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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. M2G

    Rock and a Hard Place

    I'm in the camp of if someone couldn't give me the time of day before surgery, and all of the sudden are checking their clocks and tripping over themselves to give me the time of day, well, I think that sucks. I have always believed that you don't judge a book by it's cover, but I do see some of what Secret Surgery 34 is saying. I know personally I am harder on myself than I would be towards another person who might weigh the same as I do. And I think feeling attactive about ourselves is a huge step in being attractive to someone else. I have been married for almost 15 years to a wonderful soul, who BTW has seen me at many different weights over those last 15 (okay 19 years if you count dating) and has never complained about my weight or made me feel bad about whatever weight I happen to be at. I think he is rare gem, but it just goes to show you that true love comes from loving another person and everything that makes up that person, NOT just what you see on the outside.
  2. M2G

    What I'm going to do

    I agree with the other ladies, THAT is awesome! :bounce:
  3. M2G

    NSV For Me!

    Christa that is WONDERFUL!!!! Woo hoo!
  4. M2G

    No more CPAP!

    Congratulations, I hope you can come back and report being CPAP free from now on (once you have your test results.) And thanks for explaining some of the details behind a CPAP, I truly had no idea what a pain they are. That sounds miserable, and getting rid of one would definitely be worth having surgery!
  5. What would your husband and kids do if you die in a car accident today? Or get hit by a bus tomorrow? Or die in a plane crash? I'm sorry she is not being supportive, and I would tell her that you have given this lots and lots of thought and you are ready to make a positive change in your life. Your hope is that she could be happy and supportive for you, but if she can't then she needs to keep her NEGATIVE thoughts to herself. I realize that people who love you are also people who are scared for you, but people have surgery every day and don't die from surgery. Sorry I hope she comes around but you might need some space from her right now.
  6. I'm sorry about your fibroid, I'm sure that is painful. I think that does sound like a lot of pressure on yourself (to lose as much weight as possible before your removal/tummy tuck AND recover in time for your big trip) but I think with the sleeve, all things are possible. I would do the best you can by Aug. and if nothing else, put off the tummy tuck for another time. Hang in there, I'm sure there is a lot of emotion tied to all of this.
  7. Welcome from one Sheila to another!!! I too orginially thought "lap band" but at the prodding of my husband (who is going to be sleeved soon as well) he begged me to please research the sleeve. I am forever grateful to him and his prodding, here I am sleeved almost 3 months and LOVING my sleeve!!
  8. M2G

    going in this morning

    Good luck ladies! Keep us posted when you get to the "other" side!
  9. Congrats on doing a video log. I'm sure it will be very helpful to pre-ops!! I used a few of the Wal-Mart bullets but thanks to some vets here at VST I learned that they are comprised of mostly collagen Protein vs. pure whey. I asked my NUT about them and she said they were not as good as Isopure, etc. which were a "better" form of protein. But she okayed them for use. I ended up taking ice and putting it in my snowcone maker and pouring the bullets over shaved ice and eating it with a spoon. I used "Premier Protein" RTD (ready to drink) shakes from costco (1 shake = 30g protein and only 1g of sugar) because they were easy and I didn't have to dirty a blender. lol. When I do use a blender I like Jay Robb Protein powder, it is my personal favorite. Try the greek yogurt when you get to mushies for more protein. Also use the powdered protein powder (the powdered whey you bought) and add it to your sugar free pudding, etc. to give it some more protein, once you are on to mushies. Good luck with your upcoming surgery! I hope everything goes well.
  10. M2G


    LOL, I was thinking as I read your title "sure I use it in my decaf coffee." Sorry I don't have an answer for your intended question...sorry things are itchy...I didn't have that trouble. I hope one of the creams recommended helps out.
  11. My NUTs are all over benefiber. Not the tablets or pills of Benefiber, the kind you mix into water. So that is my thing...I drink the orange flavored benefiber 1 or 2x a day and it does really help!
  12. M2G


    My thoughts exactly! And enjoy your "honeymoon" time, it's well deserved!!!
  13. M2G

    How soon can you exercise

    I was up walking within 4 hours of surgery, and kept walking as much as possible during the first 6 weeks. After 6 weeks I was cleared for all exercise and went back to Curves and promptly pulled a muscle in my abdomin. So that delayed me another week before I was able to go back. But I was a regular exerciser before surgery, so walking was a step down from what I had been doing. Probably for the first week, I was just walking around the house, or walking up and down the stairs as much as possible, but then I switched to the treadmill and started out at 20 minutes and increased to 30 minutes within a week of starting. Walking is the best thing you can do in the first 6 weeks.
  14. M2G

    Just because

    You are looking absolutely wonderful! 4" heels...OMG! Woo hoo!
  15. Absolutely Amazing!!! Conratulations!!! Keep rocking that sleeve!!!
  16. M2G

    I'm in the CENTURY CLUB!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doing the happy dance for you right now. WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!
  17. Great story, that is wonderful for you to be able to share it here. Sorry that your friends are sick of WLS talk...thank God for this forum right? I can't imagine going through all of this without my VST family!
  18. I thought the same thing, 2 more months and you could easily be -50 overall (or I would think that is possible). I think 50lbs in 2 months is pretty extreme. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it does seem like a lot to lose with the sleeve. On one hand it is good that your dr. is giving you goals, but on the other hand I hope he is okay with you reaching those goals in the timetable that YOUR body will allow vs. what he thinks is doable.
  19. Oh my goodness, I'm sure that was quite the shock. I can only imagine how I might feel if I had woken up to something similar happening. However, I'm sure after you have had time to do your research and you are feeling better, you WILL be one saying you love your sleeve and will probably be SO happy that your surgeon did the switch for you. I met a friend at my dr. office who had the RNY the same week I had my VSG and she WISHES she had known about the sleeve or done more research, she wishes she could go back in time and do the sleeve. But she is making the RNY work, we have decided to be support buddies to each other. I think waking up and NOT having any WLS at all would have to be the worst. SO welcome, and post any questions you might have, this forum is the best place ever!
  20. I think equating a staple line to a band probably isn't quite an apples to apples comparison. In a band there is the actual band itself, the tubing, AND the port, all of which can fail or break. From what I understand the staples used in a VSG are put in place (and yes there is a risk of a leak but the risk diminishes with time) and once the staple line is healed, it is healed. I have not read stats on people who have the VSG and suddenly 5 or 10 years later their body rejects the staples. Maybe Tiff knows if that has happened or not because she is research junkie and she might have run accross something like that, but I haven't yet. I just wouldn't call that a completely equal comparison. My reason for VSG was a LOT of things that have already been mentioned, but my biggest reason by far is I can't stand to vomit (call it sliming or PBing or whatever you want, it is still food traveling in the WRONG direction) and I just don't deal well with that. Good luck with whatever surgery you decide to do!
  21. 38 (I will be 39 on Jan 17...so yep, I'm still claiming 38, lol)
  22. M2G

    WHY ME???

    I agree that most food intolerances are resolved by the one year mark. And also (this is just me personally) I am not good about tossing my Cookies and if anything were to give me that I would discontinue it for a very long time (again, just my personality!) I have yet to regurge ANYTHING since being sleeved and that includes coming out of the anethesia fog after surgery (I think they dosed me up pretty good on anti-nausea meds.) It is just a thing of mine that I can't stand food to come up when it is suppossed to go down. So if it were me I would give bread a wide berth at this point in time.
  23. Thanks ladies for your input. It looks like I need to do some research. And Susanne, thank you, I am getting ready to upgrade my phone and it WOULD be nice to enter food on my food instead of always being at the computer to log it.
  24. M2G

    New Here Need Advice!

    I average about 700-1,000 calories a day, but I honestly am not worried about calories at this point. My big question of each and every day, is "did I get enough Protein?" I average about 70-85 grams of protein a day. I think if you are getting your protein and your Water and sounds like you are losing then you are doing the right thing. As to not being on a "diet" well, I do sort of feel like I am on a diet, but only because I want to take full advantage of the "honeymoon period" (first year or so post-op is optimum time to lose the most weight) that I keep hearing drs., NUTs, and vet sleevers talk about. I don't want to eat the cookie now, but yes, when I am on maintenance I do plan on incorporating things back into my diet in a reasonable amount. I'm so early out (just shy of 3 months) that I don't want to start down a slippery slope with bites of this and bites of that. I found myself doing that at Christmastime and it did scare me a bit. So I stopped putting things in my mouth that don't NEED to be there. At least for now.
  25. No cath for me! I agree with asking for antibiotics if you are getting one!

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