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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. I too had UHC and a Nurse Case Manager (the ONE who decided yes or no) and also a Bariatric Case Manager who was more accessible than the nurse. But I did ask my Nurse specifically what happens if I lose weight and she told me since I had no co-morbs, then my BMI at my FINAL 6 month checkin would be the BMI used to determine eligibility. My plan stated >35 with the presence of co-morbs, >40 without any. I really wasn't at risk of going to low (my BMI was 44) but I didn't lose a single pound over the entire 6 month journey (plus my surgeon didn't require me to lose any weight either) and was approved for surgery after submitting all documentation at the end of my 6 month weight "monitoring" period. That is just my experience, you need to find out SPECIFICALLY what YOUR plan outlines. Keep calling until you get an answer, and preferrably from the PERSON who will actually decide your case.
  2. WOW, your BIG DAY is coming right up! Good luck with your upcoming surgery! Yes, I do work out. I've been going to Curves for almost 7 years at least 3-5 times a week, and then I walk on my treadmill or swim laps or take extra exercise classes at my local rec center (but not as often as Curves). I think I've dropped about 3 sizes? I am starting to be able to wear XL in the regular section and I started out wearing 3X in Plus Size. I'm bigger on top (broad shoulders and big chest) so I'm sort of in awe that a regular XL is fitting. lol
  3. BBJ, AMAZING results and I know you have worked hard for them. You look wonderful and it must be great to be "below" goal....I will be so happy to just make it TO goal, much less be below. Congrats on your success, and thanks for sharing!
  4. M2G

    Hello Onederland!

    Congratulations! That is such a wonderful milestone, worth celebrating!!! :party: You look wonderful and have done really well with your loss!
  5. 6 months from start to finish, using UHC insurance. I called in Apr 2010 and had to complete 6 months of documented weight monitoring with either a dr., nurse, or reg. dietician. I went through my surgeon's office for all my visits with his in-house nutritionists and had surgery in Oct. 2010.
  6. M2G

    Coke Zero????

    I have not had a single sip of soda since mid-Sept 2010. I don't miss it a bit. I was doing Water only for the longest time because Crystal lite seemed too sweet for me. But now I'm a big fan of this: http://thisonebody.blogspot.com/2011/02/water-water-more-water.html Darn, I cannot seem to get the link directly to True Lemon working, so this is my blog post about it. Anyway I drink True Raspberry Lemonade, it is sweetened with Stevia (which I really like over the other non-caloric sweetners.) But I drink about 1 of these a day. But to answer your question, I was told FLAT soda was ok. Just like the others said.
  7. M2G

    Whatcha eating today!!! TGIF

    TGIF indeed! B - egg beaters S - babybel cheese L - tuna S - mixed nuts S - 1/2 granny smith apple & cheese D - chicken w/veggies
  8. Oooh, I haven't heard that about it slowing down at 7 months...hey that is exciting...please keep us posted if that seems true for you. And thanks for the big compliments, you are an inspiration to many of us here!!!:heart:
  9. YES! I am loving my sleeve. YOU are my supastar!!! I cannot believe how close you are to ONEDERLAND. You have continued to completely amaze me with how quickly you have raced down on the scale. We need some before/afters of you too!
  10. You have hair like my girls do, BEAUTIFUL natural curls. I have naturally curly hair but it is that messy look, not the perfect spirals that my girls got. So I have spent my life straightening my hair. But if mine was as gorgeous as yours I would be tempted to let it be natural. :wink_smile:
  11. Yeeeeah baby, you have EARNED each pound, so be proud. I know we've talked about it before but I would guess your weight to be waaaay lower that what it is. You have done such an amazing job, I am SO happy for you. You look fantastic!!! Is your hair naturally curly?
  12. M2G

    alterations after WL

    Ooooh, I am definitely bookmarking her blog. I am not that savvy with a sewing machine, but my mom is. Thanks for posting this!
  13. Thank you all so much! Oh my gosh, YES! I am losing hair left and right. I have been taking Biotin since September but from what I understand it doesn't really help prevent loss, it just helps with new growth. My before picture was taken late 2009 (not actually my higest weight, but you get the idea) and my hair was shorter in that photo. We took a trip to Hawaii Aug 2010 and I told my hairdresser that I wanted to grow it out for the trip. Then came back, started taking Biotin and told my hairdresser that I liked it longer. I had it cut in Feb and she put a ton of layers in ...I think that helped make it look fuller. But just wanted to say that sadly I am losing my hair. I guess it probably isn't noticable to anyone but myself and my hairdresser.
  14. M2G

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Okay, I always forget to come update over here... but here is the latest for me. SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Mommy2Girls............229..............224............210................14
  15. LOL, my DH was sleeved on Mon. and told me that he was having food dreams. For instance in one of them everyone was sitting around watching TV and someone passed him a bag of chips and he actually ate one. He is on liquids post-op for 10 days, so he definitely can't eat any food. I don't remember having any food-related dreams when I was sleeved, but I rarely remember my dreams, anyway. I think it is pretty normal.
  16. Welcome and congrats on your new sleeve. This is the best support group I've ever had (and I do attend monthy meetings thru my surgeon's office as well...but don't find many sleevers!)
  17. Congratulations! You are doing awesome, and I love the boots picture!
  18. M2G

    i did it!!!!

    Congrats on the sleeve! Hang in there, the first week is the roughest.
  19. WOW! Congratulations! You don't even look like the same person!
  20. M2G

    Awkward moment

    Oh no! That would be horrifying. Totally different situation when you are in a one-on-one kind of conversation, but completely different when you are in FRONT of a whole group of people. I guess take it as a compliment?
  21. Awesome job!!! Love the cute belt, what a nice thing...to be able to WEAR a belt! Keep up the good work, you are looking great!
  22. Woo hoo girl!!! 111....just let that number sink in for a minute. You are doing great, and I hope the vacation is wonderful, you deserve it!
  23. WOW, almost 100!!! That is amazing, and you look wonderful! Congrats.
  24. M2G

    DH is getting sleeved Mon. 3/7

    Thanks for all the advice guys. His surgery went well, recovery is going well, he should be released from the hospital today. It will probably be a long week for him but he is in good spirits. I joked that it's too bad he had to have surgery to get a little time off. Anyway, thanks for all the advice/wisdom, it was much appreciated!
  25. My husband is getting sleeved on Monday! I am so happy for him. Whenever I brought up WLS, he would be mildly interested but for years we never took action. Then finally in Apr. 2010 I made the call to my insurance to get the ball rolling. I asked him to consider it as well. It took him a while, but he did finally decide that he wanted to do this as well. (And I have to give him TONS of credit because I originally was going to do the band and he begged me to research the sleeve...thank goodness!) Anyway, after some insurance and dr./surgeon bumbling of the paperwork (he was due to be sleeved Dec. 2010) his day is finally almost here. He has about 80-90lbs to lose and I think it will go fairly quickly for him. Thanks to the "Man Room" I told him he would probably be shaved (and that was confirmed at his pre-admission testing yesterday) they cautioned him to not do it himself, that they would do it for him. But I was wondering if any of you men have advice that I can give to him? He is planning on taking a week and a half off from work (this is huge for him, he has had about 7 days off in the last 6 months...no joke...it has been a crazy project at work that he is on that is finally starting to come to an end.) How was your recovery time? Did you exercise before getting sleeved and (if not) now that you are sleeved have you found a way to incorporate exercise? Basically just looking for wisdom/advice, thanks guys!

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