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Everything posted by fern

  1. I never really understood why I was fat. I blamed it on everything an everyone else. It couldn't really be ME!!! Could it??? I am going through some very hard times at work right now and I've been stabbed in the back by who I thought was a good friend. I realized that I turn to food to try and heal those wounds. I realized this mid-bite through a crunchie bar!! I truthfully had no idea!! But when I look back, I can see it!! Instead of indulging on crap, I am going for a run. In fact, I'm going for a LONG run ( to my hubbys work about 16km- or just over 10miles i think) so I can think through this crappy situation I'm in at work. Wish me luck!!!
  2. fern


    I get them everytime I eat. It's my full signal. Never heard of it as I sign for a leak. I'm almost 1 year out and I'm a-ok ; )
  3. Now that I realize some of my triggers, hopefully I can start to deal with them head on.... Before anxiety triggers the need for bad food. That's the hope anyways. Btw- after reading my original post, what I said about "it couldn't be me could it??" was meant as sarcasm. Of course I now know it's me that has the problem. I just hope I have the reins on it now!! It's interesting though, my brother is in rehab at the moment for drugs and alcohol. He used alcohol to cope, I used food. As do the other woman in my family. I feel like I'm still going through a kind of food rehab. Where I have beaten the food addiction, but struggle to keep it away. I feel close to my brother because of this. I feel like I know what he's going through for some weird reason.
  4. Thanks for the replies! I ran10miles today!! I feel much better about things and I don't want to eat!! What better than that : )
  5. For me it was the fatigue too. I had a little guy in diapers. We'd just sit on the floor to change him. I remember multiple times getting him ready for bed and just changing him and getting him into his jammies wiped me out so much that my hubby had to take him to bed and tuck him in, then my daughters tuck in, then come back down the stairs to help me get up and help me up the stairs to get to bed, because I couldn't do it. Had he not been there, I think I wouldn't slept on the floor at the bottom of the stairs!!!! lol!!! Now though, i have 100x the energy I had before ; )
  6. Awsome nsv!!! And awsome hubby ; )
  7. You look beautiful.... And happy!!!!! Ps. Love that photo and I want you jacket ; ) lol
  8. Thanks! Got my hotel booked on hotels.com tonight for 36/night!! Yay for cheap hotels!!!
  9. Okay, so I'm an idiot and registered for a disney half marathon in (what I thought was) disneyLAND. But as everything else happening with this trip...... I messed up!!!! It's in DISNEY-WORLD!!! Yes, Florida! Not California. So I'm Postponing the FAMILY trip to California by a week and using AIrmiles to fly to Florida for the race weekend. My question is...... I need the cheapest place to stay while in Florida. Hopefully with a shuttle to Disney. Doesn't need to be fancy or food included.... Just cheap!! Any ideas???
  10. Get a slow cooker!! So hard to burn things in that : ) My fave meal in a slow cooker - cheapest roast you can get or frying steaks (frozen is best) - mushroom soup can - onion soup packet - veggies Throw in slow cooker - cook on low for 8-10 hours Voila!! Yummy stew!!!! Easy to put on before you leave for work Heats up great!! Veggies
  11. I love the word "conquer". It just feels so powerful to me. We all have at least a few things to conquer and I'd love to hear what yours are. For me: My surgery was feb 25/ 2011, and I will conquer long distance running. It's been a goal of mine since grade school. I'm registered for the Disney princess half marathon next month. So excited!!!!!
  12. Celery is fine if you peel the strings off. Just take a pairing knife to the outside ribbing. Try sweet peas. I do well with those, same with cold grilled red peppers ( love em cooked- yucky raw : ).
  13. Mmmmmmm subway is awsome!! They have a breakfast sandwich that has egg whites ( that are shaped round). It comes with ham and cheese and whatever toppings ( then I'd ditch the bin and use the egg white as a shell- awsome!!! Their soup is great I've also gotten the meatball sandwich with no sandwich. I ask them to put the meatballs in a soup container and put cheese on it- they are nice and soft so if you are doing solids, that's a good bet!!
  14. Amanda you look AMAZING!!!! After all the bumps in the road, I can't wait to do my half marathon next month!!! Great job. I'm so proud of you and I bow to you my dear!! O and tell your hubby I bow to him too!!! That's crazy about his knee!! Howz it feeling now that the adrenaline is gone??
  15. What awsome replies!!!! I feel I need to add that I'm in the process of conquering my fear of "being out there" and excelling in the workplace. I have a meeting this week with the vice president of the bakery I help manage, to talk about my advancement in the company and my eventual buying of my store!!!! I'm nervous!!!!!!
  16. Haha!! Love this!! I was sooooo happy when I conquered that!!!!
  17. fern


    I have this a couple days of the month when my hormones are whacked from my period. If this is an everyday issue, there may be an issue. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but it seems like your sleeve is doing it's job. I think that alot of us get overweight because of a disorder. It may be worth talking to someone about this. Is there someone you can talk to? Or can your dr/surgeon suggest someone? I wish you all the best!
  18. fern

    I Have Issues.. Lol!

    I bought a heated blanket for downstairs and a heated matress cover for my bed!! Half hour before bed , I run up and turn it on!! I climb into a comfy cozy heated bed : )
  19. fern

    One Year

    Congrats on the one year!!! I know all about the bloody ring fiasco!! Happened to me too!! Got it replaced ( and resized), but now it's loose again!!! I'll need to resize again I guess!! Lol
  20. WOW!!! Get r done chicky!!! That's impressive!!! So proud of you!!!!
  21. It was SOOOOO cold here in Vancouver (i'm such a wimp now with the cold). I started out not feeling my toes and ended the race not feeling my toes : ) BUT I DID IT!!!! I even ran the first 20 min WITHOUT STOPPING!!!! BUT I DID IT!!! did I finish first??? NOOOO far from it......I actually finished 7th from last. BUT I DID IT!!!! I FINISHED and I feel fantastic!!!! I finished under my 1 hour goal (coming in at 59 min 32 seconds) Consitering this is my first time EVER running outdoors and with other people around, I am proud!!
  22. something else i forgot. I remember sometime back, someone was having troubles getting anything down. what about getting a misting bottle and putting gaterade or juice in it? make sure it's a mister not a sprayer and use that. just keep spraying everytime you think about it? it would be such a small amount of liquids, but it's SOMETHING better than you have been getting.....
  23. the dry heaving is probably from dehydration that is already settling in. You will feel worse quickly if you can't get something in. I couldn't do cold anything for a long time. I diluted apple juice and warmed it up (kind of like cider) and drank chicken broth. try half sips( like a thimbles worth). if you can keep that down, do a half sips constantly ( like every 2-3 min). As the liquids get into your system, the nausea will start to feel better and you can work your way up to half a shot glass, then a shot glass. Yes this will suck!! We all know how crappy you feel right now.But unless you want a trip to the ER in the near future, you've got to try as much as you can. let us know how you are doing!!!!
  24. make your own chicken broth. let your family eat the chicken, then throw the carcas in a pot with veggies and water. boil/simmer a long time. the broth tastes better and you get better protein from it. i sipped on this ALLLL day. like the others said, have a drink literally attached to your hand all day and sip EVERY time you think about it. It gets better I promise!!!!

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