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Posts posted by fern

  1. Your period can play games with your weight loss too. I'm 3 months out and I really only lose weight about a week or 2 a month. The week of my period I actually gain up to 5 pounds!!! Your body is still shrinking though so don't give it too much worry. The scale will move again soon. But increasing your Water is a great thing to do too. It'll sometimes jump start your weight loss again

  2. Holy moly!!! I didn't think I'd ever be able to say this so quickly!!!! at just over 3 months out........

    I am ONE pound away from my original goal of 160!!!!!

    I know from looking in the mirror that I Still have a ways to go, so I've reset my ticker to lose more. But I truly thought I was dreaming to ask to hit the 160s.

    My strategy was to mix things up all the time. I try to stay around 30-40 carbs each day. But I don't fret if I'm over, because there are other days I'm under. I go to the gym hardcore for a couple weeks, then go down to a few days a week to recover. I mainly just try to keep my body guessing. So far it's worked well for me. I have a 5k run in a couple weeks. Not sure if I'm going to be able to run the whole thing, but I'm certainly going to try.

    For any of you out there thinking and researching this surgery.......just do it!!! It's truly one of the best things that has happened to me. And not just on the outside. I am more upbeat and confident in myself. I'm even looking at buying the bakery I work at to run it!!! Any business owners out there that can give me some advice??? : )

  3. On your iPhone, go down to the bottom of the page. It'll say " full version". It'll look like it does when you are on a computer. Haven't tried attaching pics this way, but you could give it a try. Be warned.... When you switch, you'll have LOTS of scrolling. No worries it's pretty easy to change back

  4. I plan as much as possible. For example, my daughters birthday was last week. I ate almost nothing for carbs ( except my Protein drinks) then I weighed up a small portion of cake. My caleries were a little high, but my carbs and protein were great! I do great when I'm working ( which I find amazing as I work in a bakery). I find I have troubles getting my liquids in on my weekends. Something I need to work on I guess. The ticket I've found is to plan plan plan

  5. thanks everyone. for rootman, i've been gentle as i think i can be. i try so hard not to pester. but it sure has an effect on me. i would love for him to go to the doctor. we's been getting really short tempered with the kids too and i know he's having a rough go with things in general. now.....how do i broach THAT subject??????

  6. Okay. This isnt for me. I guess I'm hoping the men speak up here too. My husband and I have both been overweight most of our time together. I've always had the sex drive. Unfortunately my hubby's has been getting fewer and farther in-between. Here I'm 3 months out, down 60 pounds and we've been together ONCE since surgery!!!! Once!! About 2 months ago. My hubby's weight is about 290. How much would that weight affect his libido?

  7. I can't say I was comfortable at 230..... but I resigned to the fact I would be big for the rest of my life. My daughter (who would have been 3 or 4 at the time) had to come in the bathroom stall with me at the mall. I pulled my pants down and went to sit....... only to have my daughter scream that I was going to break the toilet with my big bum!!! That hurt so bad because kids really do tell it as it is.

    I realized I had to do something about it and started researching and saving. I'm now 3 months after surgery, I'm 60 pounds down and my daughter can give me a great big hug and touch her fingers on either side of me. LOVE IT!!!!!

  8. I did it before surgery ( about 6 years before) the workouts are great and when I do weights I still use the workout journal. It's awsome to see how much stronger you get over time. And other than how MUCH food you are eating, the eating guide is quite good ( if I remember right). Lower carbs, higher Protein. Good way to go I think : )

  9. Hey Kris. Thanks for your response. Ive been best friend with her about 20 years now. We became overweight about the same time and I think alot of her non-support comes from fear I'll change ( and fear she won't). I think there is a huge amount of jealousy too. For example, she's telling me she's been losing weight too and showed me by sucking in her belly and showing me the " loosness" of her pants. Don't get me wrong. I luv her. She's a great person. She's just over the top sometimes. Everyone has their faults ( me definately included) but when they are close to you, you just deal with them. I know I'm happy with the outcome and I know she'll come around at some point... So I'm all good

  10. I've wore sports bras forever, but especially now after I kept having to buy bras over and over again. My issue is .... The skin in-between the girls are super itchy!!! It was so itchy last night ( even after putting on anti itch cream) i didn't notice that I had scratched till I bled!!! So now I have a couple little scratch marks and a whole lotta redness. Anyone else have this problem? Any help for a fix???

  11. Yesterday( here in Canada) was 1/2 price day on clothing. I was determined to go as I no longer can wear ANY of my old clothing and I don't have much $ to get new clothes.

    I am a head baker at a bakery and had a bread competition yesterday, so I started work at 1230 in the morning and did a 17 HOUR DAY!!!! Can we say exhausted???? Talk about an NSV too cause I did it without consuming boat loads of sugar (like I used to have to) just to make it thru the day!!!

    Anyways, as soon as I was done, I went to 2 VV's and got 2 pairs of jeans, 2 casual dress pants, 6 shirts, and a light zip-up hoodie for 45 BUCKS!!! Yahoo!!!!

    AND I bought a size 14 jeans that I can get on ( but not go out in yet)!!!! I haven't worn a size 14 in about 10+ years!!!

    Exhausted from yesterday's marathon work day, but here I am, posting from the sauna at the gum, after having such an intense lower body weights day that my legs are still vibrating ; )

    MAN do I love the sleeve! And I love the support I get here! Thanks everyone!!!

    Off to work I go again......

  12. Today was a grand day. I cleaned house ( including furniture moving) all day and didn't even get tired.

    My kids were playing in the toy room, when my 4 year old daughter hurt her finger. While hugging and kissing her booboo better, she hugged back and practically yelled, " mom!! Look!!! I can touch my hands together when I hug you!!!

    I haven't seen my best friend since surgery ( about 3 months). She didnot support me in my decision for wls so I didn't want her around until I was fully healed and able to eat well enough in front of her. I finally got the nerve to ask her over for dinner. Her hubby ( also my hubby's best friend) was flabbergasted!! He just kept complimenting me. She never said a thing. Which is fine. I don't need her to say anything. It was nice to be normal around people and NOT have them ask

    Oh!! And yesterday I ran for 10 straight on the treadmill!!! Yay!!!

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