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Everything posted by fern

  1. I'm almost 2 weeks late (just under) in posting my 1 year anniversary details, mainly because I was having way to much fun in Disneyland with my family!! (plus I wanted to add pics from Disney as some of my after shots ) to recap my journey - start weight was 229 - although I had been up to 240ish - weight on surgery day was 208 - starting size 24-26 (probably should have had a larger size though) - had my surgery with Dr. Rodriquez in Mexico Immediately after surgery, I felt very sick to my stomach and threw up multiple times. I was given anti-nausea meds for a couple days to combat that. I remember not wanting to get up and walk. I felt like crap!!! why would I want to walk? okay, all you newbies.... listen up!! LOL !! YES it helps to walk!!!! I felt 1000x s better after walking around. every time you get up to use the bathroom? walk the halls before laying back down. need to change the channel on the tv? get up and do some more walking, then change the channel. It truly does help!!!!! I started losing my hair around 3 months. yes, it sucks (I'm not going to lie to you), but it grows back!! i have so much new growth right now though, that I look a little bit like a frizzy haired chia pet!! LOL I went back to the gym around 6 weeks. I started just walking, but as time went on and I started getting more energy as I dropped the weight, i then started running. About the 5 month mark, the running bug bit me. I decided to try something that has been on my bucket list since I was a teenager. I was going to run a half marathon!!!! I even found a half marathon that was scheduled for the day after my 1 year anniversary of my surgery!!!! And it was in Disneyworld!!! I am a true Disney nut, so all these things coming together felt like it was meant to be and I had to do it!!! So I signed up and started my training. My job requires me to work at strange and varied hours. Couple that with my 2 part time jobs, my 2 kids, and my hubby = not a lot of time to myself. I make sure to get a run in (even if it's only 3o min). My lack of time also made it so I could not do running clinics in my area, so I just read as much as I could and trained by myself. To date I have lost 100lbs!! although I vary about 5-10 lbs depending on the time of month or training for runs. I still worry averyday that I'll gain it back. But I figure that it's that 'worry' is what keeps me in check with myself. I see pics of the old me and wonder who that girl is and why see was so unhappy all the time. The number of people that say I 'LOOK' happier not to mention healthier is crazy!!! I hit 129lbs a few months ago, and I was still a size 12 at that point!! I have finished losing weight (i think), but my size continues to go down (yay!!) I'm right around a size 8 right now. although I do have a pair of Lululemon pants in a size 6 that fit great!! and size small shirt. The only bad thing I hate is my extra skin. In clothes, I'm happy. but I HATE swimsuits!!! my thighs and tummy are terrible!!! they continue to tighten some and I hope it continues, but it'll just have to be something I deal with. food wise, I still look at Protein first (unless it's the couple weeks before a race), but I can't low carb anymore. During my losing phase, I low carbed it and lost weight fast. Now that I'm a runner (i love the sound of that), I need the carbs for fuel. I have FINALLY gotten to the point where I now longer even care to have a coke. I used to be a major pop drinker. It's taken me a year to get over that addiction!!! I have bad days, where I eat crap and pay for it, but as long as they are not constant, I learn from them and I'm happy. As I see it, how can I learn if I don't have mistakes to fix?? On to race day..... I was a bucket if nerves!! But I was so excited!! I felt really good through the run. My main goal was just to finish. My 5 year old daughter told me something that I think we should ALL remember. I was telling her about the race before I left and showed her a pic of what the medal would look like. She asked me if I was going to win the race the get the medal. I said no, that I just was going to finish the race to get it. she said, "so the winning person and the last person get the same medal?" I said yes. She said, "so it doesn't matter what place you come in mommy, as long as you finish the race, I'll be proud of you!!!" This will stick with me for the rest of my days!!!! When I finished the race, I was so emotional. I was exhausted, and tired from lack of sleep (had to be there at 3am and couldn't sleep the night before), and I couldn't believe that I had proven to myself that I could do something like that. Needless to say, I bawled like a baby!!! I traveled by myself to Florida from Vancouver Canada for the race, but the amount of hugs and pats on the back I got from total strangers was so nice!!! I ended up finishing in 3:09:56. I had hoped to finish under 3 hours, but a 15minute lineup at the bathrooms kind of killed that for me. BTW: the pic of me at mile marker 10 is priceless to me. At this point I had NEVER run more than 10 miles before!!! Anything after that was icing on the cake for me Now that I'm home, I've already signed up for 4 more half marathons and a 10k this year!!!! One of which is in Disneyland in September. I can't wait!!! I feel like I have found a new me........ A me that is not only a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, coworker, etc...... But a me that has found balance and happiness. attached are some before and afters- enjoy!!!
  2. Today was a good day. I'm a year post op. My a baker by trade. I've been at my job as a baker for 3 years. I come from a long line of bakers in my family ( though I didn't find this out until after I got the job). After surgery, I quickly worked my way into management and today I was offered my own bakery in the company!!! I'll be moving to the new bakery just after Easter. I truly believe my surgery gave me a new lease on life and a strange and wonderful feeling of confidence. I can't wait!!!! ; )
  3. Haha! A lot of people say this, but I just really come prepared with options for Snacks and lunches. Pair this with long distance running and a little more carbs here and there aren't too bad for me. Besides, hauling heavy dough around every day is a work out in itself!!! Thank you all for the lovely comments! I knew you guys would understand that new found feeling of self worth : )
  4. fern

    Mixed Feelings

    Please listen to your doctor. The last thing you want is to have troubles. If you really want to ex erode, walk. Walk everywhere. It'll give you some cardio without too much strain. But listen to your doctor.
  5. Hey Riss!! Congrats on wanting to run! I just finished my first half marathon a couple weeks ago at Disneyworld. It was awsome!!! I bawled like a baby when I crossed that finish line I'm doing 4 more this year and my last one booked this year ( so far) is in Disneyland in September. Any questions you have please ask away. Check out the fitness part of the forum. Especially the muscle depletion thread. We talk alot about running and carb loading etc. Can't wait to see those pics of you crossing that finish line!!
  6. I'm worried about this too!! Please check with your doctor!!
  7. fern

    Running And Side Cramps

    I find I get cramps anywhere between my ribs and my pelvis if I'm not hydrated enough before the run. Try drinking a full glass of water ( at least) about a half hour before you run. Let me know if it works!
  8. Dawnr- Disney races are great for walkers!! You need to stay at a 16min/mile pace, but there are TONS of walkers!!! And what great fun too!!
  9. I'm just over a year out and I've lost 100lbs ( although I vary 5-10lbs throughout the month) Start weight 229 Weight now 129-135 Start size 24/26 Size now 8 ( woohoo- I'm in single digits!!!!) but sometimes size 10 still I have quite a bit extra skin from my navel down, but my upper bash looks good - other than my poor deflated (.)(.) Lol
  10. fern

    Muscle Depletion?

    thanks mass. The snorkel sounds like a great idea! I'll have to look into that one. The half marathons are pretty spaced other than a lululemon one on Aug. 11 and then the Disneyland 1/2 on Sept 2. I'm already planning on just enjoying the lululemon 1/2 and taking it easy as to not over do my poor body. the schedule is as follows: April 15- 10k sunrun May 6- BMO half marathon June 10- Sandcastle 10k June 24- Scotiabank Half Marathon August 11- Lululemon Half marathon Sept. 2- Disneyland Half marathon My plan is to get better times for the BMO on May 6, the sandcastle 10k on June 10, and the scotiabank on June 24. I'll take it easy and have fun for the others. Do you think I'm pushing it too hard?
  11. Thanks for all your kind words everyone. For those of you who said you'd love to do something like this...... As Nike would say..... Just do it!!! Sign up for it on that whim of, " I would love to do this". Yes, it was so scary once I paid for my place and I wondered what the heck I was doing, but I decided to believe in myself. Do you know how long it's been since I believed in myself??? I feels so damn good!!!! Try it yourself!! If you decide running is your thing, shoot me any questions you have. I'm no expert, but I'm a great shoulder to lean on : )
  12. fern

    Fatigue Post Op.

    if my water and/or protein is a bit low, i feel like I'm draggin' my butt around!!! : ) try and get in an extra protein shake a day for a week and try and drink that extra glass or 2 of water. It helped me huge!!!
  13. hey Liliana, I'm 5'2 so we are about in the same stats and you are doing awsome!!!! I kind of followed the c25k on my iphone, but I found it a little to hard. so when I started, I'd jog for 1 min, walk for 3. When I felt good, I started jog for 1, walk for 2, then 1 and 1. then I went to jog 2, walk 3, jog 2 walk 2, jog 2 walk 1, jog 3, walk 3.....etc.... If I was having a bad day, I didn't push too hard, I'd just add an extra min walking each time and get back at it the next day. if I felt good, I'd just keep running. It was amazing how great I'd feel some days. Now I can run for about 45 min straight!!! That excites me : ) I don't run fast by any means, but I run. That's what's important to me.
  14. i would talk to your doctor, but I was okay taking the chewable kids cold meds. double check with your doc first tho
  15. fern

    Muscle Depletion?

    what are lactate threshholds mass? I'm jealous that you have a nutritionist!! I've just used books and this forums so far...... I had to tell you guys... I'm all signed up for 4 more half maratons this year plus a 10k!! OMG!! I would love to do a sprint triathalon, but my swimming sucks!! I hate sticking my face underwater so I need to get past that first!!! LOL
  16. woohoo!!! welcome to wonderland and the healthy zone!!! make yourself comfy!! congrats
  17. fern

    Shock And Awe

    you are definately a success!!! congrats!!
  18. fern

    Muscle Depletion?

    Good job mass!!!! Glad to hear all went well! That was my biggest worry about running my first race.... A bloody cold!!! Lol! Glad to hear the cramping went away! Looks like we might all be getting the hang of these new tummies of ours eh?
  19. fern

    Muscle Depletion?

    No cramping at all. I felt really good during the race, just fatigue. I would maybe try taking a couple really early walk breaks. The reason I say this, is because of the talk that Jeff Galloway had at the fitness expo. Someone talked about cramping in the toes. He said some people claw with their toes like they are trying to get traction within the shoe. He recommended taking very early walk breaks to allow the body to recover in intervals. Maybe you are doing the same thing? Do you feel you toes trying to grip? Maybe consciously try to make sure to relax them? I know my hip cramps up bad ( like a Charlie horse) if I don't force it to relax. It really does help. I'm signing up for 8-10 more races this year, so I'll see what more I can find out. It's a long way away, but I'm doing the Disneyland race in September, so anything unanswered, I can bring up at Jeff galloway's talk at THAT fitness expo!
  20. fern

    Muscle Depletion?

    Massindex commented on my thread about my 1/2 marathon I just completed asking for my experiences. I'm typing on my phone, so I'll give more info when I get home in a week. I am NOT a fast runner by any means, but I run straight with minimal walk breaks. I generally hit the "wall" about 5-7miles, but I've been known to hit it quite a bit sooner. The race I did was the Disney princess 1/2 marathon. The most awsome thing that happened, is I was on the rundisney forum and happened to catch Jeff Galloway online!!! So I picked his brain. He ended up calling me to give me all the info because I had to explain vsg to him, but I found out quite a few things and tried them for the 1/2. First thing he said is NEVER carb up old school. The food will still be in there come race time and on average, your stomach will bounce 26000 times for the run. He recommended I start carbo-loading right after my last long run before going into taper (between 1-2 weeks, I did 1.5). He recommended 200 carbs per day during this time, but trying to hit 300 a couple days before. He also recommended pretzels because that little bit extra salt would help retain water needed for the race. He told he if I did it right, I should gain 2-5 lbs in those couple weeks as the carbs and salt help you retain water and something like 1lb glycerin stores with 2-3lbs water. I gained 1.8lbs. He recommended a light meal for lunch and dinner the day before with easy to digest foods. Not alot of protein. 3 hours before race time, chug 8-10ounces water, then no more til during the race, and only 2-4 ounces every 2miles. Apparently your digestive system all but stops while you run. The only time you want to eat is actually for your brain. Not your stomach. He recommends gummy bears and/or sugar cubes. I kinda thought maybe i was talking to an assisant, because he took quite a bit of time with me, but i decided to follow the advice. I went to the fitness expo the day before and he was speaking there. I stayed after and asked if he remembered me, and he did!!! Anyways, did the race and hit a very small wall at 8miles. So I stopped to pee at 8.5 cause there were only 2 runners in front of me, but I took me 15 min to get back to running!!! Damn women and bathrooms ( yes I'm a girl and yes I hate the line ups!! Even with stopping for pics at every mile (self portrait=15 sec) and that damn potty break, I finish in 3:09:56. Avg 14.something/mile. I had hoped to keep it under 3, but oh well. I finished and I am estatic!! Wow! I ended up writing way more than I thought!! But I know there's more I've forgotten. Ask me questions to jog my memory. That might help ( knew I should've written it down!!)
  21. It's amazing to think of where I was a year ago. Unhappy, unhealthy, and unsure of myself. Today, thanks to dr Rod. , I've taken all those UN's away. I am now happy, healthy, and very sure of the person I've become. Photos will have to wait tho. At the moment, I'm in Walt Disney World. Celebrating my anniversary by breaking old habits. Instead of gorging on a celebratory meal ( and dessert), I'm running my first half marathon!!! I'm running in the Fit to be a Princess 1/2!!! Yup!! 13.1 miles...... Omg!! So keep an eye out in the success posts in a few days for how I do. Wish me luck! I'm going to need it!! Lol! Cheers Heather
  22. Brandy!!! You look amazing!! I was about to do my own post : ) Have a good one my sleeve twin ; )
  23. Around the 3 month mark, my body got into a routine. I generally only lost weight once a month (generally the week after my period). I found that the less frazzled I got over it, the more I lost. Just keep doing what your doing. It'll work itself out!
  24. Make anything to freeze!! Soups freeze great, but once they are frozen, transfer "icecubes" to a ziplocks bag. I love my vitamix!! My Dave meal on mushies was homemade chicken stock ( better protein), roasted veggies, chicken breast, and whatever spices to flavor and blend ( no need to strain with a vitmix!!!) then add a 1/2 scoop of unjury chicken soup, or any unflavored protein powder. I added taco seasoning sometimes for mexican, butter chicken sauce or spices for Indian, mmmmmmm. Now I want soup!!!!
  25. fern

    Muscle Depletion?

    This is great info for me too as I have my first half marathon coming up in just over 2 weeks. I actually stopped running about a week before me first race and slowly upped carbs all week to get the glycerin stores up. Worked pretty well I think ; ) Keep sending info! And pdxman- you're coming to my neck of the woods for your marathon!! Are you doing the full? Or half?? I'm going to sign up for the half!!

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