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Posts posted by LUCK

  1. It appears that I am alone in here! I thought about this website because I have gained a few pounds but not too much. I need to lose 15 or so pounds and am starting today... I realize I am talking to myself! Luckily I have the tools to do it I have honestly never had to try until now... that in itself is an accomplishment. No dieting, no exercising, I know...lame!

  2. Louisiana, Andrew Hargroder did my surgery in May of 2005. It has become popular in recent years but I only knew of one other person in my area who had ever had it done. When I went for my pre-surgery appointments I was always the only one in the room getting the vsg but it's been around since then. I have heard of many cases and in fact got a phone call yesterday from an acquaintance who is considering band to sleeve surgery because she has gained all of her weight back and has always had problems. VSG is so easy, you have nothing foreign (other than titanium staples which have been uses for years) and it is permanent. I would have never considered any other type of procedure.

  3. Hello everyone, thanks!!! To answer Joseph I can pretty much eat like a "normal" person. When I first had it I could not even eat half of a kids hamburger and now I can eat the hamburger, a few fries and a few sips of whatever. After years you figure out how to cheat or eat more (dry, crunch foods go down really easy) so you have to be mindful of what you put in your mouth. Eat your salad or veggies first for sure and I have not been obviously... I feel great though. I did have to start Rogaine for thinning hair but it's working and it hasn't been a big deal. Unfortunately I have been snacking ALL day. I have days like those but sometimes medications or moods can make you overeat. Zero regrets! My sister had it and three of my friends after seeing my success and no one has ever said they wish they hadn't done it!

  4. Never get on here but just checking in reading posts. Everyone has the same concerns, issues but eventually everything turns out fine. I have put on about 15 pounds that I am trying to take off from the 75 I originally lost but not too bad after 7 years. I have the tool to do it I just need to make my mind up! Unfortunately there is nothing that I cannot eat but I will get there. Have never exercised, I know, isn't that terrible! I swear I am going to start though! Just want everyone to know that seven years out it is still all good! No regrets!

  5. So you gained weight after your surgery? Please explain. I'm sure you had to lose some weight at least at the start.

    Eventually you will be able to eat more. After about 2 1/2 or 3 years I slowly gained a little bit of weight but I attribute much of it to changing jobs and having food around ALL the time. Some will at some point and time be able to eat a little more than they could at first. I went from 218 to a stabalized weight of 150 (I am tall) and put on about 14 or so pounds but have lost about 4 or 5 already. The sleeve is a tool and eventually you may put a few pounds back on without trying but it is much easier to lose than prior to the surgery so no worries!

  6. No way! I am 4 years out and have gained about 14 pounds but have already lost 4 barely trying so I will lose the rest in the next month or two. Never any pain at all and had it on a Thursday and was back to my desk job on Monday! I wish I could say that I exercised and was strict with my diet but never was...effortless!

  7. Luck I think you are thinking a little backwards. Fat does NOT produce estrogen, fat can STORE estrogen. This normally "buffers" the estrogen by releasing it when the ovaries are not producing it. It can also cause crazy (did I actually say crazy :rolleyes: ) mood swings when a female looses weight.

    Luck, I don't doubt that you have experienced what you say you have but don't forget to factor age into the equation. You are older now then you were then and YES sometimes these things happen like a rush of wind - seemingly all at once.

    Your adrenal glands produce androgens and fat cells/tissue convert androgens to estrogen and that is what I meant so no, don't have it backwards. My neice, who is an OB/GYN explained this to me when I questioned her about it. You are correct, fat also stores estrogen.

  8. I am almost 4 years out from my surgery and I have episodes like everyone on this thread at one time or another. It passes... I can eat anything in moderation and nothing grosses me out. If I eat too much ice cream (more than 1/2 a cup) I get really nauseated. I cannot eat dry steak or undercooked Pasta because my stomach won't process it but I can eat anything else. Trying to lose 10-15 pounds that have crept up over the last year but so much easier now with the smaller stomach. All need to relax and enjoy what you can, when you can. It all straightens itself out eventually. I always ordered meals like I normally would and take home the extra and snack on it over the course of the next couple of days. Greasy foods will disgust you but as the months and years go by you will be able to tolerate it unfortunately. I love bacon! I think that if I would have not eaten any sweets or candy during my fast weight loss phase that I would have been way below my target weight. Then again, if I had not done it I wouldn't be trying to lose a few pounds. I will never have regrets!! This surgery is awesome.

  9. Well.....I can top everyone in that I am almost 4 years out from my sleeve and my hair has never been the same, no matter what I've tried..... I got all of my Protein, took Biotin, etc. and I lose way more hair than I did prior to surgery. It is worth it of course. I never had a big, thick head of hair so now I have to wear it short. What no one seems to ever mention is that fat produces estrogen and by losing alot of weight your body is producing much less estorgen naturally and hormonal changes can cause Hair loss as well. I don't know if it is directly related or not but I would bet on it. I had a full hysterectomy at 38 and for several years was overweight and never had one night sweat until I got thin....

  10. 4 weeks out and no problem with straws. I think a cup with lid and straw actually helps me get in more fluids at work. It takes too much time to remove and replace the lid on a Water bottle when I'm answering the phone from hell, typing on the computer or checking patients in or out (I work in a very busy medical clinic).:blink:

    OK, I am four years out and I have never heard about the straw thing..... After four years, you wll ALMOST be able to eat like a normal person....and your stomach will grow some in volume and you will know what you can eat more of (crackers vs. bread). I am trying to lose 10-15 pounds now but it has truly been a breeze for me! You would really have to try really hard to gain all of your weight back....

  11. I weighed about 218 or so and weigh 150 now. I am 5'7" so it is a good range for me. I think that exercise may have helped loose skin a tiny bit at my age (mid 40's) but it doesn't make that big of a difference. Your skins elasticity is what it is and chances are when you exercise a lot with weights, etc. your skin will look looser and sometimes worse. Exercise is still the best defense of course so by all means exercise but it will not prevent your skin from sagging and you still may want a nip and tuck at some point... On the hair, it thinned out alot and is still not what it once was but it stopped thinning and is slowly coming back. Biotin was my best defense there because my dermatologist told me to take it and AG Pro Vitamis (available at Walgreens and other drug stores, usually behind the counter for some reason). I have just now started being consistent with the Biotin over the past couple of months and I see more new growth than normal, takes a few months though. I am answering everyones questions at once because I really don't know how to use this site...

  12. You will question yourself 1,000 times but it all pans out. I know several people personally who have had the surgery and I have never heard anyone say they have regrets. It is very normal to regret it even 2-3 months out but everything falls into place and those that love food will love food and crave it again, just in smaller doses. Food lost its importance for several months but your body (and mind) go through a lot and it rebounds. Be patient.

  13. I know I should really get on here more to help with the new sleevers but my free time is slim. I was sleeved in May of 2007 and am still doing well. Yes, I can eat much more than before and have figured out how to "cheat" the system with crackers, Cookies, etc. but I pretty much eat what I want. I have put on about 5 pounds over the last 8-10 months but am working on getting it off. I know how it starts, creeping up slowly, and I don't want to have to lose this 70+ pounds again. I changed to a more sedentary job and that may be the cause. I have never exercised and am planning on starting soon, I swear. Maybe this ridiculously hot weather isn't helping matters either because I think everyone swells when it is 100 degees outside. Other than a few pounds, I have had no complications whatsoever and am still very happy with my results. I can eat more like a "normal" person and I still love food so that is important to me! Everyone, hang in there. It gets much easier!

  14. Well....it does...and it doesn't, which is a good thing! You will eventually enjoy EVERYTHING you did before on a much smaller scale. I should probably post more often because I am a veteran almost 3 years out and I have a different perspective on things. I do get hungry often but it doesn't take much to fill me up but I can now eat a whole sandwhich if it doesn't have alot of filling in it, etc. but I can't eat chips or drink with it. I am everyone's favorite lunch date because they all want to split with me which really isn't a split because I eat about 1/3 and they eat the rest. Ice cream was my weakness but after about 1/2 a cup, I don't want any more because it makes me nauseous. My sister had her sleeve today and I am very excited for her! I now have to be reasonable about what I eat because I can put on a few pounds if I eat candy, etc. but it goes away really quickly and it is MUCH easier to behave than pre-surgery. Good luck to everyone, it gets easier and easier as time goes on...

  15. Have no fear. As everyone said your stomach will tell you what you can have. I eat barbecue, Jr. Whoppers, steak and after 2 years and 8 months I can eat a whole sandwhich. I also love sweets so I have had my share of Oreo's, maybe three and a tiny glass of milk but after that you feel like you ate half the bag and your stomach and brain don't know any better.

  16. That mentality never goes away, sorry to say. I still put too much on my plate after over 2 1/2 years but try not to be too wasteful. It's a mental thing I guess. As for buffets, I just go for what I love, I can eat 2 huge plates of crab legs and 1 bite of dessert...that's about it. And...I always order tea or a Water and tell them to put it in a to go cup because I can't drink it when I eat but need it in case I get in a bind eating or for later on.

  17. Stick to your diet and don't cancel if you don't have to. It is so much easier than you think. You need more discipline for the pre-op than you will after the surgery. I am 2 years and 7 months out and still have maintained my weight loss and know it was the best thing I ever did. I just ate a bag of cheese nips and I did have a Jr. Whopper yesterdy (I ate the whole thing) but I eat healthy too. Just know you will be able to have whatever you want in small quantities and your stomach doesn't know the difference. The depression comes from not being able to eat everything you love because food has been all of our best friends probably. It is going to be so easy you are going to wonder what you were freaking out about.. If everyone could handle the pre-op diet perfectly then none of us would have ever been in the shape we were in to need the weight loss surgery, right? You are going to be so much happier which means a better mother for your kids...

  18. I started having bad night sweats after I lost my weight. I asked my neice who is an OBGYN and she said that fat cells produce estrogen and when you are overweight it produces excessive estrogen which can cause weird Hair growth, acne, etc. Once you lose weight these issues will probably go away. Also, EVERYONE, make sure you eat lots of Protein because the estrogen issue coupled with weight loss and not enough protein will cause the opposite effect, lots of hair loss.... I'd rather have hair in strange places....

  19. Where do you get the edamame? I have heard a lot of people say they snack on it. I have found it frozen, and in salad bars. I have not been able to find it dried, like a snack you are talking about.
    It is frozen, not dried. Walmart has tons of it frozen for $1.68 a bag and I boil it for 8 minutes and it makes them soft and plump. I have tried them also in the Ziploc steamer bags but they are better boiled. You can refrigerate what you don't eat out of the bag and just zap them in the microwave.

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