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Everything posted by fern

  1. Kristeyk- I was fun. If you can believe that I was high enough in altitude that there were still small patches of snow!!! So by the time I got the the top, it was prety cool
  2. My biggest vice before surgery was coke/ pepsi and slurpees. I decided about a month before the preop to get off them. My doctors said something that made alot of sense. One thing at a time. So slurpees first. Went about a week or two with out, then cut the pop down to one a day for a week, then cut it out. By the time my surgery day came, I had no more sugary withdrawals or caffiene headaches. Worked great. And yes. The first month sucks so bad. But gets soooo much better!!!
  3. Woohoo!!! Great job!!!
  4. fern


    What wonderful news lash!!! Hope you celebrated well : )
  5. fern

    My journey

    Good job Tex!! I'm sure you'll see that 190 soon. Just keep workin it : )
  6. Great job mustang!!! Gotta love those goal pants. They fit you wonderfully now!!!
  7. fern

    This whole not drinking while eating...

    Thanks! I've always wondered though if it's like doing me harm to do that......
  8. fern

    This whole not drinking while eating...

    I follow the " no drinks with food", but isn't something like minestrone afoot and a liquid? I've had chunky soups with no problem and fill up quickly.
  9. Yup! Had so much fun!! Just looked for visitor type stuff though.... Great fun : )
  10. My day today: Breakfast- 1 order of mcdonalds scrambled eggs( = 2 eggs) ( my after the gym chow down) lunch - 2-3 ounces steak pieces dipped in taziki sauce Snack- oh yeah Protein wafer bar ( 210 cal, 15 protein, only 8 carbs) Dinner-3 ounces- Grilled chicken parmesan- grilled chicken with 2-3 tablespoon of Pasta sauce and baked with motza on top. Yummmmm Snack ( if needed)- cracker-barrel cheese slices and maybe a couple slices garlic sausage
  11. fern


    Do what you can with your food for the day, but if you can get a protein shake down, you might as well if you are short on protein by the end of the day. Or mix a scoop of chicken unjury in with soup or whatever so that you are still eating, but with extra protein.
  12. Good luck!!! Let us know how you did!!
  13. It was a weird feeling. But no pain at all. Just take a deep breath and think about something else. Try and say the alphabet backwards or something. It'll be all good!!
  14. fern

    Recliner or couch?

    If you don't want to buy a recliner, just put extra pillows to help prop you up. My mom also tied a rope to the end of her bed and then she could use it to pull herself up instead of using her stomach muscles. Worked great for her!
  15. First and foremost--- MY WEDDING DRESS FITS!!!!!! I'm engaged. The wedding was planned for 2006 in Hawaii. Then my hubby's mom got sick and was in hospital. So we postponed the wedding ( and decided to start trying for a baby- I wanted to have kids earlier in life). Then she passed away while I was pregnant with her first grandchild. Life went on and the wedding has always been on the back burner. We now have 2 little monsters we love to death. Now- keep in mind- the dress never actually fit me before. I was going to " lose a little more" before the wedding. Instead I ballooned out. But it fits now!!! Yay!!! And I still love it!!! I took a couple pics, but I can't find the cord to attach it to the computer : ( I'm a baker by trade. I was always exhausted by end of day. It's a very physical job. Now I fly through a shift faster and more efficient. I don't even break a sweat while working in the ovens!!! And believe me, those be some damn hot ovens!!! In a 2 day timeline, I had 8 ( yes 8) people comment on my weighloss and how great I look. It's simply awsome : ) I'm training for a half marathon and run a 5k 4-5 days a week. When i take my heartrate, it used to go high and stay high when i work out. Now it doesnt go as high and drops back down to a good resting rate quickly. Once I can get my time alittle better, I'll add more distance. But I'm so proud of what I'm doing. One of the best parts is that my body isn't so sore like it used to be after a workout. I guess it's just recovering better? I biggest nsv to date is my attitude. I'm so much of a happier person now. I think alot of it, is just not being so tired all the time, and sore from carrying an extra 80 lbs around, and I'm not ashamed of what I've become anymore. I'm proud to be me now : )
  16. Congrats!!! That's just awsome for you!!!
  17. fern

    My favorite thing about exercising

    Darn right!!! But I still feel guilty if I don't go : ( Then I kick my own butt at the gym the next day : )
  18. How awsome!! It's so nice to feel GOOD about yourself!! And to have a hot lady give such great compliments to boot!!! You must be on cloud 9!!! Congrats ; )
  19. When I had surgery, my stomach did this when I drank cold liquids. Once I switch to warn broth, all was good.
  20. Start weight was 229, on the day of surgery ( in february), I was 209. at 5 months out I'm feeling stuck at between 145 and 150. I never kept track of my week to week loses..... Up until recently, I generally stayed around 800-1000cal and 30-50carbs. I upped my carbs as I am training for my first half marathon ( aaaaaaa!!!!!). I'm at the gym usually 5 days a week alternating running with weights. I'm not worried about my weight anymore. If I stay at 150, I'm all good. I started at a size 24 pants and am now in a 11/12. I'm still loosing size because of the running and I can't wait to be in sigle digits ; ) Cheers : )
  21. Could the heat have something to do with it? The hotter it is the more fluids you need. Could you up your fluids that much more? Because your body could be holding onto whatever you have Also I agree that you need to pack your own lunch or have something available that you have as a backup. That way you have what you need at the ready.
  22. Woohoo!!! Not on the broken foot though... Ouch : ( How's it healing by the way?
  23. fern

    6 Month Comparison

    Woohoo!! Great job on your success : )
  24. If you are drinking warm drinks, you can get a plug in drink heater ( not sure what they are called) just a heated disk. It'll keep your drink warm for the length of time it takes to drink. I also used thermos cups alot to start.
  25. Forgot to add to strain if your blender doesn't pulverize it. Just remember to cook your veggies before you add them too!!

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