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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. M2G

    Family Photos

    Tiffany, those are amazing! And I know this sounds crazy, but I can tell even when you were larger, you still have that same big personality. I know I always tried to "hide" behind a child in photos and to see the pictures (before) and know that you weren't hiding....aaah, does a heart good. As for the "now" photos, you look absolutely stunning. Finally that personality and body match and your smile tells the story. Thank you for sharing so much of your journey with us.
  2. Okay, time to jump in...I keep seeing this thread and forgetting to post to it. So, the last time I weighed around 180-190 I was wearing a size 12-14. However, my surgeon set my goal weight to be 150. I honestly cannot remember the last time I weighed 150 (must have been early HS b/c when I graduated I weighed 175.) So I guess the answer is NO, I'm not looking for a GOAL SIZE, probably because I have NO idea what size I would be at 150. I guess I am following the BMI more than anything, and whatever size I happen to be at goal is it. Of course, I am a woman and I do reserve the right to change my mind along the way.
  3. M2G

    Ice Cream Maker

    Okay I did indeed get a Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker for my birthday, and today I made Protein ice cream...WOO HOO!!! I just made plain vanilla, but am excited to experiment like eggface...with all her SF mix-ins. Here is the best part....MY KIDS ARE EATING PROTEIN ICE CREAM !!!! (BTW, they are 8 and 10 years old so they "know" the difference and said they actually LIKED the protein ice cream!) Who would have ever thought??? This is the kind my DH got...if it were me I probably would have gotten a smaller cheaper one, but this one is very nice! http://www.bedbathan...sp?SKU=13627029
  4. M2G

    WLS cookbooks?

    Now that I've used this cookbook, I actually would NOT recommend it to anyone. Truth be told, I have only made 2 recipes, but they were both not that good. :frown2: Feel like I wasted my money. :mad4: Oh well, live and learn right?
  5. That is excellent. It sure is nice to not obsess over food anymore isn't it? Congrats on the -4...a nice little January present for you!
  6. Woo hoo! You look amazing, and SO happy! Congrats on your big hike!
  7. M2G

    NSV: Size 36 jeans

    Definitely at NSV!! I know that while the scale may "measure" our loss, its harder to see our bodies shrinking until we do something like put on a pair of jeans that we have long outgrown. Such a great feeling! Congrats! :thumb:
  8. Welcome! You will find a ton of information here, so you are in the right place. Good luck on your journey, keep us updated along the way.
  9. Best of luck on your journey! I'm glad you are feeling at peace. That is exactly how I felt on my surgery day.
  10. Best of luck on your surgery and the start of your new life!
  11. M2G

    Just a little tip

    I use mine and it comes in super handy when the meat is still semi-frozen. It's much better than a spatula when it comes to ground meat.
  12. M2G

    The Best Chcken/Egg Salad

    Sounds yummy! I think if I were going to make it I would use plain greek yogurt (in place of any type of mayo) to bump the Protein and also cook my own chicken for less fat.
  13. I would do your surgery post cruise also. I did a wonderful family vacation to Hawaii 2 months before I was sleeved and yes it would have been nice to be "skinnier" but we had a great time, and I indulged in macadamia nuts every day! Also gave me some great "before" pictures at my heaviest. Now I just need to go back after I hit goal and enjoy it all over again.
  14. Thanks Tiff! That sort of clears up how it can "test" a pouch.
  15. So I'm 2 weeks out from surgery today and I got the nicest call from my bariatric Nurse Case Manager. She was the one from UHC that 1. decided if I was 'eligible' and a good candidate for the surgery, and 2. the single person who decided YES or NO once my case was submitted from the surgeon's office. I had also a bariatric case manager who was much more accesible than the nurse, and my case manager was wonderful, answered any questions I had and sometimes would actually answer the phone, but always returned every call, etc. She called and left a very nice message on my cell phone the day of surgery wishing me good luck, etc. But the nurse I only spoke once to, and then played a couple of phone tag messages with her before surgery, so I was surprised that she called me today. I'm sure it is all part of her job to follow up with the patient, but she was great, asked me all sorts of questions about how I was feeling, and was very nice and supportive. I think sometimes insurance people and insurance in general is such a pain to deal with, it was nice to know that there are real people out there, and even though yes, they are doing their job, it was nice to know they actually cared.
  16. Oh yeah, I think we all have been there where it just seems like you can't take another Protein shake !!! I remember missing the act of "chewing"...so I would do a SF popsicle to just have something to CHEW. I'm sorry that your liquid diet isn't over for another 2 weeks (that is a LONG time to be on fluids only) but just think about how far it will put you weight-loss wise. I think I only did liquids for 10 days post-op and that was enough for me! After 10 days I was only allowed 5 foods (egg beaters, cottage cheese, refried Beans, yogurt and SF pudding) and at first I thought "woo hoo...real FOOD" and then because I had to do that for 2 weeks, they got really old really fast. Hang in there, don't worry about scaring away pre-ops...I think we all have our tough moments but it's good to share and know that you aren't alone.
  17. From what I understand it is basically what Tiff said...designed for RNY patients, but I still wonder if it really can "test" the size of the pouch (I'm unclear on the testing part and how that really all works.) I've always viewed it as a "back to basics" sort of plan, to get you refocused. I think it is a valid plan for sleeve patients who need to break some bad habits or just need to shuffle the deck so to speak in regards to shaking up their routine. Everyone remembers how careful they were (or were supposed to be) right after surgery, so it just kind of takes you back to that place. I do think it is generally viewed as a weight loss strategy for most people trying it.
  18. M2G

    WHY ME???

    You could try this and see if it sits okay with your sleeve... http://www.food.com/recipe/carb-free-cloud-bread-411501 I made this recipe one time and it was okay (as long as I was eating it with something else, like egg beaters for example) otherwise it sort of just felt like I was eating air. lol
  19. I do believe that everyone loses at a different rate. Granted your dr. has (hopefully) seen thousands of weight-loss surgery patients and can probably rattle off statistics and averages in his sleep, but I don't agree that your weight loss needs to be a one-size-fits-all job. I think SO much more factors are at stake than just age. I definitely don't think you should be down on yourself. I agree that it is kind of sucky that he didn't have any helpful advice and that the NUT he recommends can't seem to answer the phone. I also agree that trying to shake things up, add more solid lean protein, and increase your workouts might help jump start more of a loss. A loss is a loss, and everyone does lose at a different rate. I try very hard not to compare myself to others (it's hard, really!) and I do track my food intake, water, vitamins, and workouts, just so I know that I'm on MY plan and that is what works for me. Try different things and find out what works for YOU. But do not berate yourself or sell yourself short. Keep working your sleeve and you will see results.
  20. M2G


    Welcome! We always love hearing success stories (stats, and tips, etc.) from those who are further out than we are. Please tell us more about what you have learned in the last year. I think it is normal to be able to eat more at the one year mark than you were able to in the beginning. I think the actual stretching of your small tummy is a much rarer occurrence than say someone with an RNY would experience with their pouch. But Eureka is right about avoiding sliders and junk, otherwise the weight can come back.
  21. M2G

    protein shakes

    Premier Protein (like Becca said) from Costco, I think a case is 18 shakes and I don't remember the $$$ sorry. But they are perfect and RTD (ready to drink) Jay Robb protein powder (I buy it at King Soopers...same as Kroger) choc. and vanilla. Whey protein for mixing into shakes and sprinkling on things.
  22. I recall reading something about using a pillow, or teddy bear in my surgeon's notes, but I honestly don't remember doing a "cough test." And I hardly used any pain meds so I don't think I was too loopy to remember. I did use a spirometer to cut my risk of pneumonia and I had a horrible sore throat from the tube, but I don't recall any of my nurses making me do a specific cough test. So, if you are asking my opinion, I would probably skip buying this item, especially since you have zero chances of ever using it again.
  23. I think I would be pretty frustrated also. I would call and ask exactly what they need from you to recommend you for surgery? Are these dieticians working FOR your surgeon? Usually they are very familiar with being a support role for people having surgery. And I agree about soda, I used to drink diet soda and I quit cold turkey about a month before my surgery and haven't wanted or needed to go back to it. Good luck with everything I hope they recommend/approve you soon!
  24. It passes soon, at least it did for me. I think I was about 2 weeks out when the cycle of 1 sip = 2 burps finally subsided. Hang in there!

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