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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by M2G

  1. Mine is shrinking too, :thumbs_up: gotta love the sleeve!
  2. M2G

    A crazy NSV

    Those are funny! :laugh:
  3. M2G

    A crazy NSV

    Non scale Victory Just so the scale doesn't rule/dictate our lives. It's not always about the number on the scale, so we are always trying to find non-scale ways to celebrate!
  4. M2G

    A crazy NSV

    Thanks for sharing this Diva. It has me thinking... When you are obese there is no where to hide. We try taking cover behind other people or a child in a photo. We try to squeeze ourselves into a movie theater seat and pray that no one needs to get by and use the bathroom. We do mental calcuations as to whether or not that plastic chair or kayak amusement park ride or zip line or horse will hold us. And one thing that we all so desprately want is to blend in, and be noticed for our great smile, hair, eyes, or shining personality, yet when someone is talking to us or looking at us, the obesity is THERE. The elephant in the room so to speak (truly pardon the pun.) It's so nice to shed enough weight to be/look normal. LOVE THIS! Woo hoo. Congrats on your NSV!!!
  5. M2G

    I DID IT!!!!

  6. M2G

    Funny NSV

    That is pretty funny! Totally a great feeling to be but a slender shadow of your former self.
  7. I made a friend at support group who had the RNY the same week (hers was on a Mon. and mine a Fri.) and she and I are about tied even on weight loss. HOWEVER, she is wheelchair bound due to a freak accident injuring both of her knees. During her extensive recovery she contracted a MRSA infection that nearly took her life. She is indeed lucky to be alive today. She is very soon going to be having both of her knees operated on (again) with the hopes of being ambulatory soon. She *wishes* she had the sleeve but didn't hear of it/know much about it and went with the RNY. I tell her all the time, it doesn't matter, YOU make this work for YOU, because the thought of her being able to walk again. WOW. She has had an okay recovery, no strictures, and she doesn't get dumping (which she was actually sad about, lol) but her little pouch is far more sensitive than my sleeve. I think as the sleeve gains popularity, it make shake the core of the "gold standard" being the RNY. There is SO much more data on the RNY, it's hard to compare. I am so happy with my choice of the sleeve too! To think *shudder* I was going for the band originally. Thank goodness for the sleeve and all of my sleeve sister and brothers who took the path before me so it wasn't as scary when it was my turn.
  8. My girls were 8&9 when I had surgery (now they are 8&10) and our situation was a little bit different because by the time we had told them about surgery my husband had also decided to be sleeved so it was BOTH of us that were going under (although his surgery was 5 months after mine...so they didn't have to worry about both of us at the *same* time.) We skipped the gory details about losing 85% of our stomachs, but rather focused on the fact that we needed to lose weight in order to be healthy and that meant that our eating habits would change and that the surgery would prevent us from eating a lot of food. They understood that this was a private family matter and that we weren't planning on broadcasting our surgery to the world. My oldest DD did actually tell a friend that I was in the hospital and her mom asked me about it a few days later, but I wasn't planning on sharing with this mom. I simply said I had surgery and I was doing much better and feeling much better and thanks for her concern. And she dropped it and never asked again (although I'm sure she has her suspicions...lol.) Anyway, all of this is to echo was Tiff said, keep it age appropriate and know your child and what they can handle. I knew it would take 6 months before insurance approved, so we waited to tell the kids until about a month before my surgery. I didn't need them to worry for 6 months, but I also wanted to give them time to ask questions or voice concerns.
  9. M2G


    Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you are in the hospital...I so glad your husband took you to the ER. That is scary and I'm so glad they are figuring out what is going on. I might be wrong, but I do believe that strictures are actually MUCH more common with RNY than they are with the sleeve. I'm surprised they were wanting to convert. I am so sorry that you are going through this, and I hope you recover quickly and are up and running around soon. Hugs!
  10. M2G

    Aretha Franklin

    Okay, my 8 year old daughter just walked by while I was reading this post and said "who IS that?" I was like it's Raven Symone" and she says "WOW, SHE HAS LOST A LOT OF WEIGHT!!!" I did not realize that she was so skinny...I haven't seen her in a movie in a while and her show is off the Disney Channel, so I haven't kept up. HOLY COW she IS skinny. I wonder what she did...
  11. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I don't know what to say. Except that if there is something going on, please let your dr. properly diagnose and treat whatever is wrong. You don't want to have surgery and then end up with a major complication because your dr. didn't thoroughly check you out. I'm sure this feels like the end of the world, and I hope you are still able to have surgery...maybe just not on the time table you had planned on. HUGS!
  12. M2G


    My fourth month I stalled HORRIBLY, and NOTHING I did made the scale move. I upped my Water, upped my workouts, increased my Protein and the scale didn't budge. All in all for the month of Feb. I lost -2lbs. It was awful. But of course I survived and you will too. We all want to wake up and be at goal, but really this is process and we learn as we go. What works for one person may not work for another. I had surgery a FULL 2 months before you and I've only lost -57 (all from surg. date...no pre-op here.) So don't think that you haven't accomplished much...because WOW!! You were hospitalized early out (if I remember correctly) and I'm sure your body is still trying to figure out exactly what hit it. I'm sorry you aren't *feeling* much support from this community. I just can't spend 24/7 here logged in reading and posting (although if you asked my family they would say that is what I'm doing...lol) So I hop on, check out what is new and only answer a post if I feel like I have something worthy to add. You can PM me anytime and I promise to answer. Just like you can't compare weight loss stats from you to another person, it's a good idea not to compare how many responses one person gets vs. another person. I think the pattern you will find is completely random. Hang in there, this too shall pass.
  13. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! You look amazing and I agree definitely younger. You look the the little sister of your before picture. WOW!
  14. M2G

    6 months post-op

    Sarah, first of all, CONGRATULATIONS for 1) making the century club 2) reaching the 6 month milesone 3) having perfect lab work!!! You have acheived so much!!! Now it's time to get your head screwed on straight. You are over halfway to goal. You need to sit down and have a little chat with yourself about where you have come from and where you want to be. You know this takes hard work, dedication, effort and yes a fair amount of willpower. The first couple of months is when the weight is dropping faster than you can blink, you know that goes away and it only gets harder the further you get from your surgery date and closer you get to goal. Make the most of this time. I think maybe you should try the 5 day pouch test (google that, can't remember if it is 5 or five) where you basically revert back to your immediate post-op plan. You do liquids for a day or two, then add back in mushies and finally solids. It can clear your system of the carb monster and reorient your thinking. I have not done a full pouch test, but I have done a day of liquids when I think that I'm feeling true hunger, and every single time I've done it (2 times since surgery) I am reminded that NO, I'm not feeling true hunger, because if I can survive a day of liquids and not feel hunger pangs, then what I was feeling was just the WANT to eat more, not the true NEED to eat more. You know I am here for you anytime...YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  15. M2G

    NSV 4 me!

    CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My DH was sleeved last month and started at a 40 (that was cutting him in half too, lol, I totally understand what you mean!), I can't wait to see what he ends up as.
  16. M2G

    Just ate 5 Big Macs ,3 Large fries

    DITTO!! LOL, you were sneaky and put it in the PRE OP area...I would have been more 'suspect' if it were in the POST OP area. LOL! You are funnY!
  17. YAY!!! You are out LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST!!! And looking amazing while doing it! Congrats, I'm SO happy for you!
  18. For the first time in, um forever, I'm looking forward to this summer and swimsuit season. I got a Land's End catalog in the mail last week and they have SO many swimsuits. Of course it is way too early to buy one, hoping to lose a good chunk of change by May/June, but it is fun dreaming. And thinking of taking my kids to a waterpark or pool or something and not feeling like I want to hide from the entire world. I can't wait to get rid of all my swimdresses and replace them with new, cute, stylish swimwear. . Anyone else?
  19. M2G

    Swimsuit Season

    Mini---those are CUTE!! I was *just* at Target today and I saw neither of these cute little things. I bet you look great (with a tan of course!)
  20. Congrats on making the "loser's bench" ...glad things are going well!
  21. I waited like 2 days post-op. I have always been a straw drinker and I probably always will be. For me it actually helped because I love a straw. I am not a gulper, I am still a sipper, and always have been. However, you do take in more air with a straw and for that I paid. The price was 2 little burps for every one sip of Water I took. Oh well, it was gone by about the 3 week mark. I'm not advising you to go against your drs. orders, but rather just sharing what I did.
  22. M2G

    Updated My Photo Album

    Christie, you look amazing. You have done such a great job, and you are still an inspiration to me. I am so happy for you. CONGRATS!!!!
  23. M2G

    Fill your own goddamn emotional void

    Really funny!
  24. M2G

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Haven't updated in a while: SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Mommy2Girls............229..............217............210................7 (OMG I set a goal of -19lbs...and now it is down to 7 it is feeling much more "realistic" than when I set it...woo hoo!)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
