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Everything posted by fern

  1. Throw chicken broth in a blender. Add roasted or cooked veggies, extra chicken if you like for more protein, milk, and spices. For example, chicken, milk, broth, roasted red peppers, Indian type spices = Indian soup!! Or. Broth, chicken, milk, peppers, corn, taco seasoning = Mexican soup!! Or. Broth, chicken, roasted carrots and celery, a few dried/fresh herbs = really yummy chicken soup. I'd sometimes add some chili to the mix too. I loved liquid stage! For extra protein you could add chicken unjury to it too!! Good luck
  2. fern

    Water Weight

    Just keep drinking. Set a timer if you need to to get in more. Once your body sees it's getting the fluids it needs, it'll " let go" of the water weight. I know it's hard, but you CAN do it!! You really need to.
  3. fern

    Great day !!

    I loved that day in my recovery too! It makes such difference in your recovery. Yay for you!!!
  4. fern

    Updated picture

    You can totally see a difference!!! Great job!!
  5. Wow amybaby! 9 hours straight! That's crazy! What an acomplishment! I too am going to raise funds, but on my own. I paid out of pocket for the race ( and travel- I'm from Canada), and I'm contacting the juvenille diabetic assoc to raise funds for them. My niece is a type 1 brittle diabetic. She's such a strong little. So I'm running for her. I'm also going to do my damnest to get her down there to cheer me on. That would give me all the strength in the world. I will def be asking lots of questions- beware : )
  6. My biggest goal I've had long before vsg, was to run a half marathon. It's always been a dream of mine ( weird I know). So registration finally opened the other day for the Disneyland princess half marathon. You run through the theme park and through LA, with characters and bands along the way. I SIGNED UP!!!! It will be 2 days off my 1 year surgery anniversary. I'm soo excited. I Hit the gym tonight for some training ( I haven't been since my mom was in hospital over a month ago) and was able to run for 21 minutes straight!! That's a new record for me. My last record was about 7! Aaaaaaaaaa!!!! I can't believe I'm actually going to make my dream come true!!!
  7. Amybaby- ANY insite would be awsome!! Did you have to stay at a 16 min/ mile or get pulled? I don't think I could walk that fast!! Lol I think the only thing that'll keep me from hitting the goal I want is my time management at home. There is some Creative scheduling to let me train!!! Lol
  8. I was so angry for the first few weeks. But you get past it and you move on. As the swelling going down, you'll get a bit more down and it'll feel more satisfying. Just keep with it and let yourself feel the feelings you're body are having. That way you can process it and feel better quicker.
  9. Hey Amanda, That's so awsome that we are training at the same time!! I dont have any thoughts that i can't finish the race. But then, my goal is to FINISH the race, not run the whole thing. I would love the running plan you have as I am training on my own. I thought about joint a club, but with 3 jobs and 2 kids, it's a little hectic in my world! Lol! So I hit the gym either quite early or quite late. I was so suprised that I could do 20 min!! I can't wait to hit 30!! And beyond : ) Let's definately stay in touch! We're BOTH going to kill this!!!!
  10. Aw rootman! You'll get there! 2-3 pounds = 2-3 weeks and you'll be there! Up you water a bit if you can and keep up on your food and excercise and you'll be there lickedy-split : )
  11. fern

    It's a twofer!

    Mine is feb 26 in Disneyland!! Looks like we're around the same stamina too. I'm able to run about 20 min straight too!!
  12. Great job! Love the sassy face in the second pic : )
  13. The sleeve is such a great tool!! Congrats on your " renovations" : )
  14. fern

    NSV via pic

    Great job!! You should be proud!
  15. fern

    It's a twofer!

    Wow! I just signed up for a 1/2 too!! Congrats!! You must be sooo excited!!!
  16. Wow! Your right! What a difference!!! You must be so proud!! And you should be. Congrats!
  17. First off, yes I know that kids say the damnest things. I get that and I love that my 5 year old daughter is so innocent. But......... One of my "AHA" moments to have surgery was when my daughter thought I was going to break the toilet cause my butt was too big. I've had some great nsvs with her. Like that now she can wrap her arms around me and clasp her hands together. I'm about 4 1/2 months out and 150lbs ( 80 lbs lost), but strangely enough in the last couple weeks, I've started to feel self conscious again. I'm at a total loss of why this is. This morning I was getting changed and my daughter came in and started laughing and rolling on the floor. I asked her what was so funny and she came up to me, lifted my shirt and jiggled my tummy ( which is pretty jiggly at the moment) and said my tummy was like a huge amount of jello!!! Can you say ouch??? I know she didn't mean to hurt me and we had a chat about saying things about people (our second chat from when we were at the hospital and the kids and I met a man who lost both his legs - thank god he was okay with hers questions!!!) It just sucks cause I let it get under my skin and now I'm not sure how to feel better about it. Any insite would be great. Thanks
  18. Thanks everyone! You guys always make me see things the way I need to see them. My daughter and I had a talk and all is well now ; )
  19. fern


    It works great for us. But remember, you NEED to take a breathe and walk away if he says your "code word". Think of it as an off switch. You'll still be pissed, but it'll remind you to go be pissed somewhere by yourself. It won't work otherwise.
  20. Hey happylife! Where are you in Canada? I'm about 30 min outside Vancouver! I second guessed myself so much. I'm so glad I went through this. It has made such I huge difference in my life. I don't regret it for a second!
  21. fern


    My hubby and I came up with a code word ( daffadils) that he can say to me if I'm going off the deep end. I made a true and true promise that I would walk away at that point and talk about it later when I've "cooled" off. Works great! I've even used it on him a couple times : ) But you HAVE to male a promise to yourself to actually walk away. Doesn't work if it just pisses you off more ; )
  22. Thanks everyone! I think I just got into a funk. I did have a big talk with her then decided to go do something fun and went to the amusement park where we went on all the rides I could never have gone on last year. And winecountry- dam rights thank god they are cute!!! My daughter is waaayyyy to smart for her age. She gets herself into quite the trouble sometimes : )
  23. I have been craving celery with peanut butter since surgery!!! I was thinking about just pulling off the spines, but now I'm just not sure : (
  24. Hey all! I know about the no celery that most surgeons talk about. But my hubby ( who's a chef) says if I peel the spines ( stringy things) off, that all should be fine. Is he right in this? I'm 4 months out and miss celery sooo much!!! Can someone give me more insite?
  25. Tamz, if your friends know about your surgery, then go out for dinner!! Enjoy the company. Get soup and drink the broth, get mashed potatoes. I did this and it made me feel normal after surgery. Yes I had a "talk" with myf riends and told them not to say a word about my eating, and you know what? I loved it!! My favorite burger is a chicken brushetta burger ( I love love love burgers) I now get a burger, sauce on the side with extra lettuce, and use the lettuce as my bun. I try and eat what I used to, but changed up to fit my new lifestyle. Everyone needs to do something different to make it work for them. I've lost around 80 lbs in just over 4 months. Yippee!!!!

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