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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fern

  1. I think it's different for everyone. I really don't think it's the weightloss that makes men notice me more. It's the change in attitude and me thinking I'm worth the attention. I used to wear my fat like a shield. I hid behind it as much as possible. I think I'm starting to come to terms that I deserve to be happy. In tern, I wear better clothes and hold my head high. Just that is changing how people look at me I think.
  2. My dad did that!! I saw my parents out shopping and waved. He looked at my all confused, then looked behind him thinking maybe I was waving at someone else!!! Then it dawned on him " oh!! It's my youngest daughter!!! ( who by the way seeing me ALL the time!!) I love those nsvs!!!
  3. I took the chewables ( kids) tylonel. They are 130g so I took 3 which put me to the regular 400g dose. My surgeon played this for me
  4. Oh Irene, I'm so happy for you!!! I think the biggest success I've seen from everyone on this site is not the weightless, but the change in attitude and self worth. You look fabulous and it sounds like you feel fabulous!! That is what this journey is all about!!!
  5. Thanks!! I think the best part was sitting on the swings ride and FITTING!! No fat bulging anywhere! No shimmy into the seat!! It was soooo awsome!!! I've never been happy with the sleeve than I was that day
  6. My hubby and I took our 5 year old daughter and our 3 year old son to Playland today. It was an absolute blast!! The best part was that I was able to ride the rides in comfort!!!! We had soooo much fun. i'm hoping the pics will come through okay. The one with me in the blue shirt is my "before' from last year. Not my top weight, but certainly up there. I also had to add the one with my daughter and I on the log ride ( just 2 big hills hiden in a "log" with Water at the bottom). She looks absolutely petrified!!! but she wanted to go on it again! She says it's her new favorite I also couldn't resist adding my sweet littlest man and his first time on the roller coaster thank god for the sleeve!!!!!
  7. That's a great victory! Tracking your loss at home is a wonderful thing!!
  8. I'm not sure if anyone wants to hear this as this is a sleeve forum and my mom has only a kind of sleeve now, but the doctor visited and told us some scary news about her band that I think those who have the band should know. First of all, mom is doing better than expected!! She's out of surgical ICU and is in a regular ward. She is VERY sad and weepy right now. Not only regret and such, but she takes a daily dose of an antidepressant that she hasn't been able to take in a week. She also has Parkinson's disease and hasn't had those meds in a week either! The weird thing is... She's not shaking!!! No tremors!! Very weird. They are actually contacts the Parkinson's association to consult with them to see if theyve made an accidental breakthrough in Parkinson's research. The surgeon came in yesterday to talk to her ( 1st time since the surgery). He actually figures that her band had been slipped for at least a week from the extent of the dead tissue of her stomach and the amount of infection in her body. He asked her all kinds of questions to see if she had any symptoms of a slippage, but she didn't seem to have any!!! So it ultimately boils down to that her stomach was dying inside her and she had no clue!!!! Scary stuff!! Thanks everyone for all the messages sent sending your well wishes. You all are a great bunch of people Cheers Heather ( fern)
  9. Thanks everyone!! After some scary times, mom is doing great!!!! They are looking at discharge from the hospital either today or tomorrow ( her birthday). What a great bday present that would be. She started solid foods yesterday and all seems great with the many leak tests done! Yay!!
  10. I would just be slightly vague. Tell them about your surgery and when you did it. They shouldn't need to grill you about where you had it done because your issue is not with your stomach.Let s know how you are doing!!! BTW: my mom ended up in the ER with her lapband. She admitted she had it done in Mexico. They asked her alot of "WHY" questions, then left the subject alone. They've been pretty good to her ever since!!
  11. I love the attitude in the bikini pic!! I'm 4 months out and I can see the attitude starting to show for me too : )
  12. fern

    I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Woohoo!!! Awsome!!!
  13. What a beautiful bride you'll be!!! Perfect choice on dresses. It fits you to a tee!!! Gorgeous!!!
  14. fern

    Peanutbutter balls

    I ended up with bigger portions to uses more as a meal replacement. I can't remember how many it made though.....
  15. fern

    Peanutbutter balls

    I didn't. Damn hard to mix, but got a work out ; ) Probably easier to melt it first ; )
  16. fern

    Peanutbutter balls

    I made these the other day. I doubled the protein powder (in triple chocolate flavor). Inside of oats, I added Spanish peanuts. Each " pb ball" is around 12 protein and 7 carbs ( a little high in calories though- it's like 260!!) o so yummy!!!
  17. My ( so called) best friend of over 15 years went into a tizzy when I told her about surgery. She is actually heavier than my start weight. She offered to join ww with me and go to the gym, blah, blah, blah. I thanked her but said I had made up my mind. I still offered to go to the gym with her, but she refused. I'm now out about 4 months and I've seen her 3 times. It actually makes me very sad. I wish she'd come back into my life. I don't keep alot of close friends ( never really have), and now, even though I'm so busy in life (with 3 jobs, 2 kids, and a hubby) it would be nice to be able to just call her up to chat and be normal : (
  18. We have very similar stars! Our ages are different ( I'm 33). My start weight was 229 ( 208 on surgery day), with a goal of 140. I'm 4 months out and 2.2 pounds away from goal!!!! I highly recommend tracking your food. It's what has kept me accountable to myself. Believe in yourself!! You can do it!!
  19. I would think you'd be fine, but that is definately a question for your surgeon. You really don't want damage that far out!!
  20. Wow! What a change!! Great job!! Your during wonderfully!!
  21. Awe!!! That's such a beautiful name!!! Congrats
  22. fern

    SIXES!!!!!!!!!! I GOT EM ON!!!!!!

    So awsome!! You must feel as great as you look!!!
  23. So this is silly but it's always bugged me...... My thighs/hips don't spill over the edges of the seat in the car anymore!!! I can see seat cushion on BOTH sides!!! YIPPEE!!!!! Heehee
  24. fern

    15 flights

    Woohoo!!! Keep doin it!! Great workout and it'll make you feel great ( and give you a great a$$) heehee
  25. fern

    6 Months out and done losing!

    PINCH!!! Guess what? I have no worries about giving you a pinch because IT'S NOT A DREAM!!! Great job!! You earned it!!!! Congrats ; )

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