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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fern

  1. You look wonderful!! Never could I wear a bikini : ( Way too much extra skin!! ( but I'll take healthy with extra skin anyway ) Cheers!! You did it!!!!
  2. Take a pic and send to your surgeon in MX. I had my surgery there too and they ere great with my questions. A pic or 2 will tell them alot. Tell them about your breathing too!!!
  3. While I was losing I went through a pretty peculiar routine of weight lose. The week before my period, I would stop losing weight. The week of my period, I would gain up to 5 pounds. The following week I would only lose what I gained the previous week and then the following week I would lose whatever weight I was going to lose the month. It's a bit of a mindf--k to lose 10-15 lbs ( in the early months) in just a couple days!!!! It taught me patience!!!! Lol
  4. I'm going for it!! The manager at the gym is so excited because she thinks I have a fantastic chance from the entrants that have entered so far!!! Wish me luck!!!
  5. I was approached by a trainer at my gym who recognized me from when I was large. He asked me how much I've lost (100+lbs). He gave me a big high five and disappeared. He came back with a flyer and said he'd like to enter me in this contest. I'm pretty excited about it, but my mom thinks I should tell them I've had the sleeve. I think 2 half marathons ( 3 after next week) are more than enough! I've worked hard to lose this weight. And I'm working that much harder to keep it off. What do you think?
  6. When I was in my losing phase, I only lost weight 1 weeks of the month. And I'd gain one week due to my period. I'd lose nothingthe week before my period, and the week after my period, I'd lose only what I gained the week before. It sucked, but it worked for me. Just keep doing what you know you should. Your body will release it eventually! I wish you all the success in taking that walk ( and many more) with your hubby!!!!!
  7. I was sleeved a year ago last feb. (so about 16 months ago). I stayed with the program of lower carbs/ higher Protein until I hit goal ( about 6-8 months after surgery). During that time, I took up running. Once I hit goal and started upping my distance, I found I needed to also up my carbs to make sure I had the energy to make the distance. I am so proud to say that I have run 2 half marathons this year! But I am sad to say that I have injured my IT band ( a piece of sinew that runs from your hip to your knee and your muscles attach to them). I went for my first long run since the injury today and my injury is still there as bold as ever!! Anyways, in looking at what I have done to myself ( my leg), I have also realized what I have allowed myself to do. I rationalized that because I was burning it all off, it was okay to eat the crap food that got me fat! Now granted, I have not gained anything back in the 8-10 months since I hit my goal. For that I am proud. I am not proud however, at what I have allowed myself to eat ( as I sit here with a bag of cornchips- which btw- sliiiiiiddddeee right on down with absolutely no resriction). I have not been stupid enough to touch slurpees and pop ( which is/was the absolute center of my addiction) Truth be told, I truly don't think I'll ever be fat again. Now that I am small ( and still seem to be getting smaller), I ENJOY a good bike ride/ run/ hike/gym routine. It doesn't mean I'm not absolutely petrified of gaining every ounce of it back!!! I need to take I big ol' look at myself and my routine and start making those healthy choices again. I did so well with logging my food so starting tomorrow, I'll be starting again. I figure if I lay it all out there in front of people who have been where I am, it will help make me accountable for my actions- which was my core reason to have the surgery. To make me accountable to ME!! Why did YOU have your surgery??? ( and no answers of " to lose weight" because we all know there's more to it!!!
  8. fern

    Marathon Walking

    You definately need proper shoes and you need to be fitted by someone who knows what they are doing. 2 pairs is best as it takes your shoes 24-48 hours to totally dry and rebound. Plus your shoes last double the amount of time. As for suggestions. Jeff Galloway has a great walk run technique that you can look at ( he a fave on run Disney too). Why don't you try every 2 min of walking, jog for 15 seconds. Start with that and as you get better you can increase time. I may do half marathons, but I use his method and walk 1 min, jog 1 min. Works wonders. You'd be surprised how much quicker your time will get, even with 15 sec at a time!!! If you ever need a buddy to chat with, your welcome to friend me!!! Btw- never under estimate the power of nervous energy on race day!! Everyone pushes everyone along. It's an awsome thing to see : )
  9. Hey coops!! The lack of training was driving me nuts.... Until I decided to do what I COULD do without furthering my injury or pain. The strange thing about an IT band injury is I can't feel it at allunless I run. So I decided to walk..... Alot. I walked 30km today!! I'm very proud!!! As for you, I was thinking about what you could do without hurting your groin area. What about swimming- with your arms only. Use a tensor or band and strap your ankles together once your in the Water and use it as an upper body only workout. The cardio would be fantasic!!!! My autobody hubby had a great idea. He has something called a creeper. Its like a plank with wheels that you lay on to work under a car. You could lay on something like that and wheel yourself around using only your arms ( I'd wear gloves for that one). Just trying something new that you CAN do is so satisfying!!! You can do it coops!!!!!
  10. fern

    I... Want... Mexican Food!

    If you are on full liquids, throw chicken broth, milk, fully roasted veggies, roasted potatoes ( if you are not doing low carb), chicken breast, taco seasoning, sour cream or Greek yogurt, and cheese ( if you se desire) into a blender. Purée ( and strain if needed) makes a fantastic soup!! Especially with a dollop of sour cream and some extra cheese on the top. You can easily change the flavoring to Indian or whatever by changing up spices too!!! This recipe got me through the liquid phase!!!
  11. fern

    First Major Nsv

    Hilarious!!! And awsome support from hubby!!! Great job and keep it up!!!
  12. fern

    Marathon Walking

    Disneyteach- I'll be there too!! The princess half was my first half marathon! I'm doing the Disneyland half this September for my coast to coast medal. And I'm signing up for the goofy challenge in Jan. Disney is awsome for walkers- but remember you still need to keep a 16 min mile to not get swept. If you are on Facebook, Run Disney has a page and it's great. I'd love a buddy for Disney races, though I run/walk. But we can meet up before or after, or just chat online to keep motivation going. I definately recommend getting a GOOD pair of running shoes, and to be fitted for them at a running store. Please feel free to contact me anytime!!
  13. fern


    Unfortunately I know your pain so well!! I've been running about a year now and have now done 2 half marathons, my last one being about a month ago- where I injured my IT band. After a month of physio, I got the go ahead to run last week. I was aloud to push it, but not to pain- which I did!! Except, now my knee is killing me!!! I have another have marathon in 20 days and I'm afraid I'm going to need to pull out of it I'm so sad and discouraged!! My run today felt so freeing!! It's so nice to clear the cobwebs and allow clearness in. I can't believe how much I've missed that this month- or how I ever lived without it before!!!
  14. I was sleeved a year ago last feb. (so about 16 months ago). I stayed with the program of lower carbs/ higher Protein until I hit goal ( about 6-8 months after surgery). During that time, I took up running. Once I hit goal and started upping my distance, I found I needed to also up my carbs to make sure I had the energy to make the distance. I am so proud to say that I have run 2 half marathons this year! But I am sad to say that I have injured my IT band ( a piece of sinew that runs from your hip to your knee and your muscles attach to them). I went for my first long run since the injury today and my injury is still there as bold as ever!! Anyways, in looking at what I have done to myself ( my leg), I have also realized what I have allowed myself to do. I rationalized that because I was burning it all off, it was okay to eat the crap food that got me fat! Now granted, I have not gained anything back in the 8-10 months since I hit my goal. For that I am proud. I am not proud however, at what I have allowed myself to eat ( as I sit here with a bag of cornchips- which btw- sliiiiiiddddeee right on down with absolutely no resriction). I have not been stupid enough to touch slurpees and pop ( which is/was the absolute center of my addiction) Truth be told, I truly don't think I'll ever be fat again. Now that I am small ( and still seem to be getting smaller), I ENJOY a good bike ride/ run/ hike/gym routine. It doesn't mean I'm not absolutely petrified of gaining every ounce of it back!!! I need to take I big ol' look at myself and my routine and start making those healthy choices again. I did so well with logging my food so starting tomorrow, I'll be starting again. I figure if I lay it all out there in front of people who have been where I am, it will help make me accountable for my actions- which was my core reason to have the surgery. To make me accountable to ME!! Why did YOU have your surgery??? ( and no answers of " to lose weight" because we all know there's more to it!!!
  15. fern

    Success But Whose Really?

    I chose to be my own inspiration, and in doing so, have inspired others. My whole attitude towards life has changed because I CHOSE ME! I decided I was worth making the repairs needed to enjoy my life. I have since run 2 half marathons with 3 more halves, plus a full marathon, plus an obstacle race planned this year and much more for next year. Yes, I had surgery. And yes, losing the weight was relatively easy. But only because I followed the rules and started running and weightlifting. The surgery started it, but I'm going to damn well finish it!!!!!
  16. Anyone had issues with tingling/numb fingers? I usually get it in my toes ( only the right one) and thought it was from being cold outside. Today was gorgeous and my right toes still did it and my right hand joined in too!! Very strange!! Now I'm laying down with an icepack on my knee - my very first running injury : ( Hope it recovers quickly!! Things to do places to see, roads to run ; )
  17. With a time of 2:55:03. My first was 3:09:56. I beat my old time by almost 15 minutes!!!!! I feel so proud and so excited!!!! My next half is in just about 2 months ( end of June), with a mud obstacle and a 10k in between. This is going to be a GREAT summer ; )
  18. When I started running, I couldn't even run a full minute. I just did what I could each day. Run a minute, walk 2, run a minute, walk 2. Then work up from there. Once a week ( once I had been doing this for a while), I started just running. Extra slow and for as long as I could. First time I did it, I think I made it 3-4 min. Then 7, then 9, then 14. I just kept doing it and working at it. One week I jumped from 11 min to 26!! Then next week 41!! It was amazing and so empowering!! The longer I could run, the more I wanted to do it. The biggest thing I can say is to listen to your body. It'll tell you when you can push it and when to hold back. Just do the 5k. Sign up for it today!! It'll keep the motivation going. You can always walk it if you absolutely need to, but adrenaline will tell you to "run baby run"
  19. Awe!! I missed them too!! Can you put them back up??
  20. Thanks mass!! I'm extra proud of this one. Not only because I beat my first by almost 15 min, (1st=3:09:56 to 2nd=2:55:03) but because I couldn't train very well at all. I just started a new job ( managing my own bakery- which means loads of over time) and my elderly parents finally decided they needed to move (finally) so I've been spending the last month de cluttering their home. My next one is end of June so I'm hoping for 2:45:00. On to your answer- I really carbed up so I'm not sure that's the issue, but maybe the iron and magnesium. Did you just do supplements for that?
  21. I haven't got nearly the training I was hoping..... But I'm still going for under 3 hours ( first one was 3:09:45) I'm all carbed up and ready. I'm excited to have my family there to cheer me on this time wish me luck!!!!
  22. fern

    5K Advice

    Exactly what mass said. Taper down a bit earlier and up your carbs ( sometimes that means reducing protien for a couple days) then start slow - ish and gets some intervals in. That way you save your strength for a faster finish!! Good luck and be proud at the finish- no matter what your time is!!!!
  23. fern

    I Need A Sports Bra!

    I don't know if they are sold in the states, but there is a brand in Canada called the shock absorber. Absol-freaking awsome support!!!
  24. I can't see the link : ( But I know what you mean. When I was big, I didn't give myself credit for doing a good job, I didn't put myself out there to be noticed, I hid away. Now, I'm a year out and I've been promoted 3 times in my job! I went from being a baker, to being the head baker, to being the assistant manager, I now have my own bakery!!! I run half marathons!! I wear colour ( instead of grey and white). People comment all the time on my positive attitude. I am so much happier as the new me!! Denial was a terrible thing for me.....
  25. fern

    Happy Birthday Coops!

    Omg! I've missed alot since starting my new job!!! Happy belated birthday my dear!!!!! I'm glad you had a wonderful day!!

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