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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. Welcome!! I have never been "thin" my whole life, but I know the sleeve can get me a normal BMI. I think I was probably 12 years old the last time I had a normal BMI!! You will find a ton of great people and lots of information here. Good luck on your journey!
  2. TOTALLY!!!! At my drs. they lump the RNY's with the VSG's and there are so many differences!! It is annoying but I think the tide is changing... CONGRATS on having lost 100!!!
  3. I didn't have a band (thanks to everyone who was honest about what living life with a band is like!) but just wanted to say, Irene, that was really beautifully put! :heart:
  4. Congrats! I was 3 months on 1-22-11, and have *almost* lost 45lbs (I'm .2 away from it...aargh!) My stats are somewhat similar to yours. Let's keep working our sleeves, and we will eventually get to goal!
  5. Glad you are home and recovering nicely. Yes, you are right, fluids are the MOST important thing after surgery....keep sipping and walking (and resting too) Oh and congrats on your loss! Woo hoo! ~Sheila
  6. Welcome to the board. I couldn't help but to giggle at this "been fat nearly all my life, blah, blah, blah" because most of us have such a similar story, right? I think the sleeve will resolve (hopefully) many of your health issues. Good luck with your upcoming surgery!
  7. Friend Tiffykins and read through her stuff. She is a long-term vet around here and did have a band to sleeve revision. She did have a leak and definitely had a rough start. But she still would do it all over again because of her results. Go check out success stories and you will see quite a few members are at one year or more out. I've searched for lots of "complications" stories with the sleeve and they are hard to find. MUCH harder to find than any other WLS out there today. What you WILL find is people who say they LOVE THEIR SLEEVE. (You can put me in that category, I'm only 3 months out but haven't had one single bad issue related to having the sleeve!) Welcome to the boards, you will find a ton of information and helpful people here.
  8. Welcome Mike1981 and Thinbefore40!!! You will find a ton of helpful people and information on this site. As for losing "that" much with the VSG, I do believe that you can do it. The wonderful thing about the VSG, is that it can later be converted to a DS if you are not losing enough weight. It was originally designed as the first surgery in the DS procedure, used for super morbidly obese. However, as it was a first part, what Drs. were finding was that the many many people didn't need to come back and have the DS done because they were able to lose enought weight with the VSG alone. I think the hardest part is the emotions. And surrounding yourself with supportive people is hard to do when you bring up WLS. Hang in there, your time is almost here, and soon you will both be on the "losers" bench!
  9. M2G

    Hi Y'all

    Welcome and congrats on your loss! You will find a ton of helpful people and information on this site.
  10. Great analagy with the GPS and scale. You are doing everything right!!! I'm sure this 2lbs will be gone soon and take a few friends with it!
  11. M2G

    I can see my belt!

    I agree Coops! First: wearing a belt (I've avoided them for years) Second: being able to SEE it clearly, not, ah hem, searching for it! What a great NSV!!!
  12. Lexy, I think you are wise to consider all the options available going forward. I think probably getting that referral is an excellent idea. I hope it happens soon for you and that you get some clear answers as to the long-term health of your stomach. I have always been leary of the whole "reversible" claim that comes from lap-band, and plication, and while I know having a VSG is pretty drastic and some view it even as radical, I knew it was not reversible, but I was ready to live life within the limits that the VSG procedure provides. Thank you for coming back and updating us on your situation. I'm continuing to pray that you feel better each day and that you get some answers on what went wrong and what the future holds for you.
  13. You are doing great! Let us know how the pouch test goes!
  14. M2G


    I also missed your original post and am SO sorry you are going through this! Such excellent advice to get things checked out when you have issues or concerns. And even though you are going through an incredibly scary and rough time, I am so happy to see that you are staying positive and know that this too shall pass and you can pick up and move forward. I think attitude plays a huge part in our lives and how we frame our thinking. STAY POSITIVE and thank you for posting your story so that others can benefit.
  15. M2G


    That is SO rude. I agree that you have to not let it get to you, hard stuff for sure. It's very hurtful, and probably good that you didn't engage this individual any further. Sorry you had to go through that! BTW, I like this comback, I think it could be used in a variety of circumstances. I do agree that being "fat" is the last holdout that it is still "okay" for people to make fun of fat people. It's not okay to make comments, based on your ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc. but for some reason being fat is still a "free-for-all" and people make comments at will.
  16. I've used this site for almost 2 years now because once I started and had tagged all my personal favorites of food, I didn't want to start over somewhere else. BUT, I am frustrated with it because it won't allow me to put my personal daily goals less than 1200 calories, so even though I'm tracking my food, etc. I get the "thumbs down" (which of course I ignore) on most things because of course on a 1,200 calorie a day diet, I'm not eating that much (not quite 3 months out yet.) I'm using it mainly to track my calories, Protein and carb intake, and I really do like the "analysis" button that you can click on at any point in your day to see where you are at, but I would like to customize it for me, being a WLS patient. Ugh. So does anyone know how to circumvent not going below 1,200 calories on their settings?? Or do you have a site that you just love (like spark people or whatnot) and want to convince me to switch? Thoughts welcome!
  17. Well, I'm 3+months post-op and I can tell you it only gets better. I give a moments thought to my meal just before making it (will I have tuna or egg salad today for lunch?) Fix the food, and then forget about it. I used to be always thinking of my next meal before the one in front of me was done. It is amazing how freeing it can be to not have your thoughts constantly revolve around food. I'm sure skinny people think like post-WLS people...food becomes an afterthought. LOVE IT!!!
  18. That is very scary, and I'm glad you are ok. I am glad you posted this, because there are risks and complications that can happen with every surgery and it is really good information for people to know. I'm sorry you had to go through this, and wish you the best in your continuing journey for health.
  19. M2G

    Trader Joe's Corn Bread Mix

    First of all, we must have had the same idea yesterday. We had a pork loin roast that I seasoned and popped in the crock pot. It was delish! However, for sides I had broccoli and califlower steamed and my hubby and 2 girls had baked potatoes. Although corn bread would have FIT right into our dinner. lol. Secondly, I have not ever taken the time to look up corn bread on caloriecount, BUT I have a very good friend who is currently doing WW. And she went to Famous Dave's (BBQ restaurant) about a week ago. She decided to cave and eat one of their cornbread muffins. Figuring it might be 6 points, maybe 7. She went home and entered the data and came up with the shock of her life, 11 points. She was MORTIFIED (just like you felt I'm sure!) at how many calories, etc. were in ONE stinkin' corn muffin. And last, thanks for posting this, I will make sure anytime I eat corn bread that I REALLY want it and I REALLY enjoy the heck out of it, becuase it will be on my list of things to have "once in a blue moon!"
  20. IRENE ... CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can just feel the emotion from your words about reaching this goal. I am so so so happy for you, and so so so grateful that I did not continue down the path of having a band. I thank the members of this site for contributing to my decision to have the VSG. I'm so glad you have reached this milestone and have no doubt in my mind you will reach all of your other milestones too. :Dancing_wub:
  21. M2G

    Longest Stall Contest

    I think about 12 days has been my longest, and I'm only 3 months post-op. I'm sure there will be longer ones in store for me
  22. M2G


    What I am surpised about is how fast I can eat. I know we are suppossed to go slow, but I *hate* having to re-microwave 2oz of food. So I sit down, eat and chew and I'm done in a very quick amount of time. I have yet to "toss my cookies" since being sleeved! So I am generally surprised by that. I was orginially going to do the band and got NUT couseling about "tiny bites" "chewing slow" all that jazz. So in that respect I'm happy that the sleeve actually allows me to eat "normally" (normal bite, chew, swallow, etc.)
  23. Welcome! I think the sleeve rocks (just my opinion!) and you will be SO happy you had it done. It sounds like you were off to a rough start last July and I commend you for following through even it seemed like the odds were against you. I agree, this forum is the best thing I found and I do attend monthly support groups hosted by my surgeon's team and let me tell you I have yet to run accross another sleever at support group, this place fills in the all the "holes" that exist in real life.
  24. M2G

    Ice Cream Maker

    Has anyone tried making Protein ice cream (from eggface?) Protein powder and make a WLS friendly type of ice cream then that would be awesome. My birthday is this month and I am thinking of asking for an ice cream maker, but I wondered if anyone else had tried this and what they thought of the final product?
  25. M2G

    Ice Cream Maker

    No, it was really simple, because, well, the ice cream maker does all the work. I doubled the recipe from eggface, and did 2 cups of 2% milk, and 4 scoops of Protein powder (I used Jay Robb vanilla flavor, it's sweetened with Stevia) and then about 2 tbsp. of vanilla sugar free Jello pudding mix (powdered form.) I whisked it with a hand whisk in a bowl (just to prevent lumps) and dumped it into the machine. The machine did the rest of the work. If you are going to add mix-ins (eggface uses all sorts of SF items to add to hers) you add it to the machine during the last 5 minutes. I didn't add any mix-ins to mine and just did plain vanilla. And I think the cheaper ones work just fine too, but since this was a bday gift from my hubby, I wasn't going to return it and get a cheaper one lol. He bought this one because it can make 2 qts of ice cream and he thought that would be better since we are a family of 4. The smaller ones would work just fine for 1 or 2 people, easily.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
