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Everything posted by fern

  1. Can't wait to hear how you've done Amanda!!!! Update us please!!!!!!!
  2. Yup! Fitness for me. But more to the point... Running!! I guess because I could not run before, I feel like I've conquered demons everytime I get out there. My other addiction is more physical play with the kids. No more sidelines for me!! I'll jump on the jungle gym with them ; )
  3. Sweet!! I bet that was a load off your shoulders!!!
  4. Ok pookeyism- you just got me hooked on this!! It's a 5k race with 12 obstacles.... All the while running from zombies!!! Holy crap!! I'm so in!! I'm close to Seattle so I'm going to do that on in August. Anyone want to join me???
  5. fern

    Returning To Work

    Is it a problem to see your pcp? It sounds like your surgeon's only looking out for himself. You may find it easier on yourself to make that extra visit. I'm so very sorry to hear about your mom. That would be such a huge stress on your body mind and soul. Of course it would delay your healing!! Hugs coming through to you!!
  6. Sweet!!! Congrats!! It's addicting isn't it?? I have an 8k next Sunday!! Then next month is my half marathon!!! I'm soooo nervous!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!!
  7. Soft foods? Or thick liquids? For soft foods- What about apple sauce? Mashed potatoes, mashed banana, porridge or cream of wheat? If you're doing more thick liquids, roast veggies and chicken pureed with chicken broth and 1/2 scoop of chicken unjury. This was my staple food, then I'd add different spices for different flavors ( taco seasoning for Mexican, butter chicken for Indian, etc) Google it, you'll find lots of ideas!
  8. fern

    Hit My Goal!

    Woohoo!! Now you need to change ur name from weightbegone to weightALLgone ; ) Congrats!!!!
  9. Good to see you are trying to figure things out. My body did crazy things during the losing phase too. How many caleries are you eating? I ask because your bash MAY be telling you that you need more. When I'd have a "carb" day ( eating more than norm) I'd eat more caleries total for the day. When I ate good, my caleries were less. Maybe your body wants more so it can lose better? Try it and see. Everyone's bodies work SOOO different. Trial and error seemed the only way things worked for me. Good luck!!!
  10. Yup!! All the time! I think it's soooo engrained in us to eat slow and savor every bite, that when someone comes along and just chows down, it revolts me!!! Crazy! Cause I used to be one of those people!!!
  11. How long are they making you wait? Are there other tests they can you for? I hope they treat you the way you deserve to be treated after all you've been through - like a queen!!!
  12. That a look at your water intake too. I notice that I fluctuate terribly if im low on water even a little bit. You look fantastic by the way!!!!
  13. I know I've posted a few times of my up and coming 1/2 marathon on my anniversary. My husband finished school a few months ago and we had until December (until our saving ran out) for him to find a position. Unfortunately it's been like pulling teeth to get him out looking and well?? The money's gone....... The 1/2 marathon in Disneyland has been a dream of mine forever and I've been so excited for it. But it seems like we may not get to go. We can't afford the flights and accommodation as things are right now. Truth be told, I am so very resentful!!! Had he been out looking? Fine. Had he taken all my duties at home? Fine. But I have so much on my plate, my life is so caotic all the time, and I find it so unfair that I have been working my ass off to feed and care for my family, and now my dream gets taken away??? How is that fair???? Sorry to ramble, I'm just so sad : (
  14. She shoots!!! She scores!!! Goooooaaalllll!!! Congrats ; )
  15. You had said you aren't getting the required liquids (64 I think you said). I stall quickly if I don't drink enough. I carry a 2L jug around everywhere ( yes it's big lol) and I know I need to finish that each day. The cheese is good, but it sometimes makes me constipated ( sorry if tmi) making me seem to stall.
  16. 100 pounds????? holy crap!!! I LOST 100 LBS!!!! i had to get on the scale multiple times to believe it!!!
  17. Yup! I'm celebrating... By going to the gym!! Lol!! I have a half marathon to get ready for and I haven't been running much lately because of my crazy hours at work. I had surgery the end of February and I didn't really have a BIG goal set, just lots of little ones. Worked for me!! I never thought I'd get THIS low in weight though!!! Makes me verrrry happy and excited!!!
  18. Congrats!!! I've been sitting at 99 pounds for about 2 months. 99- bloody pounds!!! 1 more pound and I'll join you in the century club ; )
  19. fern

    Protein Help

    Make your own chicken broth. It's better for you, and better/more protein than store bought. Depending on your dr., you could also add flavour with some taco seasoning etc. I went to Costco early out and bought 3 chickens and roasted them all!! My family ate the chicken, then I made my chicken stock soup and froze ziplocks of single portions. Worked great!!!! Good luck!!
  20. Lots of us have had that happen. Mine only came a few days earlier, but was really really really heavy. Other have said it was, like 3 WEEKS early!! Crazy.... But pretty normal
  21. I know.... Those 2 words don't sound like they should be together but I make it work today!!! My hubby and I were doing the majority of our Christmas baking today, and yes I DID sample the goods. BUT.... I only sampled after I had eaten a meal so sampling was at a minimum. Also, I had a break that was about 25 min long. So instead of going and plopping myself on the couch or at the table, I leashed up the dog and took her for a 20min bike ride ( it was a beautiful crisp day here in Vancouver, Canada!!!) then came back and got tobaking again. Yay me!!! I never would've done that before!!!!
  22. My staple food during purée and Soups stage was like a chicken Soup. Put all the following ingredients in the blender: -Roasted veggies ( I liked to do up quite a bit and keep them in a ziplock in the fridge for a quick grab) - roasted chicken - chicken broth ( homemade is better protein- just boil the bones from the roasted chicken) - milk ( optional) - unjury chicken soup powder ( optional) Purée fully - strain if needed. I sometimes added chili or curry spices to keep it varied. I also started to make it very thick as I went along in stages
  23. My one year anniversary is coming up and I am running my FIRST half marathon the day after ( feb 25). I live in Vancouver Canada and the race is through Disneyland. My overweight hubby has decided that he wants to take the leap and have surgery as well ( OMG YAY!!!!- can u tell I'm excited??????) anyways, I had my surgery in Mexico ( a hop,leap and a jump from Disney) and my hubby wants to go there too. My dilemma is this...... The race is on the 25th. The open surgery dates are the 16th to the 18th. If all goes well and he has surgery then, will he be up to seeing me run? he really wants to cheer me on and has said he'd rather see me run and figure out surgery later, but........ I don't know!! I know i would've been fine, but I also know everyone heals so differently! Our other option is to fly out from Disney a couple days after the race to Texas and then drive down to Mexico ( same doc- diff location), but that involves an extra flight for 2 of us. I need help figuring this out!!! Ps. Sorry for the rambling : S And thanks everyone!!!! Heather
  24. Mike- I had surgery in Mexico last February and flew home 3-4 days later. I had no troubles ; )

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