The main reason I asked for the reasons in the first place is to ASSURE myself I am not just too lazy!! Cause everywhere I go online I find everyone with revision is just doing it after having severe complications!
But I never find one person like me! did it for been stalled for too long and for another "Naive" reason, which is never been able to have a good breakfast! it has always been a challenge for me! Can you believe running your day on a BITE! Just one bite?! I have learned to deal with my hunger strikes, unless I am having a wedding so close I can go to the extreme one bite at breakfast, no lunch, a snack of latte` and 2 oz of salmon sashimi at dinner! then I hit low energy levels!
I will never say the band wasnt a bless for me! it was. I am actually gonna miss it! "OR as I think for now"
but I asked the question just to know.. if I am too weak.. or spoiled as I sometimes see myself.. or am I having good reasons to do it! I have been stalled for too long, I have been trying to live a happy life for too long but my weight has always stopped me. Some of my friends told me that the see me beautiful but I am the one who is always building borderlines so no one can reach me cause I am afraid! cause of my weight.. others have told me that I impress a lot of guys but I still give them the impression that I cant be with them cause I am fat! I have been single for almost so long! I was even in more relationships while I was heavier! cause then I never consider myself fat! I was always thinking yeah I am big but I am beautiful! now I think I am big and getting old and losing my beauty! I am crazy I know just wanted to let it out, So I really wish I can get over this weight and start living ..
Anyway thanks u all for always been great really u are the best!
The good news is my surgery is scheduled for this saturday! )) I will post a day before it to remind u to keep me in ur good thoughts:)
thanks sooo much for the pre op/decision making phase support!