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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. Good luck I hope it all works out for you! We are currenly awaiting DH's approval, all his paperwork is sitting on a desk....argh! If we go into Jan 2011, it will be another $5K out of pocket....so we are hoping for this year, so I can totally relate to what you are feeling. Last day that the surgeon will do surgery this year is Dec. 20th. We need all the planets to align for this to happen for us too!
  2. You know what? I was told the same thing. BUT I KNOW that my surgeon's notes are modified from the bypass procedure. I was told that quick-release Tylenol would by my pain reliever of choice. And to NEVER buy EXTENDED release anything. period. I think the reason for avoiding it is because ibuprofen is more linked to causing stomach problems, like ulcers. With such a small tummy, you really don't want an ulcer. The thing I'm confused about for ibuprofen...is it forever? I mean if once in 5 years I get a toothache and ibuprofen would help that pain better than Tylenol, you would think taking it once in a while would be okay. I am just *guessing* that it is a med that you don't want to take all the time...hence causing ulcers, irritation, etc. If you learn more from your surgeon on clarification of this rule, please share. I will do the same!
  3. I have learned a TON about cooking from the internet!!! I've been married 14+ years, and have 2 daughters, ages 8 and almost 10, but when I was first married, at age 24, I used to make microwave popcorn for DINNER!! My mom is an excellent cook, but so much that she could never "give up control" in the kitchen and "teach" me to cook. She always insisted on doing it all herself. \ Use the internet to google recipes, and pay attention to fat, calories, sugar and carbs, and work on recipes that get you that Protein first (that is my new mantra for the sleeve!) I hope you have fun trying out new things, it will take time (it is a process, this learning how to cook!) But you have the sleeve as your tool and your guide, and hopefully this will be a fun new adventure for you both!
  4. I think it is is just a "notification" that they are quoting you or replying directly to something you posted. I doesn't require you to write back...it's more of a notification. I think you can turn that off in your preferences, but I'm not sure how to tell you to do that.
  5. M2G

    Coffee - how I miss thee

    I totally know what you mean. I forced myself to switch to decaf BEFORE surgery because I do love my coffee. I've found that if I drink a decaf "flavored" coffee then it makes up for the difference of missing caffeine. I still get my "fix" but I won't have to worry about getting an ulcer or it damaging my little sleeve. I waited until I was 4 weeks post-op then resumed drinking my decaf. I made my hubby switch too, but it wasn't a struggle because he is getting sleeved soon, so he needed to switch with me anyway. The amount of coffee I drink now is less than my one cup per day pre-sleeve cup. I still fill my all the way but can never seem to finish it. lol. I guess I need to switch to half a cup and then I won't be wasting it. Side note...is there a way to follow your blog? I've read it a few times and tried to follow it so that it shows up on my blog roll, but I can't seem to figure it out. Let me know...thanks!
  6. Oooooh, I hadn't thought about that. Maybe try to just eat what you can in 10 minutes. I'm super-fast eater - - I know, I know...not good post-op, but some habits are hard to break and I don't have any trouble eating fast...but mentally I know I need to slow down. So even if it's only half a cheese stick (or half of whatever snack you bring) at least it would put something in there to get you out of that long zone of empty.
  7. Well, I *wish* I had your problem...lol...just put me on the slow losers bench...all good things in time though, so I'm not really here to moan about that. As for people's comments, maybe try empathy. Say something like "I do understand your concern, and I appreciate that you care about my well-being. But, I have very strict doctors orders that I am following, as far as nutrition, exercise, Vitamins, and Water, and my surgeon is very happy about my continued healthy loss." I know that sounds a little formal, but then if they are TRULY worried about you, then you can tell them thanks but back off in a nice sort of way.
  8. M2G

    Driving & Other Things

    As for driving, I was told as long as I had been off of pain pills for 8 hours or more then I could drive if I needed/wanted to. I didn't "need" to drive until about 5 days post-op, and was off pain meds by day 3, so it all worked out good. As far as the other, I would just recommend listening to your body. If you are in pain still, you most likely won't enjoy "it". And I also recommend going slow the first time so you don't pull/stretch anything abdominally.
  9. Totally agree Irene! I still use soft-proteins as my go-to source and I'm 6 weeks out today. I am just taking it slow. Good luck w/your appt. today!
  10. Thank you so much for sharing so much of your story with us! I was *just* telling my husband about you and your post-op, maintenance life, that nothing is 100% off limits, how you focused and got so quickly to goal, the whole nine yards. So it was a pleasant suprise to come and see your 18 month post-op update. You are truly an inspiration to so many of us! Congrats on rocking that sleeve and being such a great sounding board for many of us here!
  11. M2G

    Hiccups ..why?

    For me no hiccups...but the burping, was horrible right after surgery for about 2 weeks. Every sip would = two burps. It finally went away. I still have lots of burping after eating, but it is much quieter and more controllable now, than it was at first. Ugh!
  12. Ideas for portable protein: cheese sticks greek yogurt Protein bars (be careful about ingredients, calories, carbs, sugar alcohols, etc.) hard boiled eggs protein shakes RTD (ready-to-drink) beef Jerky (again being careful about nitrates, sugar added, etc....I usually make my own) cottage cheese ( you can buy little individual cups or just use your own tupperware and fill it and keep it in a cold pack) I hope you actually get a BREAK ...you SHOULD be having a snack at 10am ...esp. if you are feeling hungry. I think they are legal rules that employers must follow in regards to working x number of hours and getting x number of breaks per hours worked. I think .5 hour lunch is fine, but then again I'm a contractor (I work for my former employer on a contract basis...no benefits, or legal lunch breaks, etc.) and I used to work 10 hour days and take only .5 hour lunch. It seemed like more than enough time. Now when I work, I never take a lunch break but hardly ever work more than 8 hours in a day. I eat at my desk, because my job is in front of a computer so it's not a big deal to eat and work at the same time. I don't take a lunch because I only get paid for the time worked, so I would rather get in, do my work and get out than take any type of unpaid break.
  13. I totally thought the same thing!!! Thanks for the laugh!
  14. WOW! Incredible...and congrats!
  15. M2G

    So excited :)

    Welcome to the forum. You will find tons of people here who have all been exactly in your shoes!!! I am very thankful for this forum and all the information I have learned here!
  16. Woo Hoo! That is wonderful news. SO glad you didn't give up!!!
  17. My leak test was about 5 hours after surgery and it was the first liquid they would let past my lips (so I was anxious to have it done so I could sip some water!) I had to drink a styrofoam cup worth of a heavy liquid that was compared to "crystal light" (lemon flavor). And I did ok for the first 2 big swallows, but I was worried about the last sip staying down. (Thankfully it did). They had a senior radiologist come and check it because most of the regular staff hadn't done sleeves, and he told me right away that everything was perfect.
  18. Vicki, I don't ever feel hungry (at least not like a pre-surgery hungry...I tend to just feel empty, but that is rare, I feel like I could go all day and not eat anything at all!) I'm wondering if the PPI will help with that. Not everyone experiences that loss of hunger. As for the cup of food, it does seem like a lot, but here is what my NUT told me. Even if your sleeve can HOLD 4oz of food per meal doesn't mean that you should be filling it with 4oz per meal. Make sense? You might be able to hold a cup of food but I would try to cut that back. Also the TYPE of food makes a difference. If it is solid Protein vs. soft food like Soup or yogurt, because the solid more dense protein is supossed to fill your sleeve up whereas the soft protein can easily slide through.
  19. M2G

    No leaks!!!

    Woo hoo! Sounds like you have everything covered. And if you think of something later, your surgeon should always be available to answer questions....remember that is why they make the big $$$$!
  20. Well, I can say that I've only had the brick in the stomach feeling once. I ate 5 (really small) homemade turkey meatballs. I had only intended on eating 4. But I popped one in my mouth straight from the oven. Set about serving my family, then sat down with 4 in front of me, forgetting that I had already eaten one. Well as soon as the last one was in there, I started feeling sweaty, hot, uncomfortable. It lasted about 30 mins then I felt better (and didn't throw up..yay) So from that experience I can tell you that I don't want to feel that again. Everything I eat is basically in about a 2oz portion or less. I generally just get a twinge after eating something that tells me I'm full. I've actually served myself 2oz of something and stopped before finishing because I just feel full. I also will finish my food and not get that twinge, but I have no hunger so there is no reason to eat more. Now is the time to get that portion control established as a habit....at least that is what I'm working on. Also remember you are still in the mushie or soft-solid stage, all of that stuff passes easily through the sleeve. About your stall. I think that is it...just a stall. They suck but they are part of the journey. YOU will keep losing, if you keep doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. I had a 10 day stall after I was out of surgery for 1 week. And it sucked big time. I've had another almost 2 week stall currently. Everyone loses differently, and you didn't do all of this for nothing. Just keep going, eating your Protein, Water, etc. And if you haven't started exercising, walking is highly recommended early post-op. The best part is that it is free. Hang in there!
  21. M2G

    Blarg up 3 lbs?

    I am curious about sleevers who can eat 1000 cals a day. I can't seem to get past 700 and my day usually ends up at 600-700. I am hoping that will change a bit now that I'm 6 weeks out and moving to a diet of 75% Protein and 25% complex carbs. I haven't given the calories much thought because I always hit my protein target and usually am between 70-80 grams of protein a day. My surgeon is quite the stickler on 6 weeks+ out you should be getting all your protein from food and NOT from shakes. I can do it without shakes but usually end up about 60 grams per day without a shake. I guess maybe I should eat more often and add another meal or two to my day?
  22. M2G

    Lowest weight in 8 years!

    Woo Hoo! You are just rocking that sleeve!!! GREAT JOB!
  23. Is my BMI too low for the Sleeve? Not from what I have seen on these boards. Maybe too low for insurance to cover without co-morbidities, but I've definitely seen self-pay that is lower. Is the sleeve safe? I think the sleeve is much safer than the band or bypass, based on my own personal research. How many days after surgery will I be up and about? I was up and about within hours of surgery (walking the halls) but I have been an avid exerciser for almost 7 years now, so that might have helped. I spent one night in the hospital and was really truly feeling myself about 1 week post-surgery. Is it possible to lose to much weight? I think there is a post in this very forum about that topic from someone who is struggling with that right now. I would say in the 3 months I've been here, that is the first one I've heard of truly struggling with going too low. I would venture a guess that is is more the exception than the rule. Will I ever be able to eat a 'normal' meal? Well, if you consider a HUGE plate of food normal, then no. But at Thanksgiving I had all my favorites on my plate, even if I only ate 2 bites of each thing. I felt normal and there were several people at the table who did not know I had surgery and no one asked a single thing about what was on my plate (they were too busy digging into their own plate...lol) I will have to self pay and I am thinking of going to Mexico - I work there and speak spanish but I just don't know about the quality? Totally can't answer that one for you. I was sleeved in the states. My wife is afraid that we wont be able to go out to eat anymore? I told her we could go dancing instead but she is worried we wont have 'fun'? Eating out is a bit of different experience than what I had pre-op. In fact the restaurant portions are just out of control enormous. I suggest sharing a meal, or bringing home the leftovers for another meal (or 3 or 4...lol). The leftovers are currently my hardest to deal with. After I've eaten the same food about 3x I'm done with it. And the rest gets thrown in the trash. I do need to get more creative with 'repurposing' the leftovers, but I'm pretty newly sleeved so I have lots of time to learn. I did get some Mexican Gumbo at Qdoba (about 3 weeks ago, black Beans, chicken...no rice, cheese or tortilla strips) and came home and calculated out that it would give me 6 WLS servings. I ate 3 servings in 2 days and measured out 3 more servings and froze them in individual snack size baggies. Then on a cold day, I just take out the pre-measured serving and heat it up. So eating out won't be the same amount of FOOD, but it is still (or can be) FUN. Good luck in your decision. I have not once regretted my sleeve!!! I've never thrown up (hate to do that ... which is what steered me away from the band) felt great after surgery, and continue to have nothing but good things to say about the sleeve.
  24. M2G

    A successful journey so far!

    WOW! You look amazing!!!! You are doing such a fantastic job...woo hoo! Um, I don't know how to say this delicately, but you wear your weight well. You are only 8 lbs less than what I weigh and OMG, there is NO WAY I would be fitting into a size L anything at this point and my neck is totally not that skinny! I would have guessed that you weigh MUCH less than your ticker says....lol. Congrats on that dress...what a great feeling!!!
  25. M2G

    2 months after sleeve

    -36 lbs is AWESOME!!!! You are doing great! And I agree with you on the zero food issues....yay! I've been laughing (inside...not openly) at all the nutrition classes and support groups that I have been to, when everything is geared towards the Band or Bypass and they go over the "chew chew chew" rule, and "sugar = dumping" and I'm like okay, tell me again why I should not get the sleeve? Duh, it's a no brainer when you look at the sleeve compared to other WLS. Glad you are doing so well!!!:thumb:

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