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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by grammiem

  1. grammiem

    Help! I'm so stuck

    I have never heard of floro fill. What is it and how do they do it. I would love to be able to see if my band is positioned in the right place. For whatever reason, I just feel like it isn't. Maybe I am trying to find any reason why I haven't been successful with this plan either. Anyway, thank you for the encouragement and even though, I can't answer the replies right away and it seems I didn't get them, I really did. Thanks again for all your support and help. Kathy in PA
  2. grammiem

    Help! I'm so stuck

    Hi, my name is Kathy and I am new at this and this is my first post. Out of frustration, I thought I would join to see if anyone else is having the same problems as I am. I too had my surgery in April of 09, I lost a total of 32 lbs. and have now gained back 5. I too feel like such a failure. I no longer feel any restriction at all. I feel hungry all the time and the emmotional eating is out of control. I don't think emmotionally I can handle one more weight loss failure. I am 58 yrs. old and am tired of the fight. I have not lost a single pound in almost a year now. I went to the surgeon on Mon. and had a fill, but honestly I cannot tell the difference at all. My coworker had the same surgery after I did, weighed more than me and has lost 75lbs. and does not exercise at all and I know what she eats, and it is not as good as what I do. It is very hard to see her everyday and not feel angry.

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