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Posts posted by fern

  1. Okay,, this sucks to talk about but it's embarrassing and I want it to go away!!! I am really gassy now. It doesn't seem to make a difference what I've eaten or not eaten. It even happens long, long, long after I've eaten. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it, but I hate it!!! Sometimes it's really loud, sometimes really stinky ( OMG!! I'm so embarrassed by this!!!)

    I'm hoping someone has gone through this and has found something that has helped?!?? Please????

  2. Hey there sleeve buddy Ali, I think we were only a day apart with dr. Rod, so I've always followed your journey. Congrats on 100 lbs!!! I'm so close behind you : )

    I think that as long as you can get your head in the right place, our lovely little stomaches will just follow along.

    So what? You've taken a little time off your plan.... Just jump back on the band wagon. I had some time there of slowed loss. But I also found that as soon as I started tracking my food again it got way better.

    Keep your head held high and believe in yourself!!!

    Cheers ; )

  3. My wedding ring stopped fitting very early out ( less than a month out of surgery if I remember). Now to clarify, I've always had small hands- they never seemed chubby to me. My ring was a 6 1/2 size. Now that I'm at goal, and figured I was done, I bit the bullet and had my ring resized to a 4!!! "Holy moly little fingers!!" said the jeweler. I was so happy. I had it sized a bit snug so that if I lost a bit more I'd be okay. Its bloody loose again!!!!! I'm a baker and I don't take my ring off for work ( I used to and lost my ring on the floor of the bakery- never to be found again- it had to be replaced) so a loose ring is a very bad idea. Now I need to decide whether to resize it a again? Or feel naked without my ring again until I'm SURE I'm done loosing ( again). Any ideas??

  4. I'm training for a 1/2 marathon in February and I had to stop training for a couple months due to an ankle issue. Now I'm slowly getting back at it ( I hope I'm not starting from the beginning again).

    My issue is that I must have lost a bunch of inches in my legs because now when I run, they painfully flop around with extra skin!!! I'm kinda scared because I really need to get moving again!!!

    I got to thinking about the compression shorts. Anybody used them for running purposes? Or anybody have any ideas that may help me out?

  5. Thanks guys! This is the first time in 7 months that I've had that big of a serving of sugar. I'll have a bit of ice-cream or a small cookie at the end of day if I've met all my Protein, veggies, etc. But certainly not 2.

    Diva- that would be so scary to have palpitations and vertigo!! I certainly felt crappy, but not to that extent. It's funny because I never would have thought twice about eating that after a carb laden dinner before surgery!! I'm so glad I had this surgery. This "side effect" will definately keep me in check!!!!

  6. For the first time in a long time, I was really low emotionally. Not for any reason in particular, just a low feeling. Everyone was in bed and I was watching mindless tv. My husband and i had come home with a few Cookies for the kids ( which I can usually stay away from). I ate 2 cookies!!! And not little ones either!! Now, normally I would just fight it off and get an extra good workout in and be fine with that. But no, I'm paying hard for those cookies today!!

    Since surgery, I generally have a BM every couple days and it's very solid ( almost to the point of painfully solid). In the last 6 hours, I gone about 6 times and I'm in painful gassy mode. I really didn't sleep too much because of this....

    That'll teach me!!!!

  7. I would recommend going to the gym BEFORE school and getting it out of the way if possible. It'll rev you up for the day and will not allow you to give exudes why you can't go after school. Start tracking your food if you haven't already. Don't pack ANYTHING high carb in your lunch bag. If it's there, you'll eat it. You'll be fine you just need to get into a good mind set.

  8. My favorite thing to make on full liquids was:

    Base soup=

    chicken broth


    chicken breast

    Fully soft roasted veggies

    Whipped up in the blender and strained

    Then a 1/2 scoop powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Soup

    I'd add chili,Butter chicken sauce, etc if I wanted to change it up. Awsome amounts of protein!!! Omit the milk if low carbing.

    I still drink this in the morning if I'm on the run. You'll also start to feel sooooo much better when you start getting some nutrients in you. For those of you just on Water, try getting SOMETHING that has Protein in it. You'll feel so much better so quickly. Water hurt me. Chicken broth and warm milk felt better going down.

  9. If the weightloss is not exciting you, find something that will! I started walking.... Then running!! I was so overjoyed when I hit 5 min straight on the treadmill.... Then 7.... Then 10.... Now I do a 5k each day for my short runs. I'm working on 10!!! I bought a bike and ride with my dog. Find something you enjoy and beat your time every chance you get. Not only will you feel great, you lose more too : )

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