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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. Mine has only done it occassionally (like the califlower...it made my tummy gurgle and talk a LOT for about 20 mintues right after eating) and it happened more when I was first out in the first couple of weeks. But it doesn't happen all the time. Do you remember if your tummy was talkative before surgery? I would be like you and wonder if it will last forever or if it will eventually quiet down? I think it might be a good question for the surgeon at some future follow up appt.
  2. So I have never tried posting photos here before, but we'll give this a shot. I am finally feeling like my weight loss is "showing." You know those first couple of weeks and months when you are losing weight (your scale says so) but you are still wearing some of the same clothing you were before surgery. And people don't really notice much that you are working so hard to lose weight. And you laugh when the Special K commercials say "Drop 1 size in 2 weeks" or hear that phrase "every -10lbs is like losing a size" and you are thinking that might work if you weigh 140lbs and drop down to 130lbs, butnotsomuch when you are morbidly obese. The before picture was taken Aug. 2010 on a family trip to Hawaii, (sorry about the crummy quality) and the after picture was taken last night, Dec. 31, 2010. So I just thought I would share my success thus far, because I guess I'm in the mood to Celebrate 36lbs being gone forever!
  3. M2G

    Shopping in my closet

    And judging by how fast you are going...that will be SOON! I would send you some clothes but it sounds like you would be out of them while they are getting shipped!
  4. Thanks Losing.it, Diva and Sarah! Losing it, you are already on your way to losing and haven't even been sleeved yet!!! HURRAH!!!
  5. M2G

    Shopping in my closet

    That was a great pic BTW!
  6. M2G

    14 weeks post op with pics

    WOW! That is an incredible loss! Congrats, you look beautiful before and after!
  7. M2G

    3 month post-op

    Amazing!!! You are truly rocking that sleeve! Loved the slide show and you are just melting away! Your green T-shirt made me laugh.
  8. M2G

    Mother in law

    Your daughter sounds like a wonderful support person for you.....kudos to her! And that is great that you told MIL, sorry it got ugly and you were emotional. I would remain calm and definitely not let her rattle you. You know how she feels, and she knows you are going forward with it. I hope your hubby is more supportive now. And good luck with your upcoming surgery!!!
  9. M2G

    Hello, everyone!

    Kassie, Welcome! My husband and I both had asked our primary care dr. about WLS several times over the years and he would always tell us to "try South Beach" or another round of "WW" or one time gave us a brochure about a dr. who did liquid diets, etc. So when the time came and I was ready to pursue surgery, I had already picked my surgeon, met with a nutritionist (at the surgeon's office), gone to the WLS seminar, and set up an appt. with the surgeon. At that time, my insurance did require me to have written acknowledgement/approval from my PCP. I really like my PCP so I wasn't too keen on finding a new one that would recommend WLS. So I gathered up my courage, made an appointment with him and SURPRISE. He was awesomely supportive. I took him 12 years of dieting history (he has been my PCP for about 8 of those 12 years, so he definitely knew what I had tried in the past), he sat and listened to my story and how I was ready to change my life and we had a really good chat. I'm glad I didn't have to switch drs. and (this is just my personal opinion) that while he may not reccommend WLS to his patients, when he sees THEM make the decision, he is supportive (like in the end he will never have to say that it was HIS idea...KWIM?) About your parents. Here is what I personally did. I made all the arrangements, and was down to one month left to go (I had a insurance-required 6 month wait time) and I basically told my parents "this is what I'm doing with my life". My mom was scared that I was having elective surgery, while my dad was glad that I was doing something to ensure a healthy future. My mom eventually came around, felt much better after I was "ok" and out of surgery, but still makes comments like "Oh I could NEVER not eat and drink at the same time", etc. like what I'm doing is physically impossible. They are divorced and live about 4 hours away from me, so I could have probably hid this from them as well, but there is no need. I'm an adult, I didn't ask them for money to $$$pay$$$ for this, or ask that they do anything other than be supportive of my decision. And in that regard neither one of them has let me down. You gotta do what you gotta do, and everything from parents, to unsupportive drs. and the naysayers...bah, at the end of the day this is YOUR life that you are living and you need to live it the way you want to.
  10. M2G

    Shopping in my closet

    Oooooh, I need to do that too! I'm putting it off for now because I can usually find something to wear and make it look decent. Thanks to yo-yo dieting I have everything from 14-24 in my closet. Yikes! I do have about 2 pairs of jeans in size 12 from YEARS ago, I kept them thinking "oh someday I will fit back into these" lol. I probably won't even like those jeans when I'm a 12 but whatever, they are taking up space in my closet. I'm also a teensy bit sad about the clothes that are now too big on me (just a teensy bit....okay now I'm over it) I don't spend enough on my clothing to warrent having a tailor fix them, and I do love to shop, so when I'm at goal I plan to do lots of shopping as well. Such fun things to look forward to! For now I'm happy that I can shop in my own closet.
  11. M2G


    Well, NtvTxn, (native Texan?? lol, just a guess, like trying to figure out what those personalized liscense plates mean!) I am not sure. My tummy only talks to me occasionally, and I cannot pinpoint a particular certain cause. It happened more when I was first out of surgery and still only doing very limited foods, etc. It hasn't happened to me in a while, but OMG that califlower really made it talk. Does it happen for you with certain foods (other than the cold milk?) I too, wonder if it will always do that here and there. I figure a normal tummy can rumble, roar and talk, so I guess our little mini-tummies can do the same. I does feel odd when it happens though, doesn't it?
  12. M2G

    Ice Cream Maker

    LOL, I'm sure I would just follow an eggface recipe...she is a culinary genius! I will have to keep you all posted if I end up getting one and trying out Protein ice cream.
  13. M2G


    Well, I'm a little over 10 weeks out and I made this the other day: http://www.examiner.com/low-carb-in-national/cauliflower-pizza-crust-worth-its-wow-gold It is pizza crust made from steamed "riced" califlower (you rice it in your food processor...basically means cut into little rice sized pieces). It came out beautiful and I had one slice (I cut my pizza into 8 slices) so it was very small. It smelled good, tasted good, but aftewards my tummy kept gurgling and talking. It didn't hurt, and I didn't feel bad, it was just odd. Like my tummy wasn't sure what to do with all that califlower. My hubby is getting sleeved but hasn't had the op yet, and he tried and it and really liked it. My 10 year old dd ate a slice and liked it too. My 8 year old dd wouldn't touch it when she found out what it was made of. lol. It had eggs, cheese, and a small amount of turkey pepperoni on it, but I certainly would not count it as a protein-dense meal. But when you are healed more and past the mushie stage, you might try this to quiet those cravings. 12 days is really early and you are still healing. The tiny califlower bits could get stuck in your staple line, so at this point it really isn't worth risking anything during the healing process. Eventually you can have pizza, just not right now.
  14. M2G

    it figures...

    Ugh! I was cleared for exercise at 6 weeks and went back to my beloved Curves and pulled a stomach muscle that hurt on and off for a full week. After it healed I went back again, but with slightly less vigor. lol Good luck, hope the pain lessens by tomorrow.
  15. M2G

    What do you think?

    I think the 5 day pouch test is a great idea. http://www.5daypouchtest.com/ The last time I stalled out for 10 days I broke it by doing a day of liquids. It broke my stall and reminded me that the "hunger" I was experiencing was truly head-hunger. Good luck Coops, we'll all be here cheering you on!
  16. I agree that the surgeon's guidelines, etc. are just that. You will eventually get to under 200, on your timetable (and you are close!) I think your weight loss is terrific and as everyone else said, people lose at different rates. My surgeon tells me (I'm sure he says it to all his patients) I expect great things from you. lol. So I like that rather than the approach that you need to be xxx wieght by xxx date. Personally I would like to lose as much as possible during my first year as I keep hearing that is the time to strike when the Iron is hot (so to speak). I can eat more than 2oz per meal as well, and I'm only 2+ months out. I think if it is dense Protein, then the 2oz applies to me easily. Soft foods like yogurt, I can eat 4-5oz at one time. I keep track of my daily intake and I space my meals/liquids out nicely.
  17. I had surgery at 7:30 Fri am and was discharged by 10am Sat. am. So just slightly over 24 hours, but I had no complications or other concerns.
  18. M2G

    Girls only!!!

    LOL Irene! My claim to fame... :thanks: <BR><BR>SFO, my DH is snipped (hence me not being on any type of BC at all) so maybe that has something to do with it. I too, hear that women are more fertile post-op, :preggers: losing weight, etc. so I'm glad we have been done for years.
  19. Like everyone said, keeping up with the fluids is so important during this healing time, more so than anything else, so that is great that you have that tackled. I felt the same way, I could actually care less about eating. That is not to say that I don't enjoy eating, but with the ghrelin gone, I honestly *feel* like I could go all day and eat nothing. I don't of course, but I do not have that constant hunger. For me though, that is such a great feeling. It has given me control over food, which is such an incredible feeling. My specific plan called for liquids for 10 days, then mushies (there was only 5 things on my list ) for 2 full weeks after the 10 days, and then finally I graduated to soft food and finally at 6 weeks post-op moved on to most everything. I was happy that I didn't have hunger because it made the plan much easier to follow. Oh and I loved Jello pre-surgery and to this day I don't think I can eat it. I had bought some of the pre-packaged single serving size jello cups (sugar-free) and they all ended up in the trash after sugery. The only way I could tolerate them was to mix them in my blender with my Protein shake. But even then I just wasn't a big fan, and they finally passed their expiration date. lol.
  20. I remember making pulled pork for my family shortly after surgery (when I was still doing full liquids) and thinking it looked and smelled so good. But in the end, knowing that I didn't want to risk my staple line, helped me stay on track. I would often times make my family and meal and then hide out in the computer room, looking at posts here while they ate. I know you can't do that all the time, but it is a big adjustment during the first few weeks of healing. Hang in there, this too shall pass.
  21. M2G

    Sleever's Rendezvous...?

    I would love to get together with other sleevers too. I'm in Denver, CO, so of course Vegas isn't far, TX isn't far either. I'm up for whatever. I agree with summer being a good time to do this.
  22. M2G

    5 Weeks out~Down 30lbs!

    Congrats on your loss! You are on your way now!
  23. I love being a cheap date! lol. That is great that he is getting sleeved also. My hubby is getting sleeved too, his approval came too late in Dec. 2010 for it to happen, so we are thinking this month or next. I am hoping once he is sleeved and recovered that we can share meals out.
  24. Thank you all for the wonderful compliments!!! It is amazing how much better I feel with each pound that I lose. I'm so used to hiding in pictures, it's a big step for me to be able to share (and not be hiding behind someone or something!) :behindsofa: I have a lot of gratitude for the users of this forum. :grouphug:
  25. M2G

    2 weeks post op

    I agree with Pamela...2 weeks is way too soon (in my opinion) to be trying to eat meat. I was still on "mushies" at 2 weeks and when I did start to eat meat, it was to be supersoft, like the consistency of tuna (actually tuna is a great first meat to try if you like it.) But again, I think you are trying the meat way too soon. You need to let your stomach heal and the subsequent vomiting isn't a good thing to be doing either. I do realize that every surgeon is different and yours may allow meat this early but I would take the vomiting as a sign that you physically are not ready for it yet. I have not suffered from heartburn before or after surgery, so no advice there, but from reading this board, I know a lot of people suffer from it and there are a variety of ways to deal with it. You are definitely not alone.

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