery center and they only let my spouse in to see me for a little while after the last patient left because I used to work there. They kept me loaded up on demoral and it seemed like I need to use the bathroom every couple of hours. Getting out of bed was painful but I always had help. I stayed up talking with the nurses most of the night. It was like a slumber party and they took real good care of me.

    The next day I couldnt wait to leave. I had to wait for the doctor to clear me and I refused pain meds as it got closer to his arrival so I didnt have to stay 4 extra hours. They gave me a dose of demoral before I left which was about 10:30am. When I got home I went right to bed. Every day things have gotten better and easier. I wish you the best of luck tomorrow! You will do great!


  3. Hi Everyone!

    I am having my sleeve surgery on Januray 3rd and my nutritionist told me that for the first 10 days after surgery to drink one Isopure Protein drink a day. She also said that the taste isn't too pleasant, but I will put on my big girl pants (no pun intended) and tough it out....

    My question is....What flavor is the least gross??? Do you have any other suggestions for a clear Protein drink??

    Hi - I tried the blue raspberry and it wasnt too bad. Good luck!

  4. I am having surgery Dec 15. I was hoping for the 13th but the OR was booked up already : ( Hoping I am ok by Christmas to at least be fucntional and able to enjoy the company, not the food! haha.

    Anyone else starting to have fear/anxiety? I was so gung ho prior to booking surgery and now I am really really scared about the recovery period.

    Hi Alexis

    I just found out I got approved this past Thursday. My surgery date is set for Dec 20. I've been extremely anxious ever since I found out. I'm definitely scared and emotional and I hope it will be worth it in the end. I think its just fear of the unknown. I know one things for sure is that I'm tired of living this way. Good luck on Dec 15! I'll be right behind you. :rolleyes:


  5. Hi - thanks Tiffykins I love that you have all this knowledge and I really enjoy reading your posts and replys. I was searching the forums for answers to the same questions. Can I ask a few more questions?

    You said eating is effortless - can you tell me what a typical day is like for you in regards to food? Do you measure everything you eat? How do you maintain your weight when you reach goal?

    I'm sorry if there is another post with these questions - I've been searching

    Thanks again for your insight. I'm so glad I found this website. I am still in the approval process but hope to have the surgery before Christmas (while I'm on a break from school). :rolleyes:

  6. Hi everyone,

    I'm new to posting but I have been reading many posts. First I want to say thank you all for your insight. Reading your posts have helped me realize that the sleeve is the right choice for me. I'm having a bit of trouble though... I am 5'1" 204 lbs with joint/arthritis issues in my hips and back, depression, anxiety and asthma. I finished my psych exam & 3 nut consults and I was told that my paperwork was going to be submitted. But now the surgery consultant is trying to force me into getting a sleep study. I mean she's seriously bugging me daily about it. I told her that I had one before when I was 25lbs heavier and do not have sleep apnea. She told me that she submits a lot of people's paperwork and she knows that I will be denied if I dont get the study done. I said so basically you're telling me that no matter what I will be denied anyways since I DO NOT HAVE SLEEP APNEA and getting the study will waste my time and hers. She said well I have a better chance if I get the study done. How is this possible when I know for a fact that I dont have it. My question is doesnt hip/back joint/arthritis, depression, anxiety & asthma count towards co-mobs? Should I just tell her to submit the paperwork for approval and I will file an appeal if I get denied? BTW I have Anthem Blue Cross of CA PPO.

    Thanks for your insight.

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