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About fern

  • Rank
    Bariatric Master

About Me

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  • Interests
    running, crafts, baking, family time
  • Occupation
    bakery manager
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  1. Mark! You have done so fantastic! You were such a help to me when I started running- you made me believe in myself So proud of you!!
  2. I'll be 2 years in February. Lost exactly 100lbs. No regain. Running marathons now (literally) Can eat anything, but totally stay away from pop and slurpees (my vices)
  3. fern

    Princess Half Marathon

    I ran the princess half this year. I was exactly 1 year out. That being said, Disney is pretty flexible with times. You have 3:30 to finish. That is 3.7 on the treadmill. I would bring protein shakes to hydrate and constantly be sipping. I think you can do it as long as you are very very smart about it
  4. You just start walking!! When you feel you can, jog for 15 seconds. then walk again. As time goes on, you'll be able to run for a longer time or more frequently. Couch to 5k is a great start- as well, look into Jeff Galloways method. I use it all the time! My start weight was 240ish. I ran my first half marathon this past February- exactly 1 year post op. Since then I have run 5 half marathons, with my first full marathon next month. I'm not fast by any means, but I'm getting out there and doing it- I finish middle of the pack generally. My advice? Don't think just do it!!
  5. I'll try and figure out how to post a pic after my race tomorrow!
  6. I'm sorry to say I've become a lurker. .... Life has become so incredibly busy that it's getting harder and harder to relax!! In February 2011, I headed down to Mexico and had my sleeve done. Since then I've lost 100 lbs. I lost the weight in about 8 months and have had no trouble keeping it off!! A huge reason I can keep it off is due to being VERY active! I've become a long distance runner- tomorrow I will do my 4th half marathon. I have another half marathon in September, and my first full marathon in October. In January, I'm traveling to Disneyworld to do the Goofy Challenge. I get up Saturday and do the Donald Half, then go on Sunday to do the Mickey Full. If I complete both in the allowed time, I get a Goofy medal!!! In march my fiancé and I are finally getting married in Hawaii!!! - and yes, there is a half marathon tied in 6 days after : ) My biggest changes?? To do what I CAN do! When I was big, I'd give up on everything- including myself. Now? I've had a running injury for the last 2 races. My second half, I ended up walking the last few miles. My third? I got injured 3 mile in and WALKED the next 10 miles!!! I won't give up!!! Eating wise? I still do Protein first and I still do not eat and drink at the same time. I still carry a drink with me everywhere and get 3 liters liquids in per day. I still stay away from popand slurpees like it's the plague as it's just too much of a slippery slope for me. Since having the sleeve my attitude has changed so much. I'm enjoying life and the people around me. I've gone onto a major fasttrack at work ( I've had 4 promotions since surgery, 6 raises, and 3 bonuses) Life is good My biggest recommendation for new sleevers? CHUCK YOUR SCALE!!! I only lost weight one week a month. It majorly f$cked with my brain! One more thing- get active! The trick is to find something you love. Running for me gives me time to myself ( which I very rarely have), and it allows me to think things through and clear the cobwebs. I also like hiking and do it multiple times per week right now. Now I'm off to pack my gear! Have a great evening!!!
  7. fern

    Body For Life?

    Yup. Hubby and I did it. It's pretty hard core! But I lost a bunch of weight and the eating is right (smaller meals more often) and lower /better carbs. If you do it, get the eating for life book too.
  8. Ice, ice and ice some more. Where exactly on the knee is it? I have an IT band injury from running. The pain shows up in my knee but is actually a weakness of my hips/glutes.
  9. fern

    Disney Trip Nsv

    Yay!! We did a trip to Disney in march and I got my pic with the characters right along with my kids!! I loved fitting in all the rides. It just made you feel so carefree and giddy at the same time didn't it???? Great job!!!!
  10. I can't get my hubby to do it!!! : ( Oh well. Relying on yourself for these things is a real eye opener!! Even tho, for the most part, I do it bymyself- I love it!!!!
  11. That is very true and I feel so much better because of it!!
  12. I'd be there with bells on!!! I just took a friend if mine for the first time. I stuck with her the whole way!!! She kept apologizing for taking so long!! Lol I didn't care though. Sometimes you need to do something for fun not for challenge. It's absolutely beautiful and you feel amazing after he acomplishment!!
  13. fern

    I'm A Triathlete!

    Congrats!! That's on my bucket list! The goal with the first one is to finish in the upright position ; )
  14. Yes! It's true!!! I live in Vancouver Canada. Here we have a mountain called Grouse Mountain (part of the 2010 olympics were on this mountain. Anyways, on thismountain is an "attraction" called the Grouse Grind. 3000 stairs over 2.9 km straight up the mountain. I love it!! It's addicting to try and beat my own time. The avg seasoned hiker can do it in 1:30-2:00. A vacationer is generally 2-2:30. Last year my best time was 1:24. My first time last week was 1:21 (yay). On Tuesday I'm going with some first timers so the pace will be slow. But I really wanted to beat my time!!! My work life has sucked recently. I took on managent at an existing bakery and it's been really bad and really exhausting. To the point that I'm starting to get that panic feeling in my chest. So I took matters into my own hands and played sick today. I spent a lovely day with my family and they took the tram to the top of the mountain to cheer me on when I got to the top. And I killed it!!! I came in at 1:12!!! A full 9 min faster!!! My ultimate goal is under an hour. I'm almost there!! Yippee!! and I don't feel bad about calling in sick either- this was a mental health day for me ; )
  15. I realized some time ago that slotting some "Heather" time at the gym or going for a run with the dog does a few things. It shows the kids that I respect myself and they should respect themselves too. That mommy is a better mommy because I have the energy and patience to be with and keep up to them. And it makes dad have a better relationship with them because he spends more one on one time with them. I do try to involve them in some excercise stuff like going for walks, or tomorrow I'm hiking a mountain nearby. My hubby and kids are taking the tram up and hanging out ( there's a grizzly bear sanctuary and restaurant etc up there) and they'll be at the top cheering me on! I'm really excited!!!

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