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Posts posted by fern

  1. Thanks!!

    Renee, I got the bike on craigslist. It had been a rental from a hotspring resort nearby. I only paid 140 bucks for it. What I really want is a recumbent trike ( sit low 3 wheeler), but I didn't have the moola to spend this soon out of surgery. This bike, my 6 yr old nephew can ride and so can my 6ft hubby. It's pretty awsome!! And Keala ( my crazy Weimaraner) loves it too ; )

  2. I feel bad that you kinda got attacked when this site is for support. In answer to your question, I could probably eat that if I grazed too. I think the trick for you is going to be spacing your meals so your tool works for you best. Watermelon squishes up up nothing so that's like drinking Water. Everyone is going to spurge at some point and you made pretty good choices. Keep it up. You'll be fine

  3. I was just talking to my hubby about this today! We are saving at least that because we used to eat out mulpile times a week. That's at least a couple hundred right there. Plus, we never seen our gas last a whole week! Yay for walking!! Plus the amount of pop we went thru was crazy!! Can you imagine the saving if you used to smoke or drink??? Crazy savings!!

  4. If you are drinking coffee, pop, smoking, etc. stop now so that when you get to your preop diet, you've already got a hold of some of those bad habits. My fix was Coca cola. Went off it a month before hand. Once I got to my preop, I was much better and no caffeine withdrawl to hinder my recovery. Also, if you arent used to it already, start drinking TONS of Water to get in the habit of carrying a bottle of water around with you.

  5. so I had a great post about my journey - beginning to current... and i lost it trying to add the picssad.gif

    so anyways, here is my journey in pics.. The first 2 are before ( sorry, not the best quality)

    the next one is riding on my new bike (my adult big wheel) that i bought so that I could exercise my pup too (and not have her pull me over)

    the next is where I am currently. I am down a total of 57.5lbs so far!!! yay!!!

    post-62755-13813668139968_thumb.jpg post-6663-1381365659885_thumb.jpg




  6. Hey! I agree that you are probably pushing solids too quick. You said you didn't like cottage cheese. I don't like it cold either, but I add it to Soup or a casserole and it melts like regular cheese and makes things more saucy ( saucy helps get it down). Try making reallly really thick soup. It'll help get you into the next phase. If you are getting bored with the Soups, add different spices to change it up. Taco spice and extra cheese ( plus cottage cheese) for Mexican. Add a scoop of chicken Unjury and your looking at LOTS of Protein in one drink. If oatmeal is too much for your tummy, try cream of wheat and add some vanilla Protein Powder to it. Just experiment more to find the things that will stay down. Good luck!!

  7. I was stuck for 3 weeks at between 180-185 fluctuating. Talk about driving me nuts!! Then finally I was 180, then the next day 179.5, then 179. Then I stopped weighing for 2 days ( well.... I was too tired by end of day). I weighed myself last night. I came in at 170.5!!!! 9 pounds in 3 days???? Holy moly !!!!! That must have been stuck Water weight right?

    I'm almost at my second goal already!!! My first was to be under 200 ( hit that in 2-3 weeks). Then I roughed out where i thought I'd be at a happy medium. 160 popped in my head. That's only 10 pounds away!! I'm only about 9-10 weeks out. I'm finding this all pretty crazy.

  8. You spoke about your kids. I have a 4 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I was scared too, but I did it ( not only for me) but for them. It was a beautiful day yesterday. I spent the whole day outside running around with the kids. I NEVER would have been able to keep up with them before hand. I truly think I am a better mom because of this. I can see why you'd have reservations with your family, but WE will support you anyway we know how. Let us know how your doing k?

  9. OMG!! im so excited!!

    ok. First a bit of background. I'm at about 9 weeks out and 48lbs lost. my reward for myself at 50lbs. was to buy a bike. i have a beautiful 7 year old weimaraner who I cannot keep up with on walks. She's a hyper dog unless we can tire her out. I've always wanted a bike that i can ride with her and not have the fear of her pulling me over and injuring us both. i came to the conclusion that i needed a recumbant (sit down) bike, where my center of gravity wont allow her to pull me over.

    So i was cruising craigslist and found....wait for it.... a freaking ADULT BIG WHEEL!!!!! it is so something i would never have had the guts to do before surgery, nor could i have ridden it because it has a 200lb limit I'm sitting at 178 now.. I felt like such a kid when i was trying it out, and you know what? That felt sooo good!!!

    I can't figure out how to add pics, but i figure, once i actually have Keala (our pup) used to it, i"ll get my hubby to take a pic then.

    Now i just need to wait til tomorrow to buy a helmet so I can start riding!!

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