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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fern

  1. There is a lady on biggest loser right now who is an opera singer. The show's doctor said that she could lose her voice if she got any heavier because of fat pressure on the larynx. Don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. I wonder how her voice will be by loosing the weight?
  2. Wow!! I can't wait to run again!! I'm just over 2 weeks out and my goal is to run a half marathon. I'm going to shoot for a 5k late summer. How long after surgery did you start running? Ps- you really do suit pink ; )
  3. fern

    Most Wonderous NSV

    That's so awsome!!! I can't wait to do that with my 2 kiddies : )
  4. 2bslimkim- our days are alot alike - kids to school ect ect, but unfortunately my job is kinda run around like crazy in a really hot bakery for generally longer than 8 hours right now, because I'm short staffed ( crappy people who quit with no notice while I was gone). Yes I'm getting my protein, liquids, and vitamins. But by the time I'm home, I'm emotionally and physically done. I guess while I'm healing, there is no reserve. I have backup coming to help me at work, but not til wednesday, so I've gotta buck up til then. I'm just really emotional at the moment. Blackberry- I can't wait until things don't taste good!!! Head hunger is driving me crazy!!!! It's good the know that once i can have it, that I won't want it : )
  5. I'm just over 2 weeks out and just went back to work yesterday. I'm so tired. And I'm hungry!!! I'm unfortunately not one of those who say they aren't hungry anymore. I guess I have alot of demons to battle ahead. It doesn't help that I'm a manager at a bakery. Don't get me wrong, I didn't really eat much from work, even pre surgery, but the smells are killing me!!!! Not to mention that I'm running around all day and barely even had energy to do laundry while I was off. I guess I just need to buck up and deal with all this, but I'm just feeling low right now. Off to work I go...... Yay...... : (
  6. Thanks for the kind words. I unfortunately didn't have much if a choice as to when I came back to work as I am the bread winner of our house while my hubby is back in school. I am working much harder at sitting down whenever possible -that's what I'm doing right now ; ) I also brought lots more variety to drink ( as well as choking down an extra protien shake - yuck!! I just feel so bad cause I come home so drained. My 2 and 4 year olds are so excited to see me and they want to play and I just can't. I can't barely hold up a book to read to them. I can't wait til more energy comes and I can play with them more!!!!
  7. fern

    A Different NSV

    That it awsome news!!! It's awsome to hear when cancer gets a good swift kick in the ass!!!
  8. I was 230 when I started my preop. Lost 20 lbs by day of surgery. I'm only 12 days out, but I'm now 195lbs! It sure is coming off fast. I'm interested to see who else posts....
  9. This definately beats the magic bullet. That's what I just replaced for the vita mix. When making fruit smooties, the magic bullet leaves the tiny seeds ( like from strawberrys) in the smoothy. The vita mix mixes with such friction that the seeds are liquified as well. You can throw in whole potatoes for example. All the fiber and nutrients are in the skin. The vitamix will liquify the skin as well so you get the most out of what you are making. Mmmmmm
  10. I'm 10 days out and I feel like such a dummy!!! I can't remember things, I'm calling my children by different names. I even messed up my hubbys name today !!!! ( he thought it was funny thank goodness). I started full liquids the other day, but is it that I just am not getting enough to keep my brain functioning right? Boy, i hope this ends quickly
  11. It is so worth the money!! For breakfast, My kids gobbled up a fresh fruit smoothy with Greek yogurt, banana, orange and strawberries. And protien shakes are so much better. I made chicken soup with veggies last night. It chopped up the raw carrots like a juicer juices, but it liquified the pulp too so you get ALL the nutrients. And the recipe book has lots of good for you recipes in it. Perfect for just about anything. We're going to make mac n cheese for the kids in it tonight. With veggies and light cheese. I think it'll be a 1000x better than boxed crap : )
  12. I had my sleeve 2 days ago with dr. Rodriguez in Mexico. I started on clear liquids yesterday. Every time I take a sip, doesn't matter how small, I get pain under my ribcage. I think it's gassy, or just my new tummy protesting. I've tried gasX chewables and the strips. The doctors say it's normal, but I'm really struggling to get my liquids in. Can anyone give me some advice??
  13. How you doing today? Glad my call helped out a bit. Let me know how your doing okay?
  14. fern

    Dr. Rod in TJ on 02/26/11

    Hey! We'll see you there!! As brandy said, we'll be a day ahead of ya : )
  15. Hello!! I would love to get a copy as well!! My email is fernygoat@hotmail.com thanks so much for doing that!!
  16. I'm am getting sleeved on February 25!! I'm so excited ( and scared). I've told my immediate daily, boss, and best friend. Everyone has been really supportive except my best friend. She is as overweight as me and at first pushed hard for me to do Jenny Craig etc. with her. I knew she'd do this so I told her my reasons and left it at that. Then she calls me the other day and starts telling me horror stories about her moms friends cousin etc etc that had wls and died. And then starts asking me what my husband and kids are going to do without me if things go wrong!! I didn't know what to say!! I know it's like .2% of surgeries are fatal. Is that right?
  17. I agree that I need to just leave some space between us. The crappy thing about this whole thing is that it makes me second guess myself and my decision. I really struggled with it because my husband is and only child and has now lost both his parents ( he's only 35). I hate to think about if something happened, but your right. I could die tomorrow in a car accident -that would suck : ( I think I need to just move forward and ignore it, but to ignore your best girlfriend just really sucks!!
  18. fern

    6 months update

    No need to ask us to be nice. You look like I want to look in 6 months!!! You are doing a great job!!
  19. I'm scared but I'm excited. First let me start by saying I have been big a long time and I'm only 33. My mom, aunt, and cousin all got the lapband last year. To start with I was so against it. My mom asked me to do the research for her as she can't use a computer and I was still against it. Fast forward a year. My mom had her surgery, lost a bunch of weight, and has now started to gain it back. She has blockages on a daily basis. This was not for me. So I decided on the sleeve. I know I can loose weight. I've done it many a time. But I can't maintain it. It all goes right back on. I have a great husband and 2 wee ones. I never had a "problem" with being overweight. I hate it, but ive gotten used to it I guess. It wasn't until my daughter was old enough to start noticing. I had to bring her into a stall to use the bathroom at the mall. She looked at me with huge eyes when I pulled down my pants and yelled at me not to sit because my big bum would break the toilet!!!!! I was so embarressed!!! I know it wasn't meant to be mean, but man did that hurt. I don't like what I see in the mirror. I look tired because I am tired. I am just so ready to have this done. I'm so tired of not being able to play with my kids, and my dog, and of course my hubby : ) my mom is going to travel with me, but she so worried about this being so "perminent". ( remember she has a lapband which is reversable) Anyone have any words of wisdom for me??
  20. I've had these. They are so yummy Buy mini tortilla shells. Toss cooked chicken pieces ( or other meat) in light Italian dressing or desired sauce ( I like pesto. My hubby does a light BBQ sause). add lots of veggies ( cooked/grilled). Top with dry cottage cheese. Bake until heated through and cottage cheese melts. I just love these!!!
  21. fern


    The other thing you could do is do your first lag to Denver and then stay the night there? Also explain your story at the airport. They may upgrade you to first class if there is room. I plan on doing the same : ) I really can't believe I'm doing this!! I've told my boss who is also a friend mainly because when I come back to work I'll need reduced duties ( I'm a baker- interesting profession eh?) so far he's been really good about it. My mom is worried that it's too perminent. She had lap band but has blockages always. I just couldn't do that.
  22. fern


    I think that's right. When my mom had the lapband she stayed in San Diego for the night they got back. She said it made such a huge difference because she was so tired and sore just from the ride into san Diego. I think I'll probably do the same. I haven't booked my flights yet as my passport is taking forever to get done!!!! Soooo frustrating!! Do you have to fly far? I'm from Vancouver Canada. So only a 3-ish hour flight. Not too bad.
  23. fern


    I think my mom and I will do the same. I'd love to go to the zoo, but we probably won't have time. I have my job to do on Thursday morning so after the flight it'll be probably late afternoon. My mom, aunt and cousin all had lap bands so I kinda know what to expect, but man am I scared!!!! And excited!! And nervous!!! How about you?
  24. fern


    I am also in TJ with Dr. Rodriquez on feb 25!!!! Cool!

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